Katz Files: My Genesis Preview & Predictions!

The Katz Files – Arnie Katz

Genesis : Preview & Predictions

The Kingfish Arnie Katz gets you ready for TNA’s December pay per view event!.

TNA is building it’s January payer per view, Genesis, around three matches that put members of the Main Event Mafia against representatives of the TNA Frontline. Topping the card is the long-awaited rematch between Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett.

TNA almost always gives fans an exciting show, but this time the luster of the match-ups is a little dimmer due to the absence of Samoa Joe and Brother Ray. Expect this card to settle few issues but do a fairly good job of setting up for some climactic matches at the February PPV.

Let’s look at the card match by match…

Awesome Kong vs. Christy Hemme
TNA Knockouts Championship
Lumberjill Match

The Story:: These days, beating the Knockout Champion is even harder than it used to be, before she started coming to the ring with no fewer than three cohorts. The numbers game has stopped Christy Hemme in the past, but this time she has a trio of very capable friends in her corner, too. The playing field will be level; the question is: will that be enough?

My Prediction: Despite the window dressing of the Lumberjack Stipulation, Awesome Kong should look very powerful in defeating Hemme, who is more of a talker than a worker. Kong will take a few lumps from the babyfaces, as will members of her group, but she’s likely to steamroller Hemme to clear the way for the next challenger.

Predicted Grade: B-

Beer Money vs. Abyss & Matt Morgan vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
TNA World Tag Team Championship
Triple Threat Match

The Story: Beer Money has attacked Abyss and Morgan at the team’s weakest point, the masked monster’s unstable mental condition. The champs have turned Abyss inside out with their mind games. Adding even more uncertainty to the situation is the inclusion of Lethal Consequences, who won a title shot in “Feast or Fired.”

My Prediction: Matt Morgan and Abyss appear headed for a feud, which is probably ill-advised from several standpoints. To make that storyline fly, though, it would be best if they had the titles when their friendship shatters. The best way to achieve it would be for Abyss and Morgan to get a lot of revenge against Beer Money, but actually have Morgan pin Creed. That would set up a rematch against Beer Money.

Predicted Grade: B

Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley
X-Division Tournament Finals

The Story: The title, held up as a result of events in the Eric Young-Sheik Abdul Bashir match, will go to the winner of this match between members of The Motor City Machine Guns. Sabin and Shelley both survived the ladder leading to this showdown. The question is, will the team and their friendship survive this match?

My Prediction: Expect a very heavily booked match. Remember, these two guys didn’t win the tournament by skill or accident; this is a storyline. The Guns could well come to the ring with the intention of having one simply lay down for the other. The problem is, both will want to be the one who makes the pin and get the championship win. Alex Shelley will let his desire for fame and glory overwhelm him and he will open hostilities with an underhanded attack. The two will then go all out in an effort to prove their superiority. Chris Sabin will overcome the early disadvantage to once again win the X Division Championship.

A significant alternative possibility is that Suicide will hit the ring and destroy both men when they refuse to fight a decent match.

Predicted Grade: B+

Sting vs. Rhino
TNA World Championship

The Story: The War Machine has become one of TNA Frontline’s most fiery leaders. In the absence of Samoa Joe, it is his task to challenge the Main Event Mafia’s Sting.

MY Prediction: This seems so absolutely cut-and-dried, so definitely a Sting victory, that I almost doubt it. A win for the Man-Beast would be a major shock. So it looks like a ho-hum match – unless the Main Event Mafia meddles in the match and gets Sting disqualified. Then they can get down to the real business, a five-on-one beatdown of Rhino.

Predicted Grade</B?: B

Mick Foley, AJ Styles & Brother Devon vs. Booker T, Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner

The Story: Mick Foley will get back in the ring for this mini-war between major elements of the two factions in the Respect War. Injuries have taken out Samoa Joe and Brother Ray and fans have to wonder if a rusty Foley can make up for their absence.

My Prediction: Mick Foley will perform a compilation of some of his greatest hits, including a cameo by Mr. Socko, but the heels will pin Devon to take the victory. I see Booker T striking the telling blow and making the winning cover.

Predicted Grade: B

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

The Story: Kurt Angle has put Jeff Jarrett at the top of his personal agenda ever since the TNA founder returned from two years of self-imposed exile. Kurt has used mind games and relentless savagery to force Double J to get back in the ring with him.

My Prediction: Since Kurt lost to Jarrett in their first encounter, it figures that Angle will come out on top in this one to set up a “tie-breaker” match at the next, somewhat more important pay per view. It is going to have to be a tainted victory for the former Olympian, though, because a bad Jarrett loss would kill the program.

Predicted Grade: B+

Predicted Grade for Genesis: B

That’s it for today. I’ll be back on Monday with another installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising daily wrestling column. I’ll have the recap and analysis of Genesis and you’ll be able to laugh at my predictions.

— Arnie Katz