Recap of the Scotty Campbell interview on “In Your Head Wrestling” radio

IYHHosts Jack E. Jones and One Inch Biceps welcomed Scotty Campbell to IYH Wrestling Radio.  Scotty was the winning bidder for a Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund fundraising auction and accompanied the tag team Tons of Funk to the ring on the June 24th, 2013 episode of Monday Night RAW.

Highlights included the following:

Who was involved in the planning for his segment on RAW?  “The agent and producer for my little part of the show was Mike Rotunda…He basically says, ‘Hey, talk to Sweet T; he’s the choreographer basically.’…Doesn’t that seem like what you would not expect to hear? That Sweet T, Prince Albert, the A Train is the choreographer.  But yeah, he was going over moves with me and Brodus, and the Funkadactyls were there…it’s about an hour before the venue opens to the public…we’re going through a few moves…So the music hits and we do a quick rehearsal…I looked at my video in the production truck and I was not animated enough and did not appear happy enough…so I had to loosen up and have fun with it.”

When he got a chance to watch a replay of the show, what did he think of the commentary while he came out?  “I thought the commentary was flawless, especially JBL’s comments; I thought it was really good.  Michael Cole sounded like he was genuinely laughing and actually enjoying the moment.  That was something, I mean you guys have watched the product for years as well; other than Big Dick Johnson I’ve never seen anything that foolish.”

Other topics discussed included:

What two people backstage stayed 100% in-character all night long?

What was his opinion of Vince McMahon?

Who does he think is the hottest Diva in real life?

How much did he pay for the auction?

This interview is available for listening: