Trina Michaels

Last updated: January 30, 2024

Trina M

Title History

Career Highlights

  • Trina Michaels is a is a semi-retired porn star trying to get involved in professional wrestling.
  • Trina Michaels has worked for professional wrestling companies Xtreme Pro Wrestling (XPW) as a manager. She also worked for Women’s Extreme Wrestling (WEW), Naked Women’s Wrestling League (NWWL), PWA, SCP and AWS.
  • Dave Meltzer wrote: Trina Michaels was upset that she wasn’t nominated for crossover star of the year in the porn industry when the 2012 AVN awards nominations came out. She wrote, “Congrats to the AVN 2012 nominees, but I’m not surprised my name didn’t make the ‘cross over star’ list. I’d LOVE to know what these `stars’ did this year to be nominated for CROSSOVER besides sleep w/Charlie Sheen! Apparently being on a PAY-PER-VIEW for Dragon Gate and going through a table for Lucha Las Vegas didn’t qualify me as ‘crossover.’ Unlike porn, you can’t just walk into wrestling and have a spot at the top. You have to EARN it I don’t know too many spoiled porn princesses that would drive 3 hours one way to work a show for FREE!
  • March 15, 2013 – FIP: FIP tag team champions Eddie Rios and Jay Cruz defeated Caleb Konley and Scott Reed w Buggy Nova, Johnny Vandal, Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels to retain the titles.
  • April 5, 2013 – EVOLVE 19: Arik Cannon defeated Scott Reed (w/Caleb Konley, Larry Dallas, and Trina Michaels).
  • April 26, 2013 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels, Buggy Nova and Larry Dallas defeated Derek Ryze. Mia Yim w Leva Bates defeated Larry Dallas w Trina Michaels and Buggy Nova.
  • May 30, 2013 – EVOLVE 20: Brian Cage w Larry Dallas and Trina Michaels defeated Chuck Taylor.
  • June 1, 2013 – EVOLVE 21: Anthony Nese and Brian Cage w Trina Michaels and Larry Dallas defeated The Young Bucks.
  • June 2, 2013 – EVOLVE 22: Brian Cage w Larry Dallas and Trina Michaels defeated Derek Ryze. Jon Davis defeated Brian Cage w Larry Dalls and Trina Michaels.
  • July 5, 2013 – FIP: The Bravado Brothers w Trina Michaels defeated Eddie Rios and Jay Cruz & Aaron Epic and Sugar Dunkerton in a 3-way to win the tag titles.
  • August 9, 2013 – FIP: Eddie Rios, Jay Cruz and Mia Yim w Leva Bates defeated Larry Dallas, Hale Collins and Vik Dalishus w Trina Michaels.
  • October 11, 2013 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels and Larry Dallas defeated QT Marshall. FIP tag team champions The Bravado Brothers w Trina Michaels and Larry Dallas defeated Eddie Rios and Jay Cruz w Mia Yim and Leva Bates to retain the titles.
  • October 12, 2013 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels defeated Josh Hess. Eddie Rios and Jay Cruz w Leva Bates and Mia Yim defeated tag team champions The Bravado Brothers w Trina Michaels and Larry Dallas by disqualification. The Bravado Brothers retains their titles.
  • December 7, 2013 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels defeated Latin Dragon. Eddie Rios and Jay Cruz w Leva Bates defeated The Bravado Brothers w Trina Michaels and Larry Dallas in a street fight.
  • March 15, 2014 – FIP: Aaron Solo and Jason Cade defeated Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma w Trina Michaels.
  • May 2, 2014 – FIP: Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma w Trina Michaels defeated Jay Cruz and Eddie Rios.
  • June 22, 2014 – Lucha: Melissa Coates defeated Trina Michaels.
  • July 11, 2014 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels defeated Blake Edward Belakus.
  • August 9, 2014 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w/Trina Michaels defeated Joss Hess and Rhett Giddins in a 3-way match.
  • January 9, 2015 – FIP: Jody Kristofferson defeated Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels by disqualification. FIP world tag team champions Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma w Trina Michaels defeated JT Dunn and David Starr to retain.
  • January 10, 2015 – FIP: Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma w Trina Michaels defeated Eddie Rios and Jay Cruz, Evan Gelistico and Pierre Abernathy & David Starr and JT Dunn in a 4-way tag team match to win the FIP world tag titles.
  • February 20, 2015 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels defeated Blake Edward Belakus in a no disqualification match.
  • April 18, 2015 – FIP: FIP tag team champions Eddie Graves and Teddy Stigma w Trina Michaels defeated Jason Cade and Lince Dorado to retain the titles. Blake Edward Belakus defeated Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels.
  • June 5, 2015 – FIP: Jody Kristofferson defeated Jonny Vandal (w/Trina Michaels). The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) defeated The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter).
  • July 3, 2015 – FIP: Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels defeated Bolt Brady. FIP world tag team champions The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) defeated Aaron Solo & Jason Cade to retain the titles.
  • August 7, 2015 – FIP: FIP Florida Heritage champion Maxwell Chicago defeated Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels to retain the title. The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter) defeated The Savages (Eddie Graves & Teddy Stigma) (w/Trina Michaels) to win the FIP world tag team titles.
  • August 15, 2015 – WildKat: Katie Forbes vs. Trina Michaels ended in a no contest.
  • February 12, 2016 – FIP: Kameron Kade (w/Trina Michaels) defeated Chase Brown. FIP Florida Heritage champion Maxwell Chicago defeated Jonny Vandal w Trina Michaels to retain the title.
x: / trinamichaels
birthday: January 13, 1983
hometown: San Francisco, California
Relocated to Miami, Florida
height: 5'6"
weight: 134 lbs
previous names: Moody Michaels
gender: Female
status: Living
type: Single
current promotion: Inactive