Shannon: Bound For Glory Predictions

HeadLocker — Jay Shannon

Bound For Glory Predictions

Our resident philosopher, Jay Shannon, breaks out the crystal ball, tea leaves and his lucky coin to try and figure out the winners, losers and future after TNA’s flagship PPV, Bound For Glory

Slammiversary used to be the PPV that TNA pushed as their equivalent of Wrestlemania. Now, Bound For Glory is getting the top nod. In this special edition of HeadLocker, I want to try and sort out who heads to the pay window, who goes to the showers and where does the Generations War go from here.

Rhino, ODB & Rhaka Khan v The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Cute Kip
Knockouts Bimbo Brawl

Backstory: The Beautiful People have been making life Hell for all the Unique women in TNA. Roxxi, ODB, Rhaka, etc… have all had to deal with the Paper Bag Treatment from the Blonde Bombshells. Kip, who basically had nothing to do, was aligned as the girls’ Fashion Consultant. Kind of a flashback to his Chuck and Billy character. Rhino got into the mix when The Beautiful People attack Taylor Wilde, a few weeks back. Rhino really needed something to do, as well. Creative decided to face Rhino and Kip against each other. I can only anticipate they will both be dragged into the Generations War, eventually.

Prediction: This match just simply doesn’t mean anything. Kip and Rhino are seriously out of the loop, as far as title contention. They will likely be pawns in the upcoming Chess game between the Loyalists and the Old Schoolers. Who wins this match may well be based on who takes the Knockout title. If Roxxi or Taylor were to win, then Sky, Love and Kippie winning would make sense. Then Creative could rehash the whole Beautiful People makes a run for the Knockout title. If Kong wins, ODB and Rhaka would likely be near the top of the contender’s list. Truthfully, the Knockout division is getting almost as lame as the two Diva divisions over in WWE. I figure the heels are going to cheat their way to a win. I’d guess the old perfume-spray-to-the-eyes angle that causes someone to get ripped off will be the ending, as usual.

Predicted Winners: Velvet Sky, Angelina Love and Cute Kip
Grade: C-

Sheik Abdul Bashir v Consequences Creed
X-Division Title Match

Backstory: Bashir has come in and basically been the stereotypical Anti-American heel. He bad-mouths the US and it’s wrestlers. He cuts some seriously dangerous (to himself) promos. On the other side of the ring, Consequences Creed has donned the Stars and Stripes as the 21st century version of The Patriot. Creed has been getting a massive push going into this match, as has Bashir.

Prediction: This one is almost a solid lock, in my opinion. Bashir hasn’t had enough time to really build his heat, yet. Having him drop the title to Creed would derail his career. Bashir has talked about the brutality that he was going to dish out to Creed. I figure Shane Sewell will be the ref and eventually disqualify the Middle Eastern Nightmare. Bashir and Sewell will then get into a nasty fight. Creed will make the save. Bashir will keep his title, due to the DQ.

Predicted Winner: Consequences Creed (by DQ).
Grade: B-

Taylor Wilde v Awesome Kong v Roxxi
Knockouts Championship Triple Threat Match

Backstory: Taylor has been living the Cinderella story since coming to TNA. She upset the most dominant female wrestler in wrestling history (with a simple Roll-up). Taylor has used the same first year move to keep her title. Kong has been wanting to get her strap back, but she’s been bogged down with nowhere feuds with others. Roxxi has been getting a strong push over the past few weeks. She is being transformed into a Hardcore Honey by the writing staff.

Prediction: I really went back and forth with this one. I spent more time on this match then any of the others. In a perfect world, Kong would stroll in, squash Taylor, and then have a vicious battle with Roxxi. Kong would catch Roxxi with the Awesome Bomb to seal the deal and take back her title. This is not a perfect world, so that scenario will likely get tossed right out the window. I think Taylor will manage to keep her title, most likely with another stupid Roll-up. The only possible swerve that I see coming is for Roxxi to make a heel turn. She could destroy Kong and then surprise Taylor with the Voodoo Drop. I want that ending, but I’m banking on the Barbie Doll to keep her strap. Sigh.

