
Former WWE/ECW Champion & former ECW World Television Champion, Rob Van Dam, was a special guest on this week’s special edition (11/11/08) of Monday Night Mayhem, hosted by The Big Mosh, Blade, & DFL. “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” is officially presented by Custom Muscle, the official online nutritional & supplement company of Monday Night Mayhem (purchase over $50.00, type in the word GRAND, & get 10% off your purchase), and is also sponsored by: Old Time Wrestling, The History Of,, & Serenity’s Treasures (all new customers receive 15% off your purchase through November 16th simply by using your coupon code of 54321)…the right place to shop for wall art|wall ornaments & gift ideas for any occasion. In addition, The Mayhem strongly encourages all of its fans around the globe to check out the brand-new & official WWE Universe Fan Nation blogs of Charlie Haas ( & D-Lo Brown (
You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,, &
RVD’s second-appearance on The Mayhem (his first since MNM’s six-year anniversary special) is now available for FREE in Windows Streaming Media, or via the official Monday Night Mayhem podcast on ITunes:
November 11th MNM Streaming Audio:
November 11th MNM Podcast On ITunes:
The Monday Night Mayhem Network has you fans covered for the release of the hottest video game of 2009, “SmackDown Vs, RAW 2009,” just in time for the holiday season! Beginning this week (and lasting through our special “2008: Year In Review” on December 29th), The Mayhem Crew will be giving away copies of the all-new game for all six video game systems (PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, & X-BOX 360). Want to know how you can score yourself a copy of “SD vs. RAW 2009,” courtesy of MNM? E-mail or MySpace us @ &
Here are some highlights of RVD’s interview on the show, provided by MNM listener, “Springfield” James:
The Big Mosh & Blade welcomed RVD back to the program, and Rob thanked them both for having him return to The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network. Rob started things off by saying that the place to still find RVD is in sunny California.
One question has been swirling amongst fans around the world, including those who are part of The Mayhem Nation: Will RVD return to the WWE or make a splash in TNA? Based on that, Rob said that his first thought waking up (on the day of his MNM return), was that he was glad at home…and not at some hotel, along with worrying about all of the stresses of the wrestling business.
Mosh asked RVD what led him to “shift gears” & start working on other projects outside of the wrestling business. Rob said that, for years, people have been approaching him with various ideas. This led to the creation of RVD TV, as well as RVD Radio ( He added that he listens to talk radio more than he listens to music, and he was thrilled to be able to have his own show — which he like to go on record saying has been a great success so far.
Blade asked Rob about his takes on the recent reports of the WWE cracking down on the use of marijuana in the company & the company changing their business & company style to more of a “PG” style audience. RVD wished to use The Mayhem’s open forum to bring up something that many fans might not be currently aware of: the new of medical marijuana being legalized in several states. RVD continued on, by saying that the WWE used to fine people for using marijuana & not give any punishment. Most superstars just paid the fine & continued their use of it, instead of giving it up altogether. Rob still believes that the schedule of the business is very grueling, and is one of the reasons why some talents may use this as one of their ways to relax.
Fans of RVD & “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling” will get to see “Mr. Monday Night” step into the CCW squared circle to teach the remaining celebs the art of the finishing move. Rob said that he was initially approached with the idea to appear on the show around the same time he found out his wife, Sonya, was diagnosed with cancer, but was able to make the proposed idea of him being on the program turn into a reality. He was thoroughly impressed with the way CCW was being put together, the ideas & concepts behind it (from Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jason Hervey, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, & Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake), and felt very encouraged to give it his seal/stamp of approval. Rob strongly believes that those who watch CCW this Saturday night will love what they see.
As The Mayhem celebrates its “November To Remember” Sweeps Month, RVD wished to reflect on his own personal memories of ECW’s flagship PPV of every year. He described the “most memorable” N2R moment for him taking place at The Golden Dome in Pittsburgh (Monaca), PA, the night where he gave Tommy Dreamer a piledriver (“where Dreamer shot up about three feet”) in their legendary “Flag Match.” Rob mentioned this happened was around the time he was thinking about leaving ECW for WCW (coming off the heels of not feeling used appropriately at the first ECW PPB, Barely Legal), but landed up going into an angle with the ECW/WWE. He also added that one of the most talked-about storylines/matches he had achieved a boiling point at the 1999 November To Remember (in The Mayhem’s hometown of Buffalo, NY) @ The Burt Flickinger Center — which saw Tazz’s departure from Extreme Championship Wrestling (to the WWE) & his last “extreme” Pay-Per-View encounter against “Mr. PPV.”
