[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Jetta vs. Skye.
[ROH PPV] ROH “New Horizons” will premiere on pay-per-view on September 26th. It will be offered at an affordable price on iN DEMAND, The DISH Network, TVN cable systems and in Canada on Bell ExpressVU and Viewer’s Choice Pay-Per-View starting on Sept. 26th. Check out a preview here: http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=2285
[SHIMMER] SHIMMER Women Athlete’s is starting a wrestling school for women wrestlers with Daizee Haze as the trainer. The first class begins October 27, 2008 – This is a 6 month course and there will be a minimum of 8 classes a month. Training will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. The school is located at the Ring of Honor Wrestling facility in Bristol, PA (close to I-95 and the PA turnpike) and includes a full size ring, weight lifting equipment, a video library, and other resources. For more information or questions please email Daizee at shimmerschool@hotmail.com or visit http://www.shimmerwrestling.com
[SHIMMER] MADISON “The Punisher” EAGLES & JESSIE “The Body” McKAY, collectively known as “The Pink Ladies,” head all the way from Sydney, Australia to enter the SHIMMER Tag Team Title Tournament, and will debut on Sunday, October 19th in Berwyn, IL!
[Book Review] David Frederick – from www.titosantana.net – has posted his review of Tito Santana’s book “Tales from the Ring” at http://www.titosantana.net/Book_Review.html
[Book News] Harper Collins recently released the first ever book covering the life and times of the self-proclaimed Toast of the Coast, the Sensation of the Nation, the legendary Gorgeous George. “The Outrageous Bad-Boy Wrestler Who Created American Pop Culture” was written by John Capouya and is available in most retail book stores starting September 2nd. You can also order the book via the Harper Collins website, or see a more detailed description, by going here: http://www.harpercollins.com/books/9780061173035/Gorgeous_George/index.aspx
[Indy News] …Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2008 News and Notes… Watch International Superstar Francisco Ciatso on Tampa Bay’s FOX 13 Lightning Round chat about the Peterson Memorial Cup at: http://www.floridawrestlingfans.com/video/video/show?id=2050372%3AVideo%3A25305
[SHIMMER] Nykk of The SHIMMER Forum has posted his newest SHIMMER-trons (short video clips of the SHIMMER roster members set to their entrance music). Post your thoughts on these new videos in the following thread at The SHIMMER Forum… http://shimmerwomen.proboards50.com/index.cgi?board=shimmer&action=display&thread=2361
[WSU DVD] Women Superstar’s Uncensored has released its “Best of 2007” DVD – For more information, or to place your order, go to http://www.declarationofindependents.net/doistore/fullshows/WSU/wsubest2007.html
[IWS News] The International Wrestling Syndicate congratulates its champion, Kevin Steen and its Masked Mexican Mascot, El Generico, for winning the ROH Tag Team Titles in Boston on Saturday, September 20th, beating the ROH Champions – The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black) to “the loudest pop I’ve heard since Homicide in Cage of Death!” This fulfills Kevin Steen’s promise to win ROH gold before the end of 2008..
[Radio] Be sure to tune in every Monday night at 6 PM for a new edition of Who’s Slamming Who. Listen to this week’s edition of Who’s Slamming Who now at: www.FanSlamWrestling.com
[Indy Event] Gangrel will be appearing at the Firestorm Pro Wrestling event in Lakewood, Ohio on October 17th, 2008. Go to http://myspace.com/firestormpro for info about FPW.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Canadian Event] East Coast Pro Wrestling presents AUTUMN AGGRESSION 2008 live from The North Sydney Forum in Sydney, Nova Scotia on Sunday, September 28th – This event will benefit the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation and their Campaign to raise money for the expansion of the CBRH Cancer Treatment Centre. ECPW Champion Kowboy Mike Hughes will defend against WWE Superstar Eugene, plus former WWE Tag Team champion Joey Mercury is scheduled to appear. Check out http://www.eastcoastprowrestling.com for all the news in ECPW. [reported by http://www.newscott.com]
[Training Seminar] FCW will host our first Talent Evaluation Clinic on Thursday October 16th thru Tuesday October 21. The clinic will be run by FCW Chief Steve Keirn and FCW trainers Tom Prichard, Billy Kidman, and Norman Smiley. The clinic will include WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes, WWE Producers and Talent Scouts, and other special guests. Check out www.fcwwrestling.com for more information.
[Fan Convention] Lance Storm will be making a rare Convention type autograph appearance as part of the “A NIGHT TO REMEMBER, REUNION OF SUPERSTARS” event put on by Turnbuckle Promotions. The event takes place September 27th at the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. For more information about this event, and who else will be appearing check out their website at: www.TurnbucklePromotions.com
[Book News] Bruno Lauer, known professionally as Downtown Bruno or Harvey Wippleman (WWF), has published his hilariously entertaining biography, entitled “Wrestling with the Truth” though Scott Teal’s Crowbar Press (www.crowbarpress.com). The book was launched at this year’s Cauliflower Ally Club reunion but will be available to the public through www.1wrestlinglegends.com – I had the honor of being one of the proof readers for this book and I am thrilled to endorse the book and proclaim that Bruno’s story will open your eyes to the world of pro-wrestling and make you laugh out loud.
[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!
Be sure to check out the following FREE videos of SHIMMER on YouTube…
SHIMMER on ABC-7 Chicago’s “190 North”
“The Addictive Sound”
http:/ /youtube.com/watch?v=OpY3DnOk5E4
“Walk This Way”
“Change Your Perception”
Allison Danger vs. Cat Power
Sara Del Rey vs. Lorelei Lee
Daizee Haze vs. Portia Perez
Melissa/MsChif Feud Video
Another Melissa/MsChif Video
Call the SHIMMER Hotline!