Recent “Cowboy” James Storm interview

David Dexter reports that “Cowboy” James Storm appeared on Extreme Pro Wrestling Radio with Big D and Crisco to discuss hanging out with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, his favorite tag team partner, an odd fan experience and more.

You recently were tweeting with a certain “rattlesnake” about sharing beers, what does one chat with Stone Cold about?

“Ya know, we talked, beer drinkin’, road stories & ya know, comin’ up in the business. Ya know he did a lot of his stuff in the south, he did a lot of stuff in Memphis with the USWA and stuff like that so…He’s good friends with Dutch Mantell, one of my mentors, so we got a lot of things in common! We just sat there and shot the poo…don’t wanna use the other word!!”

If you could change one thing about your character or your persona in the ring, what would it be?

“I am not really sure, I still get held back a little bit of what I can do out in the ring. I wish I could be a little more me!!”

How does James Storm holding the Championship title change things for TNA or how, with the belt would you handle being the locker room leader?

“I’d head out to the first strip club I seen & sit there & party down with em! Ya know, I think it was Rick Rude who said he went to the strip club with the title & was over like rover!! I can relate to a lot of wrestling fans ya know? A lot of em are blue collar workers who wanna go out to a great show on a Saturday or Friday night & just get out & take their kids!”

TNA is very big on fan experience & interaction, what is your best & worst story regarding fan experiences?

“I actually had a girl come to a show that had double F’s, she wanted me to sign my entire name on em…but there was some hair on em. I guess that’s the best & worst!”

If you could have one more tag team run, would you reform America’s Most Wanted or Beer Money Inc?

I’m not really for sure on that. I mean both partners did their thing & it worked out well with them, I don’t have anything bad to say about either of them, when we were together, they performed like we need them to. For me, me & Chris were better friends than I think me & Bobby was…me & Bobby didn’t really travel too much together, me & Chris, when TNA first started up we were all each other had. We had to rely on each other we always traveled with each other so as far as a brother hood I say Chris but I really enjoyed the matches me & Bobby put together especially against the Machine Guns!”

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