Professional Championship Wrestling 6/23



Andy Dalton beat SB 1

Viktor Tadlock beat Kris Katera to retain the PCW Uncut Title Robert Evans beat J.T. LaMotta Nobe Bryant beat Brandon Collins James Johnson beat Brett Idol by DQ Wally Darkmon beat Mike Foxx, Mace Malone and Tim Storm by pinning Storm in the Fantastic Four Match to retain the PCW Heavyweight Title


The following, except for the dark matches, was taped for airing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on the Lone Star Channel, as well as worldwide distribution via SmartVideo and release on DVD, with Ring Announcer Travis Baxter, TV Commentators Rob Moore and Attorney-At-Law Paul Lewis and one of the PCW Knockouts.


ANDY DALTON beat SB 1 by pinfall with a piledriver


Champion VIKTOR TADLOCK (w/ Paul Lewis) beat KRIS KATERA by pinfall with the Tadlock Drop to retain the title

PCW Owners Thomas, Chris & Steven Bussey came out and revealed the stipulations of the Fantastic Four Match in the main event. Weapons would be allowed. The match starts with two men in the ring and the other two chained to the ringposts. The two chained men would then be released separately in five-minute intervals. And, a pinfall or submission could take place at any time, meaning the match could end before one or both of the last two men are unchained. Also, in another Bussey business decision, Tim Storm’s Dark Circle partners, Apocalypse & Franco D’Angelo, and Mike Foxx’s Faithful, Colossus & Claudia, were all barred from the arena.


LaMOTTA by pinfall with the Wonder Touch –Tremendous technical match between the two. Evans tried twice to put LaMotta away with his crossface chickenwing/body scissors combination, but LaMotta escaped both times. LaMotta, though, could not escape the Wonder Touch, which garnered the 1-2-3 for the Canadian star.

The self-proclaimed “Dark Messiah,” Mike Foxx, came out. He said he has already beaten Fantastic Four Match foes Mace Malone and Tim Storm and will destroy Wally Darkmon to become a four-time PCW World Heavyweight Champion.

He also offered a title shot to archnemesis Action Jackson so that he could destroy him as well.

“The REAL DEAL” NOBE BRYANT (w/ Katie) beat “The EXPERT” BRANDON COLLINS by pinfall with the Real Deal –Collins’ PCW World Cruiserweight Title was not on the line here against the former PCW World Heavyweight titleholder. The two former tag team partners countered each other’s moves, showing their extensive knowledge of each other. Twice, Collins went for his Texas Cloverleaf but couldn’t put Bryant away, though Bryant tapped out while Katie had the referee distracted. Collins went for the Springboard 450, but Katie grabbed his leg.

Finally, Bryant hit the Real Deal on his ex-partner and got the win.

Tim Storm, the leader of the Dark Circle, came out. He said he’s beaten all three Fantastic Four opponents more than once and vowed to win tonight and regain the heavyweight belt.

“JIGGLE-O” JAMES JOHNSON beat BRETT IDOL (w/ Thomas, Chris & Steven Bussey) by disqualification –The Busseys forced the returning Johnson into this match last week under the threat of being fired. Johnson, though, was still feeling the effects of being devastated by Colossus a month ago as Idol went for the ribs and midsection frequently. Johnson held his own, though, but was eventually overwhelmed by the numbers when the Busseys ganged up on him outside the ring, causing the DQ. They threw Johnson into the ring and held him down for Idol’s Breathtaker 450, leaving Johnson in a heap.

PCW FULL THROTTLE MAIN EVENT–FANTASTIC FOUR MATCH–PCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE Champion WALLY DARKMON pinned “The GRIM REAPER” TIM STORM to retain the belt against Storm, “The DARK MESSIAH” MIKE FOXX and MACE MALONE –A table, some chairs, a board wrapped in barbed wire, road signs and other weapons were scattered around the ring. The Busseys came out with the key to the chains, which were used to secure Darkmon and Storm to separate ringposts. Foxx and Malone started the match. At the five-minute mark, the Busseys released Storm. Storm and Foxx took turns decimating Malone, at one point using each other’s moves (Storm using the Career Killer and Foxx using the Perfect Storm.) Foxx and Storm got frustrated with each other and began their own battle. Outside the ring, the Busseys taunted Darkmon with the key. Malone finally got the key away and tossed it to Darkmon, who broke free of his bonds and went nuts on everyone, including Malone, with a metal cookie sheet. Storm set up the table on the floor and, after a few attempts by both himself and Darkmon to put each other through it, Storm chokeslammed the champion through the table. In the ring, Foxx laid out both Malone and Storm with the M.F.’er. Suddenly, Action Jackson came charging from the back and attacked Foxx like a buzzsaw, chasing the “Dark Messiah” to the back.

Back in the ring, Storm bridged two chairs with the barbed wire board and powerbombed Malone through it. Meanwhile, Darkmon was struggling back to his feet and was climbing the ropes. When Storm was bent over a chair to position it, Darkmon jumped from the top rope with a double-footed stomp onto Storm’s back, forcing him headfirst into the chair. Darlmon covered him, hooked the leg, and got the victory to retain his belt a mere two weeks after requiring 30 stitches to cover his skull back up. Jackson returned to the ring to help his protege, Malone, to the back.

PCW Full Throttle’s next show will be on Saturday, June 23 at PCW Arena.

Bell time is 8 p.m.

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Submitted by ROB MOORE, The Voice of PCW

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