OWW Daily News & Notes for 12/31


[Holiday Gift] www.ClickWrestle.com has gone CRAaAZzy!!! Use discount code 38005207 for 75% off total order. Spread the word!

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] LuFisto’s Greatest Matches.

[ChickFight] Join the ChickFight forum and let your voice be heard at http://www.chickfight.tv/forum — for more information on ChickFight, be sure to keep an eye on http://www.chickfight.tv

[SHIMMER News] What are your picks for the various 2008 Year End Awards honors in SHIMMER? Post your choices in the following thread at The SHIMMER Forum… http://shimmerwomen.proboards50.com/index.cgi?board=shimmer&action=display&thread=2818

[Book News] The latest book release from ECW Press (www.ECWPress.com) is called “World Wrestling Insanity presents… Shoot First Ask Questions Later” and was written by our good friend James Guttman from the great www.WorldWrestlingInsanity.com website. Check it out at www.ECWpress.com or www.Amazon.com

[WSU Event] Women Superstars Uncensored returns on January 10th in Boonton, New Jersey with a DOUBLE DVD Taping with Mercedes Martinez vs Angel Orsini in a Steel Cage Match, the debut of Rachel Summerlyn & the return of Awesome Kong! Stay tuned to www.WSUWrestling.com for more on that event.

[BLOG] Gabe Sapolsky posted a new blog at www.myspace.com/rohgabe covering his year end awards and other stuff.

[Gallery] Christopher Daniels was a guest of Fox Searchlight at their premiere of The Wrestler last Tuesday. Here are some photos: http://mjkpr.com/The_Wrestler_Premiere_Christopher_Daniels (Photo credit, if necessary, is Marc Kruskol/MJK Public Relations)

[Website] Our friend Mark James from www.memphiswrestlinghistory.com has let us know that he has some exciting things happening on his Memphis Wrestling History website with lots more new stuff to come in 2009. Check it out.

[Training] Funk’s Corner – From Old School to the Present: Take a bump from the top rope like Sputnick Monroe. Do a knee drop like Ric Flair, strut like Gorgeous George, Super Kick like Shawn Michaels, be as beautiful as Lita, Mickie James and Helen Hilde (Mother of Ted Dibiase) wrestle like Kurt Angle, Fly like the Hardy Boyz, be as agressive as Antonio Inoki and wise as Giant Baba. Be as bad as the Funk Brothers. Bleed like Cowboy Bob Ellis. Use the Figure Four like Jack Brisco. Do a double wristlick like Lou Thesz. Be as tough as Gene Kiniski, as nice as Andre The Giant. Enter the ring like HHH. Do the Leg Drop like Huld Hogan. Be as cold as The Undertaker. Chop like Wahoo McDaniel. Be as mean as Johnny Valentine. Kick Ass like Stone Cold Steve Austin. Talk like The Rock. Be as arrogant as Vince McMahon and do Hard Core like Dory Funk Sr. in a Texas Death Match. Do it all at the Funking Conservatory – http://www.dory-funk.com and on !BANG! TV. Call 352-895-4658.

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!

W.D. Hatfield reviews “Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia”

W.D. Hatfield
Host of The Wrestling Hotseat Audio/Video Interview Show
Online Archives at www.MyVirtualBC.com

In the formulaic approach of the typical military action hero flick, WWE Studios latest offering “Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia” starring the WWE’s own Mr. Ken Kennedy is a true standout of the burgeoning film companies small library. Mr. Kennedy easily stands head and shoulders above John Cena and Kane as a true actor and comes across like a polished pro on the screen. As a viewer watching previous WWE Studio films, I was always consciously aware of these being wrestlers starring in movies, not so with Mr. Kennedy. In the oft referred “suspension of disbelief”, Mr. Kennedy allows the viewer to do just that. He did an excellent job and seemed like a true superstar in the film. Supported by an awesome cast of veterans and newcomers, “Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia” was a really cool action flick, of course it’s the standard “defy the establishment to bring our boys home” fare, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. The action scenes are great, very Rambo-esque in it’s over the top improbability, but if you long for logic, then this film isn’t for you. However, if you are in the mood for some great distraction and fun or you just think it’d be cool to see Mr. Kennedy kill the bad guys in inventive ways, then you must see this film. Is it the best action movie ever made? Of course not. Is it the best WWE Studios film so far? I think that not only is it the best, but it’s a damn shame this wasn’t released in theatres. It is so much better than other WWE offerings, that it should be an embarrassment to the WWE that Mr. Kennedy wasn’t featured in a starring film role sooner. As a wrestling fan as well as a film fan, after seeing Mr. Kennedy’s outstanding performance, the fact he isn’t featured in a more prominent role on regular WWE programming is either due to the political b.s. of the WWE hierarchy or sheer stupidity, which according to some sources I’ve spoken with are interchangeable adjectives to describe their thought processes. But I digress, “Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia” is a film full of fun quick quips by Mr. Kennedy, loud, violent, and boisterous action sequences, an awesome knife fight scene, and lots of explosive battles. I recommend checking this out, if you’ve been burnt with WWE Studios before, give it one more chance, I think you’ll be surprised. I definitely hope to see Mr. Kennedy back in more films, and I’d imagine that there will be other opportunities outside of WWE should McMahon and company drop the ball with this talented actor/wrestler, Mr. Ken Kennedy…..Kennedy.