Marti Funk responds to Jim Ross Blog

Funk’s Corner – Guest Column by Marti Funk In response to the recent Jim Ross Blog.Quote from Jim Ross’s Blog:

“The Funks deserve to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as much as any one who currently has that distinction. Dory, Sr. was a helluva hand and ran a successful territory out of Amarillo for years.


Junior was a wrestling machine and even though he was not blessed with brother Terry’s charisma Dory, Jr. was still one of the most prolific and consistent NWA Champions ever. Junior’s bouts with the great Jack Brisco are a text book as to how it is done.

The Funk Family certainly seems to fit WM25 in Houston when Hall of Fame time rolls around.”

Response from Marti Funk:

Successful people are creative in their own special way, In JR’s inter circle of friends I have heard them speak of Jim Ross always being dependable even though Jerry Lawler had more personality and “Sizzle” than Jim, but Jim is always there to do what ever was asked of him.”

Pro wrestling’s 101 for charisma is drawing money for the company you work for. During Dory’s 4 – 1/2 year run as NWA World Champion, he did capacity business for Fritz in Dallas (Texas Stadium) Mike Labell in LA, Japan Pro Wrestling Co., Muchnick in St Louis, Stu in Calgary, Ed Francis in Hawaii, Boesch in Houston, Eddie Graham in Florida, Mike London in Albuquerque, Crockett in Carolina, Don Owen in Portland, Gulas in Tennessee, Bill Watts in New Orleans, Leroy in Oklahoma, Geigle in KC, Kiniski in Vancouver, Tunny in Toronto, Sheik in Detroit, and for Dory Funk Sr. in the Amarillo Territory, including Japan and Australia.

The wrestling fans came time and time again to watch Dory perform for an hour and come back for more with Grizzley Smith, Wahoo McDaniel, John Valentine, Jack Brisco, Rocky Johnson, Buddy Colt, Harley Race, Whitey Caldwell, Black Jack Lanza, Billy Robinson, Hans Schmidt, Chief Jay Strongbow, Johnny Weaver, Gene Kiniski, Lord Hayes, Rufus R Jones, Pat O’Connor, Lonnie Mayne, Chauvo Guerrero, Antonio Inoki, Danny Littlebear, Giant Baba, Sakaguchi, Abdullah the Butcher, King Curtice, Bill Watts, Danny Hodge, Don Leo Jonathan, Ricky Romero. Two of Dory’s matches went for 90 minutes with Jack in Jacksonville and with Wahoo in Houston and the fans still came back for more. Dory’s matches in Japan with Inoki and Baba are now of legend status as no one in Japan has repeated the business that was based on Dory’s work or sold the video or DVD numbers that started in 1973.

Dory didn’t go the hour with The Sheik and they still sold out Cobo Hall several times in a row.

Dory’s accomplishments include box office attraction around the world. Dory has trained and contributed to many who have had successful careers in professional wrestling including, Edge, Lita, Mickie James, Sniski, Mat Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Mark Henry, Kurt Angle, Christian, Rhino, Christopher Daniels, Osamu Nishimura, Jun Akiyama and more during his time as Booker for All Japan Pro Wrestling.

We and our Talented Pro Wrestlers are very proud of their status at The Funking Conservatory as we are now the Official American Training Center for All Japan Pro Wrestling.

Dory has commented publicly about Jim Ross’s reference to the credibility and athleticism of the athletes performing in the ring. Dory Funk Sr. was the promoter in Amarillo when Eddie Graham worked the Amarillo Territory as Rip Rogers. Eddie gave credit that he learned the business from Dory Funk Sr. and the value of credibility to our business and took those principles to Florida. Bill Watts was booker for Eddie Graham and Bill says he learned from Eddie Graham. Bill went to the Louisiana / Oklahoma Territory and had great success based on credibility in the business. Jim Ross having worked several years for Bill Watts in New Orleans must give credit to learning many of his skills from Bill.

JR’s roots run deep in the business, even back to the principles of Dory Funk Sr and peers of Dory Senior during their era.

Dory Funk Jr. had a 2 week sell out tour in February, in Japan for the All Japan Pro Wrestling Company, honoring Dory’s career. The last night at Sumo Hall was one of the most special and profitable shows Dory and I have had the privilege to take part in and Dory’s marketing revenue for All Japan Pro Wrestling during that tour was amazing and exceeded all expectations.

With love and respect and a wish and prayer that someday Jim Ross might have time to know Dory Funk Jr.’s career.

Marti Funk –