Predicted Winner: Taylor Wilde
Grade: C-

Steel Asylum Match

Backstory: This was originally called Terrordome. I think that someone must have told TNA that the WWE owned the rights to that name, by way of purchasing the rights to the old World Class territory (World Class used a Triple Cage match that they called Terrordome). TNA just did a rename job on this unusual match. All the X-Division guys that aren’t already assigned to other matches will be tossed inside the round-top, blood red cage. Expect Jimmy Rave, Curry Man, Shark Boy, Super Eric, Johnny Devine, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and Petey Williams to take part in this insane match. TNA might throw in a few extras from Mexico and Japan . There is the outside possibility of a returning Kaz.

<i.Prediction: It’s easier for me to decide who will not win this one. The Prince Justice Brotherhood don’t have a chance of winning this one. If TNA wants this battle to be taken seriously, then the Saturday Morning Rejects don’t stand a chance. Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt will likely cancel each other out. I’d prefer to see Jay take the win, but I don’t expect that to happen. Petey’s coming down from a monster push, so he’s probably going to almost win it but fall short. I expect Sabin to be the one to slip out of the cage and set himself and Shelley up for a battle against Team 3D. That could help extend the Generations War in another direction. It could also destroy the Motor City Machine Guns, so it’s risky to have Sabin win. I still think Sabin will end up slipping out the hole in the top of the cage. The only reason that Sabin won’t win this one is if KAZ returns. If he’s in it, he’ll win it. Otherwise…

Predicted Winner: Chris Sabin
Grade: A

Booker T (w/ Sharmell) v “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage v “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles
Three-Way Dance Match

Backstory: Booker is a solid member of the Old School Squad in the Generations War. Styles is the flag-bearer for the TNA Loyalists. Cage is riding the fence as to which side he will side with. This match is supposed to solve the problem of which faction Cage will team with. There are three of the best in TNA involved in this battle. Why is it that this feels like a Popcorn Run match? Actually, my friend Joe put it best with the title Bound For Snoring. He was talking about the whole PPV, but I think this match is the most boring of the bunch.

Prediction: Unless the writing team is completely out of their minds, this match won’t solve anything. Good writing would have Cage teasing, back and forth for months, which side his bread is buttered on. Even a room full of monkeys with typewriters wouldn’t book Cage making his turn to the Old School side on Sunday. Therefore, I really expect it to happen. Cage will take the win, after turning on Styles. Expect his to drag out that lame Unprettier finisher to take the win. Cage will then whine and whimper about how he is a multiple time TNA champ and never gets respect. He will then waste time with a feud with Styles. Booker will then move on to feud with Jay Lethal.

Predicted Winner: Christian Cage
Grade: C

Beer Money Inc. v Team 3D v The Latin American Xchange v Abyss & Matt Morgan
Monster’s Ball World Tag Team Title Match:
Special Referee: Steve “Mongo” McMichael

Backstory:This one’s a tad confusing so bear with me as I try to sort this out. Beer Money took the straps from LAX, cost them their manager (Hector Guerrero) and their valet (Salinas). LAX wants revenge and their belts back. Team 3D wants to wear gold for the 21st time, plus Storm is a TNA Original. Beer Money v Team 3D could further push the Generations War to new heights. Abyss is trying to come back after time in the Psych Ward. Abyss’ psychiatrist has tried to teach Abyss to reject the weapons of destruction. Matt Morgan is trying to bring back the old Abyss to help him win the tag belts. Dizzy, yet? Then add the fact that Team 3D has been taunting Abyss over the past several weeks. Abyss is a TNA Original. Morgan is more of an Old Schooler. Just to put the cherry on top of the Sick Sundae, someone lost their mind and phoned up Mongo. i realize he’s from Chicago. I know he’s old buddies with the WCW guys. If you were going to get a tough SOB from Chicago to keep things in line, why not call Road Warrior Animal? Now That would have made sense.

