Nikita Koloff discusses Vince McMahon

NIKITA KOLOFF DISCUSSES VINCE MCMAHON’S BIZARRE REACTION TO HEARING HIS NAME AND HOW THE ONLY NIKITA FIGURE EVER MADE IS FROM A COMPANY HE NEVER WORKED FOR By WorldWrestlingInsanity.comSome dream in color. Some dream in black and white. But there’s one man who made sure most of your nightmares in the 1980s were in Russian. Now the one and only Russian Nightmare himself Nikita Koloff has joined to discuss it all in a 55 minute shoot interview.


Anyone unfamiliar with Nikita’s unique career will definitely pick up a lot from this shoot including the fact that Koloff’s 11 second debut TV victory took place…before he had ever been trained. Nikita talks about that fact and how he got his spot in a way unlike most others. He also talks to James Guttman about a number of other subjects including the legendary WWF tag team he was almost a part of, Bill “Little Nikita” Goldberg, Magnum T.A. and the Best of Seven Series, returning to TNA, why he didn’t wrestle there, the worked story of his injury to Vader, how people react to hearing that he doesn’t have an accent, Jesse Ventura, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, WCW Loyalty, and more.


One subject that Nikita Koloff discussed was the strange reaction that Vince McMahon had whenever his name had been brought up for something like DVD commentary or legends tie-ins. Aside from Sting, Koloff is known as one of the few to never enter a WWE ring. He talks about how the options existed, what they were, and how he could have made more money there, but chose not to. So how did that affect McMahon’s views of him? The Russian Nightmare explained it in his 55 Minute discussion:


“It fascinates me because just recently, the one and only figure of Nikita Koloff has become available through the (WWE) Legends Classics or whatever they’re called. Through Jakks or whatever. I know the guys asked me to come out to California and do the thing. They told me then there had been three to four to five years that they approached Vince about doing a Nikita Koloff figure and every time he said, (abruptly) “No.” I mean just flat out.. No. And then a couple of years ago, they were persistent and just continued to ask…then out of the blue, they said it was just bizarre. He said, “OK. That’s fine.” And so they jumped on it as quick as they could. They jumped on it, contacted me, signed the contract, and it took two years to get it to the market place. So I’ve got a WWE Legends Wrestling Figure that’s now available…which is humorous to me, because to my knowledge, and you would probably know way better than me, but to my knowledge, myself and Steve Borden are the only two guys who never worked for Vince McMahon.”





The 140th edition of JG’s Radio Free Insanity is on the air and available right now at (Flash and MP3 download) This week’s show features the Russian Nightmare Nikita Koloff from his 55 minute shoot.


Nikita’s extended interview on included talk of: Debuting On TV…Without Any Training, Bill “Little Nikita” Goldberg, The Magnum T.A. Best of Seven Series, How The Vader Injury Story Was a Work, Why He Returned To TNA, Why He Wouldn’t Wrestle There, What It Would Take For Him To Return, Koloff For Christ Ministries, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair, Uncle Ivan, People’s Reaction to Hearing He’s Not From Russia, The Original Nikita Koloff, The Man Who Came Up With The Gimmick, and Much More


JG then speaks about his new book, “Shoot First…Ask Questions Later..” It’s now available on and wherever books are sold. The reaction so far has been great and James couldn’t be happier. This book, unlike the first, is a collection of his personal stories from the last three years. Not only will you find out about Guttman’s history with some of the stars he’s interviewed, but the tales of how the shoots came about – including off-air discussions. Also, find out how James has changed his perception about the business since doing them.


Hear never before told stories about Jerry Lawler, Eric Bischoff, Scott Steiner, Damian Demento, Demolition, Ole Anderson, Bad News Brown, Jesse Ventura, Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Kevin Nash, and tons more. Plus, a special section that will make this book a must-have for any true wrestling fan.


Guttman then reminds listeners to check back for the new uncut shoot interview subject. The announcement should be up on…most likely by the time you read this.


With that, we cut to clips from Nikita Koloff’s uncut shoot…


James welcomes Nikita Koloff to the site. Koloff thanks him for the invite and JG responds by asking him to let everyone know what’s going on in his world.


