Heavy D
Last updated: April 28, 2014

Title History
Career Highlights
- Heavy D is a stand up comedian turned professional wrestler — quite a character..
- Heavy D is known for his witty come backs and cleaver jokes pitting fun at his opponents..
- Heavy D is one of the funniest guys to hit the wrestling scene in quite some time..
birthday: May 19, 1985
hometown: Duluth, Minnesota
height: 6'5"
weight: 245lbs
trained by: Bill Irwin
debut: 2004
previous names: The Midwest Mouthpiece
finishing move(s): The Heavy Bomb (Sitdown Powerbomb)
favorite move(s): The Jokes on You (Inverted Crucifix DDT)
The Last Laugh (Kick to the crotch)
The Punch Line (Top rope fist to crotch)