NWA Wrestling Legends Fanfest Update

Friday, July 18, 2008
NWA Wrestling Legends Fanfest Update: THE MOST IMPORTANT UPDATE YET!

Four weeks from today, folks, you and I will be kicking off the most-anticipated fanfest weekend ever. Day one of the NWA Wrestling Legends Fanfest; the seventh such weekend celebration since Super Bowl weekend 2004, our fifth in Charlotte.


Charlotte’s Hilton University Place Hotel transforms into wrestling fan heaven August 14-17, Thursday through Sunday. Hundreds of pro wrestling geeks and nerds (and, well…there are some regular folks mixed among us, too,) flock to the Queen City, once home to the once-great National Wrestling Alliance. From faraway places like Australia, Canada, Japan, and the UK and representing 39 states (at last count,) we proudly celebrate a great wrestling tradition in a great wrestling city!

Best of all though, it’s a love-fest. There’s an incredible feeling when you’re around so many people that shared your same childhood experiences, collected and saved some of the same old magazines and programs, idolized the same heroes. Wow.

A month from now, Friday, August 15, the jet-flying, kiss-stealing, limo-riding legend of legends, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair will be here. NWA wrestling legend supreme. But that’s just one. There are dozens of wrestling greats to share the bill. Wow.

Friday is also “Freebird Friday!” Michael P.S. Hayes, the “Purely Sexy” leader of the Fabulous Freebirds, makes an extremely rare appearance, signing autographs and taking photos with fans beginning at 10 a.m. That evening he’ll honor his friend, inducting Freebird partner Buddy Roberts into our NWA Wrestling Legends Hall of Heroes. Wow.

Seven wrestling pioneers we honor next month. Heroes all. Our wrestling heroes. Roberts. Paul Jones, Ivan Koloff, Thunderbolt Patterson, Sandy Scott, Grizzly Smith of the Kentuckians, and the late Johnny Weaver. The Hall of Heroes dinner banquet and awards ceremony. It’s all about respect, folks. Honoring tradition. Wow. Does it get any better than this?

And that’s just the first day, folks!

Four weeks from today.

Now here’s why this is my most important update yet. I need every minute of every day the next three weeks to finalize preparations to make sure this weekend is the most well-organized and smoothly-run to date. I need some time away to put the finishing touches on everything.

VIP All Access Passes and two Photo Op Combos are on sale now at http://www.NWALegends.com

Beginning today, I’m asking you guys to hold off on your requests for individual Photo Ops, Hall of Heroes seat assignments, 8×10 preorders, etc. until Friday, August 8.

Again, please, hold off on your requests for individual Photo Ops, Hall of Heroes seat assignments, 8×10 preorders, etc. until Friday, August 8.

This three-week period will allow me the uninterrupted time to wrap up preparations for our incredible weekend. On August 8th, I’ll provide info here and on NWALegends.com on how to submit your preorders for individual Photo Op tickets. You’ll also be able to view a huge selection of 8×10 photos we’ll have available for sale at fanfest, and be able to “preorder” or “reserve” the photos you want (just like the Photo Ops,) and have them held with your VIP materials at Registration.

Three weeks sounds like a long time, folks, but it’s really not. We’re on the backstretch now and I want to be prepared for everything. I owe it to you guys that have placed so much faith in us.

I’d like to ask a special favor of those of you that are here and have been with us multiple times. Please jump in and help new folks when you can. Especially here on the board. These folks differ only in that this is their first opportunity to be with us. They’re still part of our extended family of wrestling fan geeks. (No offense to those of you that swear to be the coolest, hippest around…) They’re going through the same first-time jitters most of you went through. While I’m away, and even when I’m back, I’m asking you guys to jump up and help us show these folks everything fanfest weekend has to offer.

In the meantime, I’ll keep things updated on the website and here (although I will be posting a lot less frequently,) and getting ready for your visit.

Thanks, my friends!

Back on August 8th!


NWA Wrestling Legends Fanfest
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 14-17, 2008
Hilton University Place Hotel; Charlotte, North Carolina