Trash Talking Radio Show

Ricky O,  Salisbury & Bates on 6/19 TTRS

Last week we had on Koko B Ware.  Check him out in the archives. 

Tune into this Tuesday’s show at 7 PM EST and ask your questions in the live chat.

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Chris Salisbury

He is one of the fine folks from Sports Promotions in California and working on the Wrestling Fan Fest show at the Cow Palace this October.  This week we will talk about what role Sports Promotions plays in this convention and how they got involved as well as talk to them about any new developments.

Ricky O

JCW was his baby and he was one of the most innovative promoters in the Indy world.  The J-Cup was one of his notable events and this week we talk to him about his new NWA Pro East. 

Master Bates

He is part of the NCW and has worked many other Indy Feds.  He has been known to fued with everyone including the refs.  He holds the PXW tag title and has some funny stories about some legends of the business like Brutus Beefcake and the patriot.  A quick Hand Check as we welcome him to the show.


Black Bart

Larry Sweeney

Fred Richards