Mighty Zulu

Title History


  • NWA Mid America Heavyweight title defeating Harley Race (September 1, 1975);
  • Texas All Star Tag Team titles w/Al Madril defeating Paul Diamond & Shawn Michaels (January 27, 1986);


Career Highlights


  • In Michigan, Zulu was managed by Eddie Creachman and smashed most of his opponents in short order..
  • ~~~He was also paired up in a tag team with Killer Brooks, who at the time was also managed by Creachman..
  • Ron “Mighty Zulu” Pope picketed (protested) the Texas All Star Wrestling office after getting fired..

    Someone sent this in: (Read this online somewhere, don’t know how much truth there is to it); Zulu was booked for Inoki in Japan based on his tremendous physique alone. His work was so bad in his first match in Japan that the entire dressing room cleared out, jumped into the ring and preceded to beat the crap out of him… and it was a shoot.


David Uhlmann wrote: I Just wanted to add this information to your column about the Magnificent Zulu. Around 1973 or 1974, Zulu (Ron Pope) wrestled Cowboy Frankie Laine at the old Canton, OH Memorial Auditorium in a preliminary match. After the match was over, according to the Canton Repository, Pope and Laine got into an argument, and while they were in the shower, Pope allegedly hit Laine over the head with a steel pipe. After criminal charges were filed, the Canton City Police issued an arrest warrant for Pope, to be served on him whenever he would next appear in Canton. To my knowledge, he never did again.


Execution time: 0.0086 seconds

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Trained By




San Francisco, California




Finishing Move(s)

The Chokeslam

Favorite Move(s)

The Power Slam
The Knee Drop
The Full Nelson

Notable Feuds

The Stomper
Red Bastein
Tony Rocca
