Recent interview with former WWE creative member Court Bauer

Court BauerDavid Dexter reports that former WWE Creative member Court Bauer recently spoke on the The Kings of Sport podcast about racism and homophobia in WWE.

On WWE’s racism problem: “Kofi is a great example: He’s a guy that really blew up, and I thought, ‘this guy is going to climb that ladder; it’s going to be automatic,’ and then they just took a detour. You can always say ‘maybe the guy got in trouble in the locker room, maybe something came up with a contract, maybe something came up with his attitude, maybe it was bad booking.’ But you see it across the board. Vince was considering Mark [Henry] being the guy who ended The Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania 22. They do certainly hire a lot of African-Americans and they want to hire more Latinos it’s just they aren’t and the guys that they put in those positions—the ratio of success speaks for itself.”

On WWE’s homophobia: “Vince is 70, it doesn’t mean that’s an excuse for anything. He’s got a young daughter in her mid-30s. She has been on Twitter openly supporting gay marriage yet she runs a division a different way where I’ve heard my fair share of homophobic slurs being said about writers and stuff, especially LA writers who tend to be a little bit more dramatic. And they’d be called—’look at this [expletive] queer here.’ He was straight or whatever, didn’t matter, point is that was tolerated in laughter.”