Prediction The key to this match is Abyss. If he remains the Scared Rabbit that won’t use chairs, tables, etc… to fight in this battle, then he is going to be the one who gets pinned. If Morgan can push Abyss over the edge, then The Beast and the Monster will claim the titles. The sides are going to pair up: LAX v Beer Money and Abyss/Morgan v Team 3D. I figure LAX and Beer Money will cancel each other out. That leads to Team 3D vs Morgan/Abyss. I try to think beyond the end of the night as to who would be better to put the belts on. Team 3D are part of the Old School Squad. They could have challengers like Creed/Lethal, Cage/Styles (which could lead to Cage’s turn, if he doesn’t do it on Sunday), Jeff Jarrett/B.G. James and other TNA teams. Abyss and Morgan might be the fans’ choice to take the belt, but I’m giving the nod to the former Dudley Boyz to take the gold. My only hope is somebody smacks Mongo for ever daring to call himself a member of the Four Horsemen.

Predicted Winners: Team 3D
Grade: A

Samoa Joe v Sting
TNA World Heavyweight Title Match

Backstory: Sting isticked off that the younger guys in wrestling don’t know anything about showing respect. Joe and Styles are the main two guys that Sting has set his sights on. Since Joe is the top dog in TNA, Sting focused on him to make his point. If Sting could take the title, the Old Schoolers would have a serious advantage in the Generations War. On Thursday, TNA’s Jim Conette stated that after this match, there would be no rematch.

Prediction: Before Thursday’s stipulation was added, I had this one set for a Samoa Joe Squash. Now, I’ve changed my mind about the outcome. If TNA is really going to push this whole Generations War, then they need to have a huge shocker at their biggest PPV of the year. I’m expecting Kevin Nash to make the difference. Nash may or may not resign with the WWE. If he’s leaving TNA, what a great way to go out. Nash costs Joe the title and then bails for Vinnyland. Nash gets the accomplishment of screwing over Joe. Joe gets the fun of saying that Nash was a coward that hit and ran. If Nash stays in TNA, Nash could end up the mastermind behind the whole Old School Alliance. Joe and Nash could then feud, while Sting faces Styles, Jay Lethal and others to defend the whole Respect thing. If TNA really wants to push this whole Generations War properly, then Sting upsets Joe for the belt (with a little outside help that, of course, Sting won’t know anything about).

Predicted Winner: Sting
Grade: A+

“King Of The Mountain” Jeff Jarrett v Kurt Angle,/b>
Special Enforcer: Mick Foley

Backstory: Jeff Jarrett took the last two years off to take care of his personal issues, including the loss of his beloved Jill. Kurt Angle was brought in as the lead heel for the company. Jeff decided to come backto TNA and get things back on track. Kurt took exception to Jeff’s return. Jeff brought in Mick Foley to aid him in the Generations War. This is the opening volley in this war.

Prediction: Since I expect Sting to take the World title, the Generations War neeeds this one to counter-point the Sting/Joe battle. Both men are going to look their best in this battle. I’m wondering if Angle’s comment in the London newspaper may come back to bite him in the behind. I just can’t imagine that Jarrett would make this dramatic comeback, only to lose to Kurt. TNA has pushed that this is the only contracted appearance by Foley, so I’m not sure how much of an influence that he is going to be. I originally thought that Foley would do a major heel turn and join the Angle team. He may do that, but it won’t happen on Sunday. Foley will keep the outside forces…outside. I honestly think Kurt and Jeff will battle, one on one. Since this is Jeff’s homecoming, I just can’t grasp the concept that Jeff would job to Kurt. Jeff will come back from a brutal beating to nail Kurt with the guitar. Jeff will then hit The Stroke to take an almost-clean win.

Predicted Winner: Jeff Jarrett
Grade: A+

Final Evaluation: Thanks to an early winter storm here in Reno, I will likely have to pass on the show. I will definitely add that video to my collection, down the road. I think that this could be the opening number in the Generations Soap Opera. If written and booked correctly, this could expand TNA’s appeal to more WWE fans who have grown bored with the other side of the coin. If not done correctly, this could backfire in the face of Vince Russo, Dutch Mantel and Jeff Jarrett. I really think that it will be a great show that will keep the fans on the edge of their seats and begging for more.

Final Grade: B

–Jay Shannon