9/14 Wrestler’s Rescue event update


· Buy $150 dinner ticket and get general admission ticket to convention for FREE! Call 732-236-1987 for details

· For $100 get 8X10 of any Playmate (excluding Kathy St. George or Torrie Wilson) and dinner valued at $125. Only 20 tickets available until Sunday midnight.

· Supertickets only $200 until Sunday midnight.


Listen here to DAWN MARIE speaking about 9/14 Wrestlers Rescue charity event on August 31st edition of Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio co-hosted by Dr. Mike Lano



Ashley Massaro, F-Troop’s Larry Storch & top Playboy playmates just added to this huge show!


Don’t miss Wrestlers Rescue 9/14/08 NJ:

Meet Torrie Wilson, Terri Runnels, Mick Foley, Dawn Marie, Tammy Sytch, Missy Hyatt, Iron Sheik, Superfly Snuka, Greg Valentine, Lou Albano, Balls Mahoney, Nikolai Volkoff, Lanny Poffo, Brutus Beefcake, JJ Dillon, Sandman, Manny Fernandez, Boxing legend Emile Griffith, top TV stars, many, many others & surprise guest…

Our 1st fundraiser will be held on September 14, 2008. This function will consist of two events. The first event is a Convention/Autograph Session that is being held at the Radisson in Piscataway NJ. The second event is also being held at the Radisson and this is a Semi-Formal Dinner with the Stars.

For up to date information on star-studded celebrity guests, schedule, prices, super tickets, auction, etc. visit www.WrestlersRescue.Org

Questions about event? E-Mail Michele at wrestlersrescue@aol.com

Dawn Marie and other stars of Wrestlers Rescue available for interviews and appearances. Contact Michele Mupo at :


Donations and Table Specials contact: Scott Epstein: scott@publicityman.com

Ticket buyers: mention code MACHO for FREE gift!

Lanny “The Genius” Poffo & JJ Dillon talk about Wrestlers Rescue on the Sunday September 7th edition of Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio

from 7-9PM EST on www.wrestling- radio.com


WRESTLERS RESCUE Mission statement

Wrestlers Rescue’s mission is to create awareness and to help raise monies to support the health care needs of Retired Professional Wrestlers due to a career choice in wrestling.

Wrestlers rescue will be focusing on three stages of growth.

· 1st stage is to create awareness of the need and to raise funds.

· 2nd stage is to put in place a financial advisory for the active wrestling community to call on for advice on how to plan for their future. Including retirement, pension, college funds, family needs etc.

· 3rd stage is to set in place a Health care program that can be bought into at a group rate so that the community can afford care for themselves and their families.


We are dedicated to improving the lives of the professional and their families, by educating the person on how to expand their opportunities and how to reach their full potential in life.


Wrestlers Rescue

1126 Saint Georges Avenue

Suite 313

Avenel, NJ 07001

Phone: (732)236-1987

Email: WrestlersRescue@aol.com

Web: http://WrestlersRescue.Org



This event started out to raise money for my sister in law Carrie and “The Carrie Deussing RSD Foundation” (www.carriedeussingrsd.webs.com). She was a successful career woman who loved her job and was looking forward to her new marriage when she started to feel the symptoms of RSD. The symptoms started on 7/20/2007 and quickly spread throughout her entire body within a few weeks. She may at times look “healthy,” but she suffers with a great amount of pain. Her skin also swells, changes colors and temperature. She hurts at the slightest touch. It’s difficult for her to sleep and she has difficulty walking and sometimes her body may shake or spasm. Carrie started to receive the low dose treatment that the United States offers and found no relief of her symptoms.

Dr. Schwartzman has recommended that she be put into a five-day Ketamine Coma. This procedure which cost $50,000.00 is only done in Germany and Mexico because of the high doses that are required for the five-day coma it is only legal overseas. In Mexico, she will be put into an induced coma and put on life support equipment for 5 days. During this time they will administer high doses of Ketamine. Dr. Schwartzman pioneered this new treatment, which resets the link between the pain sensory neurons and the brain. The coma calms the nervous system and “reboots” the patient, much like a computer. After the 5th day they will slowly wake her up. The goal is for her to wake up pain-free. Dr’s. Schwartzman & Kirkpatrick tell her that that since her symptoms started so recently she has a great chance of a complete recovery.

At this time in my life I was trying to acclimate to my new life as a mother, wife and accepting my untimely release from the WWE. “This sounds pretty silly after reading about Carrie right?” That is exactly what I thought. I started to pull myself out of my depression and started to help raise money for this procedure Carrie needed. Together we were able to raise $32,000.00 which meant we fell short $18,000.00.

With this in mind I decided to put together a small fundraiser /meet and greet with a few local wrestlers. While putting this together I realized that I had a lot more friends in the industry than I thought. To my surprise many people started to come out of the woodwork to help my family. At that moment I started to find the love for the business I once had. As this small fundraiser grew I started to think of what can I do for them and this rekindled love. I came up with Wrestlers Rescue.


Wrestlers Rescue’s mission is to create awareness and to help raise monies to support the health care needs of Retired Professional Wrestlers due to a career choice in wrestling.

We are dedicated to improving the lives of the professional and their families, by educating the person on how to expand their opportunities and how to reach their full potential in life.



Wrestlers Rescue



PLATNIUM = $1000.00

1. Logo and a link of your website on Wrestlers Rescue.Org for one year.

2. A full page ad in the program for the event held on September 14, 2008.

3. Logo on back of the official T-Shirt of Wrestlers Rescue.

4. Logo will be placed on a banner to be show cased at the convention and at the dinner.

5. 4 free general admission tickets to the Convention.


GOLD = $750.00

1. Logo and a link of your website on Wrestlers Rescue.Org for 6 months.

2. A half page ad in the program for the event held on September 14, 2008.

3. Logo on back of the official T-Shirt of Wrestlers Rescue.

4. Two free general admission tickets to the Convention.


SILVER = $300.00

1. Logo and a link of your website on Wrestlers Rescue.Org for three months.

2. A quarter page ad in the program for the event held on September 14, 2008.

3. Two free general admission tickets to the Convention.


Bronze = $150.00

1. Your name will be listed in the Program of the event as acknowledgement of Sponsorship.

2. A certificate of acknowledgment from Wrestlers Rescue.

3. 1 free general admission to convention.


*All donations can be accepted through WrestlersRescue.org or you can mail them to:


Wrestlers Rescue

1162 Saint Georges Ave

Suite #313

Avenel, NJ 07001