AS I SEE IT: Contributing to the Cause

AS I SEE IT – Contributing to the Cause
Bob Magee
Pro Wrestling: Between the Sheets

I hope all of you reading this in the Northeast are doing well after the frightening experience known as Hurricane Sandy.

Other than what appears to be a small leak in the basement, a bunch of branches down in the yard and a brief power outage, my house and family came out fine. Hundreds of thousands are far from fine….losing much, if not all that they own. The destruction up and down the Jersey Shore and New York has become an endless lunatic newsreel on television, interrupted only by political ads.

It’s time for us to help others in these areas. Here are organizations you can contribute to:

The Red Cross is providing shelter, clothes, supplies, food and blood, as needed, for the victims of Sandy. You can donate blood, but in terms of items, you’ll be doing more for those in need by donating money instead of physical goods.

Text message: Text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief. As in the case with other donations via mobile, the donation will show up on your wireless bill, or be deducted from your balance if you have a prepaid phone. You need to be 18 or older, or have parental permission, to donate this way. (If you change your mind, text the word STOP to 90999.)

Phone: 800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767); for Spanish speakers, 800-257-7575; for TDD, 800-220-4095.”>American

The association is helping animals that may need rescue or shelter in the affected areas. You can text message, by texting the word HUMANE to 80888 to donate $10. You can also call 866-242-1877, or donate:

Habitat, an international organization, helps those in need rebuild their homes after disaster strikes.  If you want to make a donation, you can call Habitat’s Partner Service Center at 800-HABITAT (422-4828). Press “0” when prompted and representatives will take your donation information over the phone.

This group coordinates efforts with the state’s Office of Emergency Management, as well as with state and local nonprofit organizations.

Phone: (908) 355- FOOD (3663), ext. 243; or go to

The organization will deliver food, water and supplies to communities in need through its network of food banks and the agencies they serve.

Call 800-910-5524 or go to

This group provides emergency medicine and supplies. Donations are accepted on its accepts donations on its website. Call 800-486-4357 or go to

November has started…and the Holiday season is just ahead.

In keeping with the actual spirit of the season, the wrestling community will reach out to those in need. Independent promotions hold a wide variety of events to benefit various food pantries, shelters, Toys for Tots drives. Over the years, promotions ranging from the family-friendly United Wrestling Coalition to the hardcore themed Combat Zone Wrestling to Indies of various sizes and types trough the United States and Canada. Even if you don’t have one in your own area this Holiday season, please take time to contribute to or volunteer with such organizations.

River City Wrestling is also supporting the San Antonio Food Bank at their November 10 “Return to Glory 5” event. The San Antonio Food bank has a goal of raising one million pounds of food for needy families for the holidays and everyone is encouraged to bring non-perishable items to the show. RCW will also donate a portion of the show’s proceeds to SA Food Bank.

ECWA will be holding a Toys for Tots event at its December 1 show in Newark, DE.

“Heart Killer” Chris Wylde (c) vs. Josh Daniels w/ Joel Blackheart

Mr. Ooh La La w/ Coach Jim Shorts (c) vs. Ricky “the Model” Martinez w/ Magnum & Gus Grand

“Greek God” Papadon w/ Anthony Cicco vs. Tony Mamaluke
Mr. Ooh La La w/ Coach Jim Shorts (c) vs. Ricky “the Model” Martinez w/ Magnum & Gus Grand
ECWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS The Dream Team (Aden Chambers & Kekoa the Flyin’ Hawaiian)

The BOSS’S CHAIR with Mike Tartaglia and all the stars of the ECWA!

Combat Zone Wrestling, for the eighth consecutive year, will be holding a Toys for Tots collection at Cage of Death 14 on December 8. The Cage of Death event, CZW’s annual mega-show will again be part of a “deadly doubleheader”, this year with EVOLVE hosting the matinee show…all taking place at the Flyers Skate Zone in Voorhees, NJ. The Flyers Skate Zone also takes part in the annual Toys for Tots effort sponsored by Comcast.

Chicago Style Wrestling holds its annual Toys for Tots show on November 23 in Addison, IL at the Pyramid Club.

Des Moines’s 3Xwrestling collects Toys for Tots donations as part of their annual November event in Des Moines on Black Friday, November 23 (day after Thanksgiving).

Chaotic Wrestling will do a show benefitting Toys for Tots on Fan Appreciation night, which takes place December 14th in Lowell, MA.

Chicago Style Wrestling will also hold their show benefitting Toys for Tots on November 23 in Addison, IL

Incidentally, Toys for Tots collections have already begin in other parts of the United States. If you need information on the charity, go to

Additionally, Brew City Wrestling will hold another event on December 9, they return to their home base of Knights of Columbus, West Allis, WI. with a benefit Food for Families of Greater Milwaukee

As a reminder promotions (or their fans) can send information on scheduled Holiday charitable-themed (fund-raisers for clothes, food pantries or Toys for Toys, etc.) wrestling or MMA events to

Until next time….

— Bob Magee