** SHIMMER DVD Reviews by Brad Dykens **
April 7th, 2007 – – – – – Berwyn, Illinois
SHIMMER Women Atheletes Volume #10
The milestone tenth DVD home release from SHIMMER Women Athlete’s started with the “International Superstar” Portia Perez going up against “The Portuguese Princess” Ariel. Perez was sporting her usual pink and black colors as she proudly represented her homeland, and mine, of Canada. Announcers Dave Prazak and Allison Danger acknowledged Portia’s youthful appearance, but also pointed out that she has the skills to compete within SHIMMER. Ariel’s experience was too much for young Portia Perez, as she finished her off nicely just inside the 10-minute mark ( 5 / 10 ).
Volume 10 featured the second ever 4-Corner Survival match in SHIMMER history (the first took place on Volume 2). The experienced Malia Hosaka, Chicago’s own Josie, the Minnesota Home Wrecker Rain, and young Alexa Thatcher battled tooth and nail for an important victory to help then climb up the ranks. Poor Rain doesn’t seem to win many singles matches, which isn’t a true reflection of her skills. Fortunately she is quite dominant within the tag team division with her partner Lacey. I didn’t think Josie or Alexa had much of a chance, so in my mind it came down to Malia and Rain. Josie hit Alexa with the Blockbuster but Malia broke it up and brawled out of the ring with Josie. The opportunistic Rain slid in and gave Alexa the Raindrop for the very impressive victory ( 6.5 / 10 ). Malia and Josie continued to brawl so it looks like a minor feud has erupted between those two grapplers.
Next up was a grudge match between SHIMMAR ambassador Allison Danger and the cocky heel phenom, Cindy Rogers. Allison Danger stole Brian Kendrick and Paul London’s creepy theatre mask gimmick – I’m sure she picked it up somewhere in Japan. It was a great technical bout up until Rogers pinned Danger with her feet up on the ropes for leverage ( 7 / 10 ). Allison Danger was none too pleased with the outcome of this match so I expect a rematch some time down the line.
Veteran heel wrestler Lexie Fyfe took OVW super star Serena Deeb to school, but it was the beautiful Serena who picked up the upset victory in the end ( 5.5 / 10 ).
Blonde bitch Amber O’Neal experienced her own personal hell as she took on the frightening MsChif with her brand new manager Daffney Unger. What a great pairing – I cannot wait until MsChif and Daffney join the tag team division. The Scream Queens took turns tormenting poor Amber O’Neal by screaming into her ear. MsChif was coming off one of the biggest matches of her life, a losing effort against the Amazing Kong on Volume 9 – it was this match that prompted Daffney to align herself with MsChif. MsChif scored the victory after nailing the Desecrator on O’Neal ( 7 / 10 ). Now that Krissy Vaine has left the WWE, perhaps we will see a Team Blondage reunion and O’Neal can do something worth while again.
It was Canada vs. Britain as the underrated Canadian heel Tiana Ringer faced off with the red-headed British babyface “Jezebel” Eden Black – or as I call her, “Mini-Lita.” Tiana came out wearing her blue outfit, which caused the fans to chant “Smurf!” at her – so she ripped the blue outfit off to reveal a white and red outfit, to which the fans came up with “strawberry shortcake!” Eden Black proved that good things can come in small packages but it was the heat magnet Tiana who scored a rare victory over “Mini-Lita” ( 7 / 10 ).
They showed a six-minute video package featuring Nikki Roxx’s ascent up the ladder to earn a shot at the main event, starting with her thrilling defeat against Amazing Kong on Volume 5 and the subsequent winning streak that followed. Nikki has certainly earned the right to face Sara Del Rey in the main event of Volume 10.
The Minnesota Home-wrecker Lacey had her hands full with the San Francisco Treat, Cheerleader Melissa. Melissa appears to have lightened up during the last couple of Volumes to the point that the fans are solidly behind her now. One young fan shouted “Hey Lacey, why don’t you go back to your Barbies!” which resulted in a “You Got Served!” chant and Melissa leaving the ring to high five the young girl responsible for the insult. Cheerleader Melissa reigned supreme at the end of this hard-hitting match with an extremely impressive win over Lacey ( 7.5 / 10 ).
Amazing Kong continued her path of destruction through the SHIMMER locker-room with a match against Woodstock flower child Daizee Haze. The fans were already worried for the Haze’s health and well-being before the match even got started. Kong has this strange ability to put her opponent over by beating the living crap out of them. The opponent somehow absorbs the punishment and keeps passionately fighting back. Kong eventually wins all of her matches but everybody comes out smelling like roses – or in this case – smelling like daisies ( 8 / 10 ).
It was time for the main event, and it was time for Nikki Roxx to prove that she belongs in the spotlight with other SHIMMER main event talent. Sara Del Rey is arguably most valuable player of the first ten volumes of SHIMMER Women Athletes. With the most impressive win-loss record on the roster, Sara Del Rey is clearly being groomed to hold the SHIMMER title. Nobody deserves it more than Del Rey, who has really evolved during her stint in SHIMMER and has gained a lot of confidence along the way. Not to be outdone, Nikki Roxx started out pretty quiet for the first five SHIMMER DVDs, but really improved during volumes five through nine. Outside of SHIMMER, Roxx has dominated the Massachusetts wrestling scene and also debuted with Total Nonstop Action as a Voodoo Girl. So as you can see, both Del Rey and Roxx are solid candidates for the “Best in the World” category. Both girls put in an excellent effort, and delivered an incredible match. Sara Del Rey pinned Nikki Roxx after a Royal Butterfly ( 9 / 10 ).
Final Thoughts: Can you believe it? There have been TEN SHIMMER DVDs, each one better than the last. But I got news for you folks, the best is yet to come – Volumes 11 and 12 will feature a Tournament to crown the first ever SHIMMER Champion.
If you would like to purchase this or any other SHIMMER DVD, please check out ROHwrestling.com – and also be sure to show your support by checking out www.SHIMMERwrestling.com – Thank you!