Heartland Wrestling Association Results

Heartland Wrestling Association Results 06/12/2007, HWA Arena in Cincinnati, OH

Metal Master b Aaron Williams by DQ, Matt Stryker b Alan Wasylychyn, Brian Beech b Mitch Magnus, Tucker Carson & Nevaeh b Eddie Gonzales & Heather Owens, Ganger b Andre Heart, Sean Casey & Kimera & Dick Rick NC Ala Hussein & Brian Jennings & JT Stahr, Cody Hawk & Jon Moxley b Irish Airborne and Tack & Tarek the Legend (champs) in a 3-way tag match to win the HWA Tag Team titles.

Metal Master defeated Aaron Williams by disqualification.
When it became clear that the Metal Master had the upper hand and was about to go for a pinfall on Aaron Williams, Williams’ partner Alan Wasylychyn burst into the ring and attacked Metal Master from behind, leading to the DQ. The Mavericks got in the deadly Holy Roller/Frogsplash combo before Matt Stryker realized what was happening and ran in from the locker room to clear the ring. Stryker demanded that his match against Wasylychyn, scheduled for later tonight, take place right now instead.

Matt Stryker pinned Alan Wasylychyn. After an incredible display of chain wrestling that showed off the true talents of both men, it seemed that Stryker might be overcome by the presence of both Aaron Williams and Brock Guffman at ringside. But even with Guffman’s blatant attempts to hold Senior Official Joe Kopasz back from seeing Stryker’s pin, Kopasz escaped and Stryker managed to hold the pin long enough for a 3-count.

Brian Beech pinned Mitch Magnus. Bad Attitude Brian Beech came back strong after an uncharacteristic loss to JT Stahr last week. While Magnus continues to improve both his in-ring strategy and his haircut, he still struggles with the more experienced opponents like Beech.

Tucker Carson & Nevaeh defeated Eddie Gonzales & Heather Owens. Although she had a valuable partner in Eddie Gonzales, it was Hardcore Heather Owens who nearly took down Tucker Carson with rollup pin. Unfortunately Carson used Owens tights to reverse the hold and score the pinfall himself, earning a win for the new team of Carson and Nevaeh.

Ganger pinned Andre Heart. Before this match had even begun, Ganger brought out a small plastic bag that appeared to be filled with questionable material. Ganger claimed to have found the bag with Andre Heart’s possessions, and outright accused Heart of being “a crackhead.” This psychological warfare may have had an effect, because even with partner Deja Vu at ringside holding back an interfering Alan Wasylychyn, Heart still found himself pinned by Ganger and missing out on his chance at the HWA TV title. After the match had ended Heart took out his frustration on Vu, charging Vu with “messing up over and over again” and continuing a verbal assault until Vu finally just pushed Heart to the side and silently returned to the locker room.

Sean Casey & Kimera & Dick Rick went to a no-contest with Ala Hussein & Brian Jennings & JT Stahr. Kimera’s well-known animosity toward his own tag partners caused the quick demise of this match, when Kimera viciously attacked Dick Rick after being hit accidentally by Rick’s elbow drop. After referee Skeeter Muldoon called the match as a no-contest, Hussein, Buffalo and Stahr were able to clear the ring briefly. Kimera did manage to sneak back in behind them and ambush his latest nemesis, Hussein, before heading for the locker room when Hussein pulled out his trusty fork. Unfortunately for Hussein, the fork accidentally caught his partner JT Stahr instead of Kimera, which earned Hussein a hefty stunner from teammate Buffalo Brian Jennings.

Cody Hawk & Jon Moxley defeated Tack & Tarek the Legend and Irish Airborne to win HWA Tag Team Titles. As the Irish Airborne and Cody Hawk were keeping Tack and Tarek busy outside the ring, Jon Moxley hit his infamous Moxicity on Jake Crist to earn a pinfall and add the HWA Tag Team titles to both his and Cody Hawk’s already extensive resumes.