Robbie Stewart

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  • Robbie Stewart (aka Chic Cullen) wrote on a UK Message Board: Many thanks to those who contacted me recently with their concerns. No I’m not ill and yes I’m still alive, the old rumour mill does get a little worked up at times. I’m alive and well and living in Canada since earlier this year. A few personal tragedies etc etc made me decide to leave the UK and return to a place I spent many happy times in, Kelowna B.C. is Canada’s playground, here in the Okanagan Valley where I’m surrounded by Wineries, grapevines, fruit trees, boats on the Lake etc etc… It’s very very hot here and lots of whatever you want, wether it be peace and quiet or as lively as you want, it’s all good. As some may know I worked in Occupational Health as well as being a qualified Anaesthetic Technician, well here in Canada I work in the Oilfields of Northern Alberta as an Emergency Occupational First Aid Attendant.. Great scenery, great job, great money…great fun!!! Had the pleasure of meeting up with my old mate Dave Finlay when he brought the WWE to Kelowna, had a great time and great seats (front row!! thanks Dave a great rib!! ha ha ) Drinks and dinner afterwards with Dave, Mysterio, Chavo + others.


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