Nicole Bass

Last updated: February 5, 2024

Career Highlights

In The Beginning:

  • Nicole Bass’s married name is Fuchs.
  • Nicole Bass won the 1997 NPC National Bodybuilding Championships.
  • Nicole Bass earned the name of “The World’s largest female bodybuilder”.

Extreme Championship Wrestling:

  • Nicole Bass joined ECW and aligned herself with Justin Credible, Chastity and Jason.

World Wrestling Federation:

  • March 28, 1999 – Wrestlemania XV: Sable defeated Tori with help from Nicole Bass (debut) gorilla pressing Tori.
  • ~~~The following night, Sable announced that Nicole Bass was her new Bodyguard!
  • April 12, 1999 – RAW: Nicole Bass choke slammed Ivory, Jacqueline & Tori before their 4 way match with Sable.
  • April 25, 1999 – HEAT: Nicole Bass and Val Venis defeated D-Lo Brown and Ivory.
  • May 2, 1999 – RAW: Nicole Bass defeated Debra in a evening gown match.
  • May 16, 1999 – No Mercy in the UK: Nicole Bass defeated Tori.
  • May 23, 1999 – Over the Edge: Nicole Bass & Val Venis defeated Debra & Jeff Jarrett in a mixed tag match.
  • July 1999: Nicole Bass was released of her contract and she later filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the WWF.

Nicole Bass on the Road:

  • May 28, 1999 – PPW: Brandon Baxter and Nicole Bass defeated CB Wyatt and Derrick King.
  • October 19, 1999 – XPW: Nicole Bass was in the XPW world heavyweight title battle royal won by Damien Steele.
  • November 20, 1999 – XPW: Nicole Bass defeated the Blunatic.
  • November 27, 1999 – XPW: Nicole Bass defeated the Blunatic & Felony in a “handicap” match.
  • December 17, 1999 – XPW: Nicole Bass defeated Dynamite D.
  • January 29, 2000 – XPW: Nicole Bass defeated Jasmine St. Claire.
  • May 2000: Nicole Bass was awarded the NWA Jersey Women’s title.
  • July 9, 2000 – WXW: Kattra defeated Little Jeannie and Nicole Bass in a 3-way match.
  • June 15, 2002 – IWF: Kevin Knight & Nicole Bass defeated Hadrian & Rob Eckos.

Nicole Bass Sexual Harassment Lawsuit against the WWE:

  • September 2002: Nicole Bass’s sexual harassment lawsuit against WWE goes to trial.
  • September 2002: The Nicole Bass trial continued with Vince McMahon testifying yesterday. McMahon denied any knowledge of sexual harassment of Bass and said she was fired because she had “two left feet.” McMahon said, “She just didn’t have the coordination to develop her skills. In our business, she was not a world class athlete.”
  • September 2002: Nicole Bass testified today that Steve Lombardi on a flight to England in 1999 grabbed her boobs and pressed his body and grinded her against a wall as she whimpered. Lombardi smirked during testimony.
  • September 2002: Nicole Bass trial continued with the defense showing video tapes of Bass performing to proove how bad she is.
  • ~~~Jerry McDevitt picked apart inconsistencies in her stories and she even admitted her first lawyers artificially pumped up her first lawsuit, lied about her income and that the $120 million asked in damages were excessive.
  • September 2002: Rena Mero testified in the ongoing Nicole Bass lawsuit against WWE saying that Vince McMahon broke his promise to her to play the role of a classy and intellectual woman. She said she quit the company when they asked her to expose her breast on TV, and do a lesbian storyline.
  • September 2002: Nicole Bass had another bad day in court as WWE wrestlers Lisa Moretti (Ivory) and Jacqueline Moore testified against her. Both denied there were any locker room problems or that they had ever discussed any incidents of sexual harassment with Bass. WWE is rolling out the wrestlers all week to testify against Bass including HHH. Moretti did say she was approached at one point to do a lesbian storyline with Bass and had nixed it.
  • October 2002: Paul Levesque (Triple H) joined the long list of wrestlers testifying that Nicole Bass was not a good worker inside the ring. When he was asked under oath if his relationship with Stephanie was serious, he said, “I’d say it is”. The main question being asked was if he’d ever worked in on Alicia Webb while she was in the bathroom as Webb had testified and he said he didn’t recall.
  • October 2002: The WWE tries to admit Nicole Bass’ S&M Video tapes as evidence but the judge rules against it..
  • October 2002: A Brooklyn, NY jury today decided unanimously that Nicole Bass was not sexually harassed during her stay in the WWF and awarded her no damages in her claim against both the company and Steve Lombardi after a rather quick deliberation.

Nicole Bass on the Road:

  • February 15, 2003 – 3PW: Nicole Bass wins a Wet T-Shirt contest with Missy Hyatt and some local strippers, by intimidating the judges.
  • February 24, 2006: Howard Stern mentioned on his radio show that Nicole Bass was in the hospital due to “steroid influenced pancreatitis”.
  • Mike Aldren wrote (On June 7, 2010): Nicole Bass, 45, a former NPC bodybuilding champion and one-time pro wrestling valet, has now taken her long-standing lawsuit against WWE to the U.S. Court of Appeals. She had filed for a motion for relief in New York Eastern District Court on 3/24 relating to a 2003 judgment but the case was tossed out without WWE even responding. WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt said this week that he doesn’t expect the appeal to go anywhere as the case is now time-barred under the applicable statute of limitations. After abruptly leaving the company in 1999, Bass filed a suit for sexual harassment, claiming she was sexually assaulted on a flight to England by Steve Lombardi (The Brooklyn Brawler). The case was partly dismissed in 2003 following a circus of a trial which saw McDevitt role out various people to testify against Bass including Vince McMahon, Triple H, Lisa Moretti (Ivory) and Jacqueline Moore. McDevitt picked apart inconsistencies in Bass’ stories and asserted that she was fired because she was a terrible wrestler. Bass claimed back then that male wrestlers would often walk into the women’s locker room and that she was repeatedly accosted by WWE agents Steve Lombardi and Tony Guerra, referee Earl Hebner, and wrestlers Big Show and Billy Gunn, while she was in a state of undress. Regarding the flight to England, she alleged that Lombardi came on to her and grabbed her breasts. She said she didn’t report any incident to WWE officials at the time because she feared retribution. She claimed shortly afterwards she suffered several acts of retribution including death threats and an angle where she had agreed to be hit over the head with a “fixed” guitar, but was told later that the guitar was intentionally left unfixed to see how tough she was. She also claimed that WWE violated the Equal Pay Act in failing to pay her wages comparable to those of its male talent. Bass has laregly fallen off the radar in recent years although last we heard in 2006 she was in the hospital due to steroid influenced pancreatitis.
  • Nicole Bass passed away on February 17, 2017.


birthday: October 26, 1964
hometown: Middle Village, NY
height: 6'2"
weight: 230lbs
trained by: ECW House of Hardcore
debut: 1998
finishing move(s): Choke Slam
favorite move(s): Gorilla Press Slam
notable feuds: Debra
gender: Female
status: Deceased
type: Single
current promotion: Inactive