Extreme Wrestling Federation News

EWF Wrestling will be holding 2 BIG EVENTS this weekend in Marion, IN!

Special Note:  As you may know, the former Thomson plant across the street from the EWF Arena, was caught on a massive fire on Wednesday evening.  Due to the efforts of Marion Fire Department, Marion Police, and help from surrounding communities, the fire was contained to the plant.  So we are happy to inform you that the EWF Arena is FINE!

To show our appreciation for these pubic servants and support for the community, we are now holding our FREE event at the EWF ARENA on Friday Night at 7:30 PM Bell Time.

Also, we will be running our weekly Saturday Night Event on June 16th with a 7:30 PM bell time.

EWF Arena
3400 S. Adams
Marion, IN 46953

Scheduled To Appear This Weekend:

Just Justin, Bob, EGOW (Big Ric Cannon & Sami Callihan), Tag Champions Andy Santos & Cupid Valentino, Wildman Rogers w/ General Lee, Frank Stein, Locked N’ Loaded, Dark Lion, Destinee Blade, and more to be announced!

Tickets are only $8 at the door and in advance.  Kids 5 & under are free


June 21:  Special Thursday Night Event, no show on Saturday, 6/23

June 30:  TNA Star SHARK BOY returns

Visit us online at www.EWFArena.com