Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: August 14, 2008 (Taped: August 12)
Lauren & Samoa Joe (with Kevin Nash): Lauren said the world wants to know, and asked Samoa Joe where the guitar came from at Hard Justice and more importantly WHO did it come from? Samoa Joe said if Booker T wants to play tonight, then they will play. Joe said that everybody wants to get in on the action, and Lauren asked “who is everybody?” Lauren asked Kevin Nash about Sting’s comments and Nash said he can’t speak for Sting.
Christian Cage & Rhino defeated The Rock & Rave Infection (Lance Rock & Jimmy Rave w/Christy Hemme):
Jeremy Borash & Kurt Angle: Jeremy Borash asked Kurt Angle how his neck was tonight. Kurt Angle said that he’s been wearing a neck brace all week. Kurt was wearing his Gold medal from the ’96 Olympics and talked about the journey to winning his Gold medal. Kurt said the Last Man Standing match had nothing to with wrestling and everything to with violence. Kurt said A.J. Styles did everybody he could do to cheat to win, and to add insult to injury he tried to break his neck twice. Kurt said thank God Sting showed up or else Styles might have come down a third time and ended his career for good. Kurt said tonight he gets to pick the match, a good old fashioned Gold medal challenge and the winner gets Kurt’s Gold medals.
Jeremy Borash & A.J. Styles: A.J. Styles said he promised that Kurt Angle would not get up at Hard Justice and he made good on his promise. Jeremy Borash asked him about Sting and Styles said that Sting was no better than Kurt Angle. Styles then guaranteed that he would bring home the Gold tonight!
Lauren & Matt Morgan: Matt Morgan said he has yet to realize his full potential and called himself a PPV main event waiting to happen. Morgan said you don’t wait for an opportunity you MAKE an opportunity. Morgan said his second goal was to become the TNA World Heavyweight champion.
Matt Morgan defeated Johnny Devine: After the match, Team 3-D hit the ring and attacked Matt Morgan until Abyss made the save! Team 3-D were taken out quickly and Matt Morgan shook hands with Abyss!!
Karen Angle & The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Angelina Love): Karen Angle introduced the Beautiful People, who requested to be on the show and obviously wanted to get something off their chests. Velvet & Angelina pretended to cry about people not liking them. Angelina said if they were nicer then people will like them. The Beautiful People introduced the person they hired to make them look good – enter Kip James (direct from Billy & Chuck)..
Lauren & “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal: Jay Lethal was freaking out about what happened at Hard Justice. Lethal said that So-Cal Val has to choose between he and Sonjay Dutt. Lethal said this thing isn’t over until HE says it’s over!
Sheik Abdul Bashir defeated “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal: Before the match, the Sheik cut a promo about coming to Lady American and kicking her door in and grabbed everything she had – Money, Cars, Real Estate, Fame, and it wasn’t even hard to take because she was begging to give it to somebody. The Sheik said while the lazy Americans were sitting around waiting for a hand-out, the Middle Eastern Nightmare grabbed the American dream. The Sheik said he doesn’t love Lady America, he just loves RAPING HER! Very brave speech. Late in the match, the Sheik pulled a spike out of his boot and jabbed Jay Lethal right in the neck with it! The Sheik followed up by hitting Lethal with his WMD finisher for the victory. After the match, Sonjay Dutt snuck down to the ring and flattened Jay Lethal with a 450 Splash off the top rope!
Jeremy Borash & Booker T & Sharmell: Jeremy Borash asked what was on Booker T’s mind. Booker T said he still has the bump on his head from when Samoa Joe hit him with a silver and black guitar. Booker T said “doesn’t that hick have some business interest in this company?” Booker T said he was going to let his actions speak louder than his words.
Sting & Kevin Nash: They showed a video package of Sting’s actions at Hard Justice and explaining his actions to Kevin Nash backstage after the show. Sting said he was not confused at all. Sting said he was running out of patience and his biological time clock is running out of time. Sting said Nash should check his, because it’s now or never.
Team 3-D (Brothers Ray & Devon) defeated Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash by reverse decision: Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash initially won the match, but Joe grabbed a chair from ringside and brought it into the ring and proceeded to repeatedly smash Brother Devon with it. Kevin Nash pulled the chair away from Samoa Joe. Referee Earl Hebner was screaming in Samoa Joe’s face, so Joe hauled off and punched him in the face! Referee Hebner reversed the decision and awarded the match to Team 3-D!
TNA Knockout’s champion Taylor Wilde defeated Christy Hemme: For the second week in a row, Tracy Brooks was the referee for the Knockout’s match on iMPACT. After the match, Amazing Kong walked to the ring and attacked Taylor Wilde but Tracy Brooks defiantly pulled her off by the hair. Amazing Kong knocked Brooks senseless with a vicious back-fist! Taylor jumped on Kong throwing punches but Raesha Saed pulled her down to the mat by her blond hair. Saed stomped Taylor, and got a steel chair from ringside. Saed placed the chair flat in the middle of the ring and ordered Kong to Awesome-bomb Taylor onto it! Gail Kim ran down and went after both Kong & Saed but was over-taken by Kong. Gail made a come-back, as another Asian (possibly Gail’s sister) cheered from the front row. Gail Kim drop-kicked the chair into Kong’s head and Saed pulled Kong up the ramp away from the ring.
Austin “Consequences” Creed: Consequences Creed talked about wanting to become a wrestler ever since he was the smallest kid in his class. He said it 7th grade it got serious so they started wrestling and geting athletic.
Lauren & Hernandez & Hector Guerrero & Salinas: Hector Guerrero gave an update on Homicide and said you never touch one of their blood. Hernandez said that Beer Money took his brother from him at Hard Justice and he will get revenge on Robert Roode tonight. I’ve never seen Hernandez cut such a spirited promo! MMmmmm Salinas looks hot.
Lauren & Beer Money (Robert Roode & James Storm w/Jackie Moore): Roode & Storm were not surprised that Hernandez was upset, saying they took the World Tag Team titles away from them.
Hernandez w/Salinas defeated Robert Roode (w/James Storm & Jackie Moore): Hernandez won this intense match with a Sitout Power-bomb..
Mike Tenay & Don West + “TNA Management” Jim Cornette: Jim Cornette announced a rematch between Hernandez & Roode next week, plus Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong in a Street Fight. Jim Cornette said the main event at No Surrender will be Samoa Joe defending the TNA championship in a Four Ways To Glory match. Cornette said the three challengers would be determined by qualifying matches over the next three weeks starting with Rhino vs. Booker T next week.
A.J. Styles defeated Kurt Angle: The rules are; 1) Three 2-minute periods, 2) Two pts for takedown, 3) Two pts for a near-fall, 4) Win on most points or a three count. After the first period, Kurt Angle was winning by a score of 6-0. At the conclusion of the second period, the score was tied at 8-8 after a miraculous come-back by A.J. Styles. 30 seconds into the third period, Kurt Angle resorted to an illegal elbow behind the referee’s back and scored two points (10-8). Angle proceeded to run down the clock, but Styles suplexed Angle right on top of the referee! Kurt Angle clotheslined A.J. Styles and knocked him out. Kurt Angle looked into the rafters and the lights suddenly went out. When the light’s came back on Kurt Angle had Sting’s baseball bat in his hands! Before Angle could swing away, the lights went out again and Jeff Jarrett’s music played over the sound system! The lights came on a second time and A.J. Styles smashed a guitar over Kurt Angle’s head (instant blood) and declared himself the winner – taking possession of Kurt’s prized Gold medals. That won’t hold up.