LIVE Radio Recap w/ “The New Batman” Johnny Kashmere

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Johnny Kashmere introduced as guest host for the night

Highlights From “Fan Jam 2: Graduation”:
* Johnny Kashmere felt “like a proud parent of the XFC graduates” who graduated last Saturday at “Fan Jam 2” as himself, Amy
Lee, “The Complete” Pete Hunter,,& Aramis defeated Erik C. Jones, Tommy Biz, “All American” Chris Ansert, “US Male” Phil Boucher
* Trent Acid defeated his student Detox and will make his way to the UK this weekend for 1PW.  Kashmere stated more PWU superstars will be touring Europe soon, including the possible defense of the PWU World Heavyweight Title in Germany this August if 2 Cold Scorpio retains past Sid Vicious on July 28.   Kashmere also put over Detox at The Crazy 8.

Pro Wrestling Unplugged 7/28 “Iron & Steel” 7:30 pm at The New Alhambra Arena (formerly ECW Arena):
* The immense size and power of Sid Vicious challenging 2 Cold Scorpio on July 28.
* Huge Grudge Match in a Steel Cage between Messiah and Adam Flash
* Steel Cage Grudge Match for PWU Tag Titles as champions All Money Is Legal vs. The SAT
* Johnny Kashmere mentions his letter from “The Riddler” John McChesney…and the man he will face on July 28

“Boy Wonder” Jimmy Kleidsdale Makes an Appearance:
* Is honored following a leader like Johnny “The New Batman” Kashmere
* Burt Ward ( e-mailed Jimmy Kleidsdale and Johnny Kashmere talking about much he liked what he saw of Kashmere vs. Delirious (posted on Google Video) and will do voice over work for PWU, if needed.

Pro Wrestling Unplugged will air Video Vault matches next week, with exclusive video from The Crazy Tailg8.

PWU Commissioner Idol is gearing up with candidates reaching out to fans and sites for recognition.

Check out Promoter Services, including:
* Being the Booking Agency for The Original Diva, Sunny, as well as Tod Gordon, “Pitbull” Gary Wolf, and more
* Also has ring rental, cage rental, and video production services available

Johnny Kashmere Info
* Won’t be at IWA Mid-South in Philadelphia this Saturday
* Trent Acid was his best opponent ever, since he’s his best friend and such a free-flowing wrestler
* Thought Dan Cowhey and Jake Black put together an awesome Crazy Tailg8
* Talked about what it takes to graduate from the XFC and while not comparing to other schools, says to look at the talent coming out of XFC.
* Put over Nate Stein and Dan Cowhey, but still hates Mike Trash LIVE Radio will NOT air next for Fourth of July holiday, but will maintain giving you the best daily wrestling news coverage there is.

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