TNA Lockdown 2013 Predictions – by Bob Colling

TNA Lockdown 2010

Tonight Impact Wrestling returns to pay per view for their second big event Lockdown! Here is the card along with my predictions for the event.

Joey Ryan vs. Joseph Park
I actually have no idea why these two are wrestling on pay per view. Park will probably win.

Robbie E vs. Robbie T
Fans have been liking Robbie T and Robbie E seems to be more expendable as the months go on. Robbie T gets the win.

For the TNA X-Division Championship:
[champion] Kenny King vs. Zema Ion vs. Christian York

The company made it a point to make the X-Division a big deal and yet I feel like the division is mainly involving these three men and Rob Van Dam. So, I’m kind of tired out of these three. King needs to win here and TNA needs to find him some fresher opponents.

For the TNA Knockouts Championship:
[champion] Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim

It’s too soon for Sky to drop the belt. She isn’t good at all, but the company is pushing her as the new top woman for the promotion. What a mistake that is from a in-ring perspective.

For the TNA World Tag Team Championships:
[champions] Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs. Bad Influence vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez

I’m interested in this match as I feel like the six men involved can put together a memorable match. I’d imagine this could be a spot where the champs drop the belts. The fact of the matter is, Aries and Roode need to be in the main event scene. Yes, they have been entertaining in the midcard ranks, but they need to be in a top spot where they can draw money for this company. I’m going to go with the Bad Influence to win the titles. They are just as entertaining as the current champs, in my opinion.

Steel Cage Match:
Kurt Angle vs. Wes Brisco

I understand that at some point you have to create stars in this business. I don’t see Wes Brisco as a star. He doesn’t have a good look. He doesn’t stick out to me in a positive sense. Being part of a failed stable isn’t going to help his case at all. Angle should get the win and this angle should be over with.

Lethal Lockdown:
Aces & Eights vs. Team TNA

I could probably go on a rant about how awful the Aces & Eights have been in TNA, but I won’t. Everyone knows that it was a failed program with awful choices to be part of the group. I mean, Garrett Bischoff? D’Lo Brown is the VP for the group? You’ve got to be kidding me. As usual, the babyfaces are going to prevail here and make it a feel good story for the promotion. Aces and Eights need to go away for good, though.

For the TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Steel Cage Match
[champion] Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray

Why are we supposed to care about this main event? What is their issue? They respect each other. There doesn’t seem to be any hatred whatsoever. I literally don’t care about this match. Good job, TNA. Take the belt off of Jeff Hardy and put it on Bully. That’s all I ask.

Feel free to share your own predictions below.

Thanks for reading.

— Bob Colling (Check out Bob’s blog at Wrestling Recaps)