‘Wrestling Mayhem Show’ talks to Mike Kingston about Headlocked: The Last Territory


The Wrestling Mayhem Show catches up with Mike Kingston on the verge of making his goal on Kickstarter for his pro wrestling comic book project, Headlocked: The Last Territory.  We catch up on the concept on Headlocked, the intentions of the Kickstarter, which is more than just getting a comic book out the door, producing a better representation of wrestling in a comic book, and how guys like Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lawler, and more are involved in the project and backer benefits!

More information, including a project trailer and link to Kickstarter can be found at http://www.headlockedcomic.com

The interview can be seen as an embeddable clip form:

The full episode can be found in video and audio form at: http://bit.ly/wms_383

The Wrestling Mayhem Show debuted as a podcast on January, 2006, and has amassed over 250 episodes in 5 years of production. The Wrestling Mayhem Show is an irreverent, no holds barred show, where the hosts discuss and have fun with the world of wrestling, from WWE, TNA and indy organizations. The hosts, Lunchbox, Sorg and a host of other fans who join the conversation via phone and chat room from the Bronx to Texas, are avid fans that genuinely love and respect the business they cover. The Wrestling Mayhem Show has been recognized in speaking at Podcasting events such as Podcamp Pittsburgh since 2006, as well as Bootcamp Pittsburgh in April 2007. Past interviews include such stars as TNA’s Eric Young and Cody Deaner and former WWE Stars, Brent Albright, Armando Estrada, Shawn Daivari,  Jerry Sags, Jimmy Snuka, as well as many Indy performers.

The Wrestling Mayhem Show can be seen live on live.sorgatronmedia.com every Tuesday from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time, and later via iTunes, Blip.tv, Roku, YouTube, and other video and podcast networks. All links and information can be found on www.WrestlingMayhemShow.com. This, and all other productions of Sorgatron Media can be found on www.SorgatronMedia.com.