TNA IMPACT 10 11 2012

IMPACT Wrestling
Date: October 11, 2012 ( LIVE!)
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Taz
Location: Orlando,Florida

VIDEO PACKAGE: King Mo making his debut, and Hulk Hogan and Sting’s announcement that Bully Ray would be Sting’s pahtnah at Bound For Glory.

Austin Aries defeated James Storm:

Wes Brisco & Kurt Angle + A.J. Styles: Wes Brisco is backstage asking Kurt Angle if he can tag along to Phoenix with him, and Angle says he’ll make it happen. AJ Styles comes in and asks Angle if his head is in the game, then tells him not to bother coming if he cares so much about teaming with Sting.

Hulk Hogan & Sting + Christopher Daniels & Kazarian + Bully-Ray: Hogan and Sting make their way out to the ring, and Hogan says he’s not a good card player, but Aces & Eights backed him into a corner and now Sting is going to get in the ring while Hogan is forced to stand on the side and watch. Sting says he’s also pissed off that Hogan can’t get in the ring for this, but Bully Ray stepped up to the plate and now they have to run with it. Daniels & Kazarian’s music hits, and they come out to have a word with Hogan and Sting. Daniels says they’re only days away from Bound For Glory, and he wants to know why Hogan picked the most untrustworthy guy in the locker room. They want to know why Hogan didn’t pick his favorite tag team, the Tag Team Champions Of The World, and Kazarian tells Thunderlips that they came up with a solution: cancel the tag title match, tell Bully Ray thanks but no thanks, and call on the one man he knows can put an end to the Aces & Eights threat once and for all: Kurt Angle. Bully Ray’s music hits, He says Angle would have been a great choice, but this isn’t going to be a wrestling match, it’s going to be a fight, and if you’re getting in a wrestling match, you want the greatest wrestler alive, and that’s Kurt Angle, but in a fight, they need the baddest mother trucker around. Bubba says he doesn’t need to be Hogan or Sting’s friend, he needs to have his back because the common business they have is getting rid of Aces & Eights. If he has to prove himself, he can do it tonight by getting Daniels & Kazarian to wrestling Bully Ray and Sting.

Hernandez defeated A.J. Styles:

Aces & Eights: We go to the Aces & Eights clubhouse where they say that Joseph Park is doing fine and that Bully Ray joining up with Sting certainly came as a surprise, but not a surprise they can’t overcome.

Zema Ion + Rob Van Dam: Zema Ion comes out to the ring and says that being humble got him nowhere, and he became the X Division Champion by breaking necks, and now he doesn’t have an opponent for Bound For Glory because he’s taken out the entire X Division. Rob Van Dam comes out to the ring and says that the most dangerous thing Ion has ever done is run his mouth within earshot of RVD. RVD doesn’t have a match either, and Hulk Hogan said he can wrestle anyone he wants, so it’ll be RVD vs Zema Ion at Bound For Glory. Ion shoves RVD, and RVD spinkicks the X Division Title into Ion’s face.

Hulk Hogan & Sting + Bully-Ray: Hogan and Sting are backstage arguing, and Bully Ray comes in to ask Sting if he’s ready for tonight, and Hogan says he’s watched Bully running his con for two years and he doesn’t trust him. Bully says he’ll prove it tonight.

Brooke Hogan & Taryn Terrell + Tara: Brooke Hogan is backstage with Taryn Terrell making sure she’s ready for this Sunday, and Tara walks in and hands Brooke a list of things her Hollywood boyfriend said she should be doing to prepare for this Sunday when he’ll be there. Brooke tears it up because Tara’s not the champion yet, and Tara walks off.

Christopher Daniels & Kazarian defeated Bully-Ray & Sting by disqualification:
The match ended with Bully-Ray putting Daniels through a table.

VIDEO PACKAGE: Austin Aries/Jeff Hardy

VIDEO PACKAGE: Joey Ryan/Al Snow:

Samoa Joe + Brutus Magnus: Brutus Magnus comes in and says that Joe isn’t a champion, and to take care of the belt because he’s taking it this weekend at Bound For Glory. Joe says they can do it right now and Magnus says he’s not going to do it because he’s a businessman and wants to make millions of people pay to watch him fight Joe, and Joe asks if “businessman” is what they’re calling cowards these days.

Brooke Tessmacher defeated Gail Kim: Tara runs in to attack Brooke, but Brooke turns the tables.

Bobby Roode + James Storm + King Mo: Bobby Roode starts to cut a promo on Jeff Hardy, but James Storm comes in and they have words until a brawl breaks out and King Mo is forced to come in and separate them, telling them to save it for this weekend.

BOUND FOR GLORY MOMENTS: Jeff Hardy’s favorite Bound For Glory memory is in 2005, when he dove 30 feet off the stage at the Impact Zone to hit a Swanton Bomb through a table. Also, Sting is going to be inducted to the TNA Hall Of Fame this weekend at Bound For Glory!

Mike Tenay and Taz hyped Bound For Glory this Sunday!

Jeff Hardy defeated Bobby Roode by Disqualification:
Roode hit Hardy with a low blow and gets disqualified. Roode goes after Hardy with a chair, but the referee yanks the chair out of his hands and argues with Roode until Hardy recovers and hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy’s music hits, but Aries comes out to say that tonight’s show isn’t going to end with Hardy sitting in the middle of his ring because he has some things to say. He throws away the lines somebody backstage wrote for him, and says he’s sick of TNA telling Aries how to think and who he needs to be as the World Champion, and that crap ends right now. Aries has been painted out as being jealous of Hardy, but that’s not true: he’s not jealous of Hardy’s rap sheet, he’s not jealous that he’s too crippled to play with his little girl, and the only thing he’s jealous of is the way the fans go nuts for him. He’s been asking for new music and a new entrance for months, but they’re too busy making Jeff Hardy videos and he’s sick of the way everyone caters to Hardy. He’s not a failure, but Hardy is going to see a failure when he looks in the mirror and paints his face. Hardy says he’s going to end Aries’ cocky ass this weekend, but Aries just tells Hardy to go ahead and bask in the fans’ glory one last time. Hardy waves to the crowd, then Aries tells Hardy to get out of his ring so he can bask in the glory he deserves. Hardy goes to leave, but Aries kicks the middle rope into Hardy’s groin and gives him a brainbuster.