PRESS RELEASE: Indie film “Fight the Panda Syndicate” with King Kong Bundy

The third and final trailer for the independent film “Fight the Panda Syndicate”,  starring Sam Rocco, Antonio San Miguel, Christopher Pickhardt, David Baron, David Chen, Jason Woolbert, Jinelle Andersen, Danielle Gardner, Yelena Sabel, Carson Grant, Gaurav Gangoli and the legendary King Kong Bundy, is available to watch on YouTube at the following address:

Please help us spread the word about the King!  He’s a really great guy in every way.  For me, Wrestlemania 2 will always be the greatest one of them all.

Post-production on the independent dark, comic adventure “Fight the Panda Syndicate” finished in October 2011, which took four years to make and employed the artistic talents of over 450 individuals from eight different states, including former the legendary World Wrestling Federation Superstar King Kong Bundy and with music by Swedish Composer Glen Gabriel, recently awarded Best Composer at the LA Webfilm Festival two months ago for his work on the webseries “The Danger Element.”  This film also features original music by David Baron, Ricky Bustamante, Timothy Trojan, Noah Brooks and Michael Nashanian of PT Grimm.

This film was Directed by Jason J. Dale of Franklin Lakes, NJ, and it was Written, Produced and Edited by Jason J. Dale  (a Graduate of Lafayette College) and Christopher Pickhardt (A Graduate of William Paterson University).  For a press kit visit:  For more information on this film, visit  We thank you very much in advance for your time and consideration of this release.

QUESTION: Where does King Kong Bundy’s Wrestlemania 2 match with champion Hulk Hogan rank on all-time Wrestlemania main events?