Location: Orlando, Florida (Universal Studios)
Date: June 26th, 2008 (Taped: June 23)
A.J. Styles defeated Consequences Creed: Kurt Angle was shown sitting in the dark parking lot (wearing sun glasses) waiting for the arrival of his wife, Karen Angle. After the match; Jeremy Borash ran down to get A.J. Styles’ attention and told Styles about Angle waiting for Karen in the parking lot. Styles spinted backstage. After the commercial, TNA security were preventing A.J. and Kurt from fighting with Karen helping to hold Styles back. Karen said she was there to do her job, and A.J. said he would stay by her side with “that psychopath running around here.”
Brother Ray: Brother Ray said “one down, and one to go,” refering to taking Rhino out last week and threatening to send Christian Cage home on a stretcher tonight. Ray said the fans would witness history tonight because it will be the last night of Christian Cage’s career.
Christian Cage defeated Brother Ray: Johnny Devine tried to interfere with a Kendo-stick, but Christian caught him and took him out. Brother Ray picked up the Kendo-stick and whacked Christian across the back – causing the disqualification. Brother Devon & Tomko brought a glass table and set it up in the middle of the ring. Brother Ray then power-bombed Christian off the second rope crashing through the table! The glass shattered but some of the pieces were an inch to three inches wide. VERY DANGEROUS! An EMT was on the scene immediately to pick the glass out and towel off the blood. Kaz & Eric Young ran down to survey the damage and help their ally out of the ring.
Jeremy Borash & Kevin Nash + Samoa Joe: Jeremy Borash suggested Kevin Nash wanted to prove that he still had a little Diesel left in the tank. Nash said he just wants to show Samoa Joe what it takes. Joe came in and teased Nash for preparing for his match tonight sitting around watching the “boob tube.” Nash said he earned his Warrior stripes and doesn’t have to do jumping-jacks. Yes, he really did say that. Joe sarcastically said he would sit at ringside and maybe he would learn a thing or two.
Featuring Angelina Love:
Awesome Kong defeated Danielle (fan): Jeremy Borash asked for volunteers again, and they showed Taylor (from last week) raising her hand again. Awesome Kong selected an opponent named Danielle, who I guess, is another no-name trainee. She was really hot, though – that is, until Kong got her hands on her. Taylor was shown in the front row yelling at Kong, until Kong gave her a shove. Kong finished Danielle off with a very awkward-looking Awesome-bomb. After the match, Kong invited Taylor into the ring and Taylor jumped the rail and into the ring for a fiesty brawl with Kong (and Saed) before TNA security showed up to separate them. Jim Cornette came down and tried to reason with Taylor, saying she can’t just jump in the ring like that. Cornette said she had to go through the proper channels. Taylor asked if she could beat Saed, could she get another chance at Awesome Kong. Cornette took Taylor backstage so they could talk about it.
Frank Trigg + A.J. Styles & Karen Angle (backstage) + Kurt Angle (backstage) & The Beautiful People (backstage): Just as they were introducing the World X-Cup Team Japan members, TNA analyst Frank Trigg showed up and said it bothered him that A.J. Styles attacked him from behind last week. Trigg said in his world, he looks a man in the eye before he knocks him unconcious. Trigg challenged Styles to come to the ring and fight him. Backstage, A.J. Styles flipped out as Karen Angle tried to calm him down. In the ring, Trigg continued to trash-talk until A.J. Styles hit the ring. Predictably, Kurt Angle showed up in Karen’s dressing room with Velvet & Angelina, who proceeded to assault Karen and give her the paper-bag treatment. When Styles saw this on the big screen he sprinted back to save Karen but the damage had already been done.
Team Mexico (Ultimo Guerrero & Ray Bucanero) defeated Team Japan (Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi): Before the match, Team International (Shawn Daivari, Alex Koslov, Tyson Dux, & Doug Williams) were introduced to the crowd. Then Team TNA (Kaz, Curry Man, Chris Sabin, & Alex Shelley were introduced.
Lauren & “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal & So-Cal Val: Jay Lethal said that Sonjay Dutt’s betrayal came out of no-where. So-Cal Val said it was going to take some time to get over it and said they should postpone the wedding. This caught Jay Lethal off guard and he clearly did not agree.
Sonjay Dutt + So-Cal Val + “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal: Sonjay Dutt came out with a bunch of “Little GURU” kids, who walked arround the ring collecting donations. The ring was set up in traditional Indian culture. Sonjay Dutt thanked everybody for donating to the “Save Val Fund.” Dutt said with your help, Val can finally tell the world how she really feels. Dutt started a “Set Val Free!” chant. So-Cal Val came out and scolded Dutt publicly until Jay Lethal bolted to the ring and brawled with the GURU. Dutt escaped and hid behind his Little GURU’s. It has to be said; Damn Val looks good.
Jeremy Borash & Booker T: Booker T gave Jeremy Borash (and the viewing audience) a tour of his specially decorated dressing room – including a picture of Booker with Mohammed Ali. Borash asked “is that the Great One?” and Booker remarked “Yes, and Mohammed Ali is in the picture too!” Booker T sat down and cut a promo saying that Kevin Nash was jealous of him and he will bust his punk ass tonight.
Featuring Matt Morgan: Including the story of getting on WWE Tough Enough.
Jeremy Borash & Kurt Angle & Tomko + Team 3-D: Kurt Angle kept saying that Karen was cheating on him with A.J. Styles. Team 3-D showed up and Brother Ray said he doesn’t know why Kurt married Karen in the first place. Brother Ray offered to hook Kurt Angle up with the hottest women in the world. Ray said he wold set up a couple of blind dates next week. Kurt Angle agreed, as long as there would be no fat chicks, stating “I know Devon’s reputation.”
Moose (aka Mickie Knuckles) defeated ODB: Quite a surprise!
Booker T defeated Kevin Nash: As promised, TNA World champion Samoa Joe walked down to ringside with a chair and took a seat at ringside. Mid-way through the match, Booker T whacked Samoa Joe with a chair-shot for no good reason. Booker T then entered the ring and started hitting Kevin Nash with the chair. Joe recovered and entered the ring to assault Booker T while Nash was taking a nap. Samoa Joe lined up Booker T for a stiff kick, but Booker moved and Joe kicked Nash in the head just as he was getting up! Booker T scored the 1-2-3 to win the match. Nash confronted Joe and they started to fight but were held apart by TNA security as Booker T laughed from the stage.