The biggest story of the past week has been “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage reportedly returning to the WWE & departing TNA Wrestling. Mosh & Blade asked RVD for his thoughts on this hot story & whether or not Christian will get lost in the “WWE shuffle.” Rob described Christian’s chances of making it to the top of World Wrestling Entertainment as “excellent,” based on the fact that he was well-liked by the office, & would be “welcomed back with open arms” not only by the office, but by WWE fans across the world.
There are only a select few “free-agent” talents that many in the business believe could make an immediate impact if they went to the WWE or TNA. RVD believes that his fans are some of the most loyal around (crediting those who bring signs saying “I paid to see RVD”), and how it feels good they have that sort of positive attitude about his name value after over a decade in the wrestling industry. After being a part of the WWE for so long, he said he felt burnt out by the office, as a result of a lot of the changes and the lack of freedom to have great matches & steal the show. Rob added that wrestling began to “feel like a job to him,” and that was one of the main reasons, if not the main one, to pursue other ventures outside of the business.
As many of the fans of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” remember this past February, The Big Mosh & Blade arranged for an “extreme union” of sorts between RVD & what many call his greatest opponent ever, Jerry Lynn for an on-air reunion. Since then, Jerry has yet again re-innovated himself again…this time in Ring Of Honor. Mosh asked RVD how excited he was to see Jerry have fun in the business again. Rob said that he is very happy for Jerry, and since he left the WWE, he has been getting submerged for requests from independent promoters to do another Jerry Lynn/RVD match. However, Rob made the decision to spend time with his family…and not spend it on the road post-WWE, excluding a few instances such as working for Booker T’s PWA promotion.
As a parting shot & in closing, RVD thanked Mosh & Blade for a stellar Mayhem return, as well as the well-wishes for Sonya’s recovery.
More is contained in this one-hour+ MNM/RVD “Sweeps Month” interview, including Rob’s uncensored thoughts & comments on whether he sees himself joining TNA (as part of The Main Event Mafia), who he has winning between Brock Lesnar & Randy Couture in this Saturday night’s UFC 91 PPV spectacular (and both men’s futures after the fight), his marijuana views, & why he remembers The Mayhem’s official show correspondent (and his former ECW colleague), Jim Molineaux, now more than ever before!
The Mayhem strongly encourages everyone to log onto Rob’s official website (, for all of the latest details on RVD TV & RVD Radio. Fans who wish to post your “get-well” wishes to Rob’s wife, Sonya, can head over to RVD’s official MySpace ( See RVD this Saturday night on CMT’s “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling,” beginning at 8PM ET/PT, and while watching vote for RVD’s appearance on Monday Night Mayhem as “Male Interview Of The Year” for the 2009 Wrestling Radio Awards. Vote early, vote often, vote R-V-D at
Don’t forget that “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” will have you fans covered from pillar-to-post on all of the latest exclusive news from “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling”…all the way into the season finale of the show on December 6th! Check out for our exclusive interviews with the four voted-off CCW contestants (Tiffany, Frank Stallone, “The Mistress Of Mayhem” Erin Murphy, & Nikki Ziering), as well as,, & www.BHE.TV for even more details on “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling.”
*It’s that time of the year again! As our country ushers in President-Elect Obama, log onto, as Monday Night Mayhem gears up for the upcoming 2009 Wrestling Radio Awards. As many long-time listeners of the program know, we have won several previous awards, including: the 2008 WRA “Media Interview Of The Year” w/WWE Hall Of Famer & the voice of MyNetworkTV’s “SmackDown,” Jim Ross, the 2007 WRA “Media Interview Of The Year” w/Eric Bischoff (co-hosted by The Mayhem’s National Correspondent, Scott Hudson), & the 2006 WRA “Female Interview Of The Year” w/Jackie Gayda.
“Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” has brought to you fans the most diverse booking of guests anywhere in 2008, and now is the time to make your vote count! Vote now for The Mayhem in the “Male Interview Of The Year” category (Dennis Rodman, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Jim Kelly, Sid Vicious, Rob Van Dam (w/Jerry Lynn & Jim Molineaux), Juventud Guerrera, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, Bruno “Harvey Whippleman” Laurer, Jerry Jarrett, & The Highlanders), the “Female Interview Of The Year” category (Brooke Hogan, Terri “Marlena” Runnels, Erin Murphy, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, So-Cal Val, Lacey Von Erich, Tiffany, Erin “Steel” Toughill), as well as “Media Interview Of The Year” (Jim Ross, Eric Bischoff, Jason Hervey, MyNetworkTV’s Paul Franklin, & Ring Of Honor’s Cary Silkin).
*All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” from six+ years of audio excellence. You can re-live The Mayhem’s live on-location remotes from the world-famous Ilio DiPaolo’s Restaurant (featuring NFL Hall Of Fame QB, Jim Kelly), The Mayhem’s WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn, & The Mayhem’s Dream Reunion II Special from Kokomo, IN — featuring: former WWE Diva search contestant Jessica Hatch, Al Snow, Marty Jannetty, Chavo “Classic” Guerrero Sr., “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Rosey, The Midnight Express (“Loverboy” Dennis Condrey & “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton), “The Genius” Lanny Poffo, & The Orient Express’ Pat Tanaka.
In addition, you can hear some of your favorite WWE superstars (Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Candice Michelle, Charlie Haas, & D-Lo Brown), WWE Hall Of Famers (Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Jim Ross, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, “Superstar” Billy Graham, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, The Iron Sheik, Tito Santana, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, Harley Race, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, & Don Muraco), the finest from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA President Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Terry Taylor, Jim Cornette, Kevin Nash, “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, Team 3-D, Scott Steiner, Kip/BG James, “The Notorious 187” Homicide, Beer Money’s Robert Roode, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, Kaz, Eric Young, Tomko, & Lance “Rock” Hoyt — along with TNA Knockouts Taylor Wilde, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Christy Hemme, So-Cal Val, & Traci Brooks), Ring Of Honor’s warriors (ROH Champion Nigel McGuinness, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Claudio Castagnoli, & ROH head booker Gabe Sapolsky), ECW originals (ECW’s founder Tod Gordon, Rob Van Dam, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Raven, The Sandman, Francine, 2 Cold Scorpio, New Jack, Axl Rotten, Jerry Lynn, Lance Storm, Mike “Nova” Bucci, “The Pitbull” Gary Wolfe, & Danny Doring), the most-beautiful some of the greatest managers in the history of our business (Percy Pringle III/Paul Bearer, “The Doctor Of Style” Slick, JJ Dillon, & the late Gary Hart), the voices that have called the sport/sports-entertainment for years (World Class’ Bill Mercer, the Mid-Atlantic/NWA’s Bob Caudle, & WCW/AWA’s Lee Marshall), the beautiful managers/valets that have graced the squared circle (Missy Hyatt, Terri Runnels, Lisa “Ivory” Moretti, Dawn Marie, Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald, Jackie Gayda Haas), wrestling legends/personalities from over the years, past & present (Bruno Sammartino, Jerry Jarrett, Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr., Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, “The Taskmaster” Kevin Sullivan, “The Living Legend” Larry Zbyszko, Sid, Tully Blanchard, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, “Bushwacker” Luke Williams, The Honky Tonk Man, Barry “Smash” Darsow, Virgil, Diamond Dallas Page, Vader, “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Konnan, Bruno “Harvey Whippleman” Lauer, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, Scotty 2 Hotty, David “Gangrel” Heath, Chris Kanyon, Nick “U-Gene” Dinsmore, Chris Nowinski, Low-Ki, Tomko, & The Highlanders), & some of the most well-known athletes & entertainers from pro-sports, the MMA, stage, & screen (including: Dennis Rodman, NFL Hall Of Famer Jim Kelly, former NFL Defensive Tackle/Nebraska All-American/author of “Hero Of The Underground,” Jason Peter, Frank Trigg, Dave Coulier of TV’s “Full House,” VH-1 “Best Week Ever’s” Greg Fitzsimmons of VH-1’s “Best Week Ever,” Dustin “Screech” Diamond of TV’s “Saved By The Bell,” Howard Stern’s Gary The Retard, Erin “Steel” Toughill & Dan “Nitro” Clark from “American Gladiators,” “Mad TV’s” Aries Spears, & Comic Relief founder Bob Zmuda). All this & so much more…now available on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network. World Wide 365 — &!
You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,,, & Monday Night Mayhem — World Wide 365…