Joy Giovanni

Last updated: January 1, 2025

[Joy Giovanni Interview Recap]

Title History


Career Highlights

  • Joy Giovanni competed in the 2004 Lingerie Bowl and is scheduled to participate in the 2005 Ligerie Bowl..
  • Summer 2004: Joy Giovanni was one of the finalists in the widely criticized RAW Diva Search contestants..
  • September 13, 2004 – RAW: Joy Giovanni was eliminated from the Diva Search after making it all the way to the TOP THREE..
  • November 18, 2004 – Smackdown!: Despite losing the contest, Joy Giovanni debuted Smackdown! as the show’s “Massage Therapist”..
  • November 25, 2004 – Smackdown!: Joy Giovanni & Big Show co-host a “Thanksgiving Party” which is cut off by Luther Reigns..
  • December 2, 2004 – Smackdown!: Joy Giovanni acted as special guest bell ringer and gets confronted by Kurt Angle’s group..
  • ~~~Luther Reigns tried to force Joy to go on a date with him, causing Big Show to come down and make the save!
  • December 16, 2004 – Smackdown!: Joy Giovanni got into a saucy catfight with Amy Weber after Joy gave JBL a candy cane..
  • January 6, 2005 – Smackdown: Joy Giovanni refuses to sign Carlito Cool’s petition so he spits an apple in her face!
  • ~~~Kurt Angle later entered Amy Weber’s dressing room and accidentally walked in on Joy Giovanni in the shower!
  • ~~~Joy ran out of the dressing room and into Big Show’s arms, and Big Show chased Kurt Angle to the ring and beat him up!
  • ~~~It was all a ploy by JBL’s cabinet to get Kurt Angle and Big Show mad at each other, and it looks like it worked!
  • January 13, 2005 – Smackdown!: Amy Weber defeated Joy Giovanni by forfeit when it was learned that Giovanni had been abducted!
  • ~~~Later that night, Kurt Angle angle discovered Joy Giovanni in the trunk of JBL’s limo, sending Big Show into a rampage!
  • ~~~The Big Show cleaned house on JBL’s cabinet — as Kurt Angle was shown bragging about masterminding the whole thing!
  • January 20, 2005 – Smackdown!: Kurt Angle is forced to stand in the ring alone and issue an apology to Joy Giovanni for his actions..
  • ~~~The Big Show then came down, but Kurt Angle tried to escape, but was forced back down to the ring by JBL’s cabinet!
  • ~~~It was a swerve though, as Kurt Angle (with Jindrak & Reigns) joined JBL’s Cabinet and DESTROYED The Big Show!
  • February 20, 2005 – No Way Out: Joy Giovanni beat Michelle McCool and Lauren and Rochelle in a Diva Rookie Contest..
  • February 21, 2005–Live Event: Torrie beat Dawn Marie, Jackie, Joy Giovanni, Michelle, Lauren & Rochelle in a Best Body Contest..
  • April 7, 2005 – Smackdown!: Torrie Wilson beat Dawn Marie, Jackie, Joy, Michelle and Lauren in a Viva Las Vegas Bikini Contest..
  • July 6, 2005: Joy Giovanni was released from her WWE contract along with a dozen or so others..
  • April 5, 2009–WrestleMania 25: Joy Giovanni participated in a 25-Diva “Miss WrestleMania” Battle Royal (won by Santina Marella)..
  • January 2010: Joy Giovanni is now working an internship for a chiropractor in Los Angeles, California.
  • ~~~She also recently got re-certified in massage therapy for a new business venture she is working on.
birthday: January 20, 1978
hometown: Originally from Boston, Massachusetts
Now Resides in Los Angeles, California
height: 5'5"
trained by: WWE Training
debut: 2004-2005
notable feuds: Amy Webber
gender: Female
status: Retired
type: Single
current promotion: Inactive