“Oh gosh…do we have enough time? (laughs) It’s been a whirlwind of sorts and a myriad of things that I’m involved in currently and certainly we can talk and elaborate on as many of them as you would like during the program, but first and foremost is the ministry. I’m heavily involved in ministry and travelling globally and so far, to date, 75 different nations. Using wrestling as a platform to share what the Lord did to my life in 1993 as I gave my life to Christ. The transformation began and so that’s a part of what I’m doing. In fact, I was just recently with the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase and The Total Package Lex Luger and we were down in the Bahamas together. Lex and I were in the prison there in Nassau – not because we were arrested or anything, but to share our stories. So they actually let us out when we were done, so that was a good thing.” Break


James asks Nikita about the rumors he was approached to join the WWF in the mid 1980s. Koloff answers with a surprising story.
“The closest I came was when Krusher Kruschev, Barry Darsow, was with us as our third man. He made it known that he was going to go to New York and he wanted me to go with him and he wanted me to become his partner for a team that would be called Demolition. As he approached me with that, it wasn’t a belaboring decision because, as we alluded to earlier, I worked extremely hard on developing the character of Nikita Koloff and the thought of just throwing that in the trash can and taking on this whole new persona, this whole new character, quite frankly didn’t appeal to me because of all the time I put into this character and knowing it would just be over.


Koloff says that he’s unsure when Bill Eadie officially joined the group. All he knows is that he was originally approached on it. Break


In progress, Koloff explains that WWF has never contacted him. James is surprised and asks about any calls for DVD commentary even. Has that happened? Nikita says no.


“It actually fascinates me because I haven’t. In fact, just recently, the one and only wrestling figure of Nikita Koloff has become available through the (WWE) Legends Classics or whatever they’re called. Through Jakks or whatever. I know the guys asked me to come out to California and do the thing. They told me then there had been three to four to five years that they approached Vince about doing a Nikita Koloff figure and every time he said, (abruptly) “No.” I mean just flat out. No. And then a couple of years ago, they were persistent and just continued to ask…then out of the blue, they said it was just bizarre. He said, “OK. That’s fine.” And so they jumped on it as quick as they could. They jumped on it, contacted me, signed the contract, and it took two years to get it to the market place. So I’ve got a WWE Legends Wrestling Figure that’s now available…which is humorous to me, because to my knowledge, and you would probably know way better than me, but to my knowledge, myself and Steve Borden are the only two guys who never worked for Vince McMahon.”


Aside from Nikita Koloff there are close to 150 star interviews are available on for less than five dollars a month. Among the other guests you can hear from are: Jesse Ventura, Big Daddy V, Terry Funk, Jerry Lawler, Trevor Murdoch, Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Ahmed Johnson, Bobby Heenan, Terri Runnels, Kevin Nash, The Iron Sheik, Sid Vicious, Paul Bearer, Brian Knobbs, Bruno Sammartino, Bryan Clark, Sean Mooney, Erik Watts, Mr. Hughes, Scott D’Amore, Tito Santana, Al Snow, Tod Gordon, JJ Dillon, Charlie Haas, Tom Prichard, Jacques Rougeau, Paul Roma, Tammy Sytch, Too Cold Scorpio, The Honky Tonk Man, Ole Anderson, Kid Kash, Samu, Mike Bucci, Ivan Koloff, Jackie Gayda, Balls Mahoney, Les Thatcher, Jim Powers, Justin Credible, Scotty 2 Hotty, Dawn Marie, John Heidenreich, Jimmy Hart, Jimmy Valiant, Rick Martel, Les Thatcher, Bad News Brown, Nick Bockwinkel, Dory Funk Jr, Diamond Dallas Page, Rob Conway, Sylvain Grenier, Buff Bagwell, Christian Cage, Jazz, Demolition Ax and Smash, Koko B. Ware, Ricky Morton, Dustin Rhodes, Damian Demento, Fred “Shockmaster” Ottman, Cpl. Kirchner, One Man Gang, Scott Steiner, Shawn Stasiak, Ted DiBiase, Ivory, Chris Masters, Elix Skipper, Kamala, Samoa Joe, Giant Bernard, Bill DeMott, Juvi “Juice” Guerrera, Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald, Nick Dinsmore, Harley Race, Bull Buchanan, D-Lo Brown, Road Warrior Animal, Missing Link, Rikishi, Slick, Nidia, George Steele, Christy Hemme, Disco Inferno, Paul Ellering, Vito, Steve Blackman, Bushwhacker Luke, AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Dennis Stamp, Shawn Daivari, Kevin Sullivan, B.G. James, Ron Killings, Zach Gowan, Dan Severn, Earl and Dave Hebner, Baron Von Raschke, Spike Dudley, Rodney Mack, Downtown Bruno, Larry Zybszko, Rick Steiner, Mae Young, and many, more.


James Guttman’s second book, “World Wrestling Insanity Presents: Shoot First…Ask Questions Later,” is available for pre-order on