CZW Best of the Best 8 Results, 5/10

CZWCZW Best Of The Best 8
5/10/2008 – Philadelphia, PA


1. Cheech and Cloudy defeated Beef Wellington and Player Uno.

2. Best Of The Best Tournament Quarter-Finals, Three Way Dance: LuFisto defeated Josh Prohibition and Scotty Vortekz to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Best Of The Best Tournament.
a) LuFisto eliminated Josh Prohibition following a Burning Hammer.
b) LuFisto eliminated Scotty Vortekz via submission with a Cobra Cluth/Body Scissors.

3. Best Of The Best Tournament Quarter-Finals, Three Way Dance: Drew Gulak defeated Pinkie Sanchez and Spyral BKNY to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Best Of The Best Tournament.
a) Pinkie Sanchez eliminated Spyral BKNY following a Top Rope 3/4 Thesz Press.
b) Drew Gulak eliminated Pinkie Sanchez following a Butterfly Powerbomb.

4. Best Of The Best Tournament Quarter-Finals, Three Way Dance: Sabian defeated Drake Younger and Bruce Maxwell & TJ Cannon to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Best Of The Best Tournament.
a) TJ Cannon and Bruce Maxwell eliminated Drake Younger following interference from Devon Moore and Drew Blood.
b) Sabian eliminated The Best Around, pinning one of the members.

5. Best Of The Best Tournament Quarter-Finals, Three Way Dance: Chuck Taylor defeated Ricochet and Stupefied to advance to the Semi-Finals of the best Of The Best Tournament.
a) Ricochet eliminated Stupefied following a Shooting Star Press.
b) Chuck Taylor eliminated Ricochet following the Awful Waffle.

6. Ultraviolent Survival Match, 3 Survivors Qualify For Tournament Of Death: Andy Sumner defeated Dustin Lee, WHACKS and Mickie Knuckles, pinning Lee following an Avalanche Finlay Roll through a barbed wire board. Sumner, WHACKS and Knuckles qualify for the Tournament Of Death.

7. Tables Match, If Havoc Wins The Necro Butcher Must Be In Tournament Of Death: Danny Havoc defeated Nicky Benz following a Back Body Drop over the top rope and through a table on the floor. Due to his win, The Necro Butcher has been entered in the Tournament Of Death.

8. Best Of The Best Tournament Semi-Finals: Chuck Taylor defeated LuFisto following the Awful Waffle to advance to the Finals of the Best Of The Best Tournament.

9. Best Of the Best Tournament Semi-Finals: Sabian defeated Chuck Taylor with a roll-up to advance to the finals of the Best Of The Best Tournament.

10. Hardcore War: Brodie Lee defeated Greg Excellent following a Big Boot with his foot wrapped in barbed wire.

11. CZW World Heavyweight Title Match: Nick Gage defeated DJ Hyde following a Top Rope Superplex onto a pile of about 50 chairs to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title.

12. CZW Best Of The Best Tournament Finals: Sabian defeated Chuck Taylor following the Black Jesus Stomp to become the 2008 Best Of The Best Champion.

13. CZW World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Chuck Taylor defeated Sabian following the Awful Waffle to become the NEW CZW World Junior heavyweight Champion.

-Attendance is estimated at 500 and the crowd is said to be loud.
-During the opener, Beef claimed he would have sex with Cloudy by the end of the match. They locked-up to open the match, the lights went low, a love song came on and the crowd erupted in a massive “CZW!” chant. The finish to the bout came when Beef was going for a Jig N’ Tonic-like move on Cloudy but Cheech came off the top rope with a Double Stomp to Beef and the momentum turned it into a Yoshi Tonic from Cloudy.
-After the interference between fellow PWU wrestlers Devon Moore and Drew Blood, Nick Gage ran in and cleared the ring of them allowing Sabian to defeat The Best Around. As per the stipulation, by pinning on member of the team, both men were eliminated.
-Weapons for the Ultraviolent Survival Match include a pane of glass, a barbed wire board, a staple gun and a ladder. Diehard jumped Andy Sumner to start the match. Mickie Knuckles took a staple to the vagina and executed a B-Boy-like Face Lift dropkick through a pane of glass. The match was said to be a good hardcore match that had the crowd going nuts throughout.
-There have been lots of “Jerry!” chants at the Naptown Dragons all night long.
-Following the Tournament Of Death Qualifying Match, they showed a TOD hype video no the CZW-Tron.
-Through a pre-match promo, Benz vs. Havoc was turned into a Tables Match and went approximately 2-minutes.
-LuFisto vs. Taylor was said to be a decent match.
-Gulak got a good ovation following his loss to Sabian, whom has came out to two different entrance themes thus far tonight.
-During the Hardcore War, Excellent was busted wide open. At one point Kylie Pierce managed to Tornado DDT Brodie. Cheech and Cloudy ran in at the conclusion of the bout. Greg managed to give Cloudy a Tiger Driver ’98 but Cheech wrapped barbed wire around Brodie’s boot which allowed him to kick Excellent for the win. Following the match, Brodie gave Pierce a huge Powerbomb into thumbtacks.
-DJ Hyde comes out and says he wants “The Man”. The lights dim and a Nick Gage video plays on the CZW-Tron and Nick Gage answers his open challenge. Near the end of the match, the crowd began throwing chairs into the ring allowing Gage to hit a superplex onto all the chairs for the victory.
-Sabian apparently has an injured shoulder and the crowd is behind him big time. Sabian dig a big dive to the floor and further aggravated the injury. During the contest Zandig grabbed a guy out of the crowd because he had a camcorder. Following the match, Sabian raise Chuck’s hand but was hit with the Awful Waffle. Chuck cashed in his title shot, Sabato counted to 3 and we have a new CZW World Junior Heavyweight Champion.


Ben Jordan Kerin
Director of Operations

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