Claudio Castagnoli Shoots on Ring of Honor


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Former Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Champion, Claudio Castagnoli, was one of special guests on this past week’s live edition of Monday Night Mayhem (06/18/07), which can be heard in streaming audio every week (hosted by The Big Mosh, Blade, & The Angry Hero, and heard LIVE at 8PM ET/7PM CT every Monday night) exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,,,, www.Showdown,net, &

Members of’s ON-DEMAND 360 section now get exclusive access to “The Best Of Candice Michelle” broadband video featuring WWE’s bad girl & former Mayhem guest, Candice, in all of her hottest & most revealing moments from outside of the WWE. Log onto the front page of for more information. For $4.95, you cannot go wrong fans!

This exclusive interview with Claudio can now be heard for FREE in Real Audio.

Here are some of the highlights from the interview provided by The Mayhem’s official recapper, PWUSandman 41 & The Mayhem’s co-host, The Big Mosh.


*Claudio Castagnoli was welcomed for this Mayhem debut, and says that he is excited for the airing of the upcoming/first Ring Of Honor Pay-Per-View in July, and that the fans of ROH are all excited too, and that everyone should check it out.

*Claudio says that he wants the ROH World Tag Team gold back, and it was gong to be great teaming up with Matt Sydal, who took the belts off of him & Chris Hero in the first place.

*Claudio talked about the Ring Of Honor shows overseas this summer in Japan, and said that everyone in the company was very pumped about these events.

*Claudio said that the WWE did not have room for him at that time, and a few weeks later had a few releases, but they are still on good terms. He is focusing on what is going on right now, with his time in ROH, so the fans will have to wait & see what the future brings.

*Claudio talked about last year’s Ring Of Honor vs. CZW feud, mentioning that the Cage Of Death was “really brutal.”

*Claudio is getting a shot at the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Title on August 10th in Boston, MA against Takeshi Morishima (as part of “Death Before Dishonor V” Night I). He is counting the days until the big night, saying he has worked very hard for this opportunity. It will be a huge opportunity for him to show what he can do to bring his career to the next level.

*Mosh asked what are the origins of his catchphrase (“Eyyyyyy”), and Claudio said that he does not really know how it happened, but after it did, it just kind of stuck with the fans. Claudio says that some of the best things in wrestling come unplanned.

*In closing, Mosh, Blade, & The Angry Hero talked about the NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament, in which Claudio advanced last weekend. Claudio said that his focus is also on this, and that it is a great chance & a real honor to be in this tournament. He can have his name in the books with some of the Hall Of Famers who have held that title (Harley Race, Dory Funk Jr., “The Nature Boy Ric Flair, & others).

*Always wanted to know how much $2 American can get you in Switzerland? Now you have the opportunity to find out the answer to that question & so much more in this 25+ minute interview with one of professional wrestling’s up-and-coming stars, Claudio Castagnoli.

*For more fallout coverage of this past Ring Of Honor’s Dayton/Chicago double-shot (and how you can check out the first ROH PPV) & all of the latest breaking news on Ring Of Honor, log onto

*The entire June 18th program (which also included a very special “Sensational” Sherri Martel tribute special with her son, Jared & her best friend, Dawn, along with TNA’s Sonjay Dutt, “the new Batman”/PWU’s Johnny Kashmere with the post-Crazy 8 report, and an in-depth preview of this Sunday night’s WWE Vengeance Pay-Per-View with The Mayhem’s National WWE PPV Correspondent, Scott Hudson & The Mayhem’s ECW correspondent, The Monster Factory’s Jim Molineaux) can listened to in streaming audio or podcasted at the links seen below:

( streaming) or ( podcast)

*”The Summer Of Mayhem 2007″ rolls on this Monday night (beginning at a special time of 9PM ET/8PM CT) with Howard Stern “Wack Pack” member, Gary The Retard, wrestling historian/author Tim Hornbaker (“National Wrestling Alliance: The Untold Story Of The Monopoly That Strangled Professional Wrestling”), & your official post-WWE Vengeance PPV coverage (w/The Monster Factory’s Jim Molineaux).

Want to ask questions to both Gary and/or Tim? Want to give your takes on the WWE Vengeance: Night Of Champions Pay-Per-View? No problem…The Mayhem Crew will be taking your calls @ 716.989.6630 (long distance charges may apply), e-mails @, your comments/questions @, & feedback on The Mayhem’s Message Board @

All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” (including the voice of Monday Night RAW himself/WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross, new WWE Women’s Champion Candice Michelle, TNA President Dixie Carter, “The Notorious 187” Homicide, Danny Doring’s first post-WWE interview, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, Diana Hart Smith, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, the legendary voice of the Mid-Atlantic territory, Bob Caudle, the official Monday Night Mayhem WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn, & the “Sensational” Sherri Martel Tribute Special w/Sherri’s son, Jared, & her best friend, Dawn, & the official Monday Night Mayhem WWE Draft Night Special)…now available on,,, &

Kick back, relax, & unwind for your wrestling fix with The Big Mosh & Blade along the airwaves of The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network.