In Your Head Online with Dean Visk

Dean ViskDean Visk Interview Recap
By: Bob Colling of wrestling recaps from past and present, WWE, ECW, and TNA…

Dean Visk was the guest on In Your Head Wrestling Online Radio hosted by Jack and OneInchBiceps. Listen live every Wednesday 8:00-10:00 PM EST at and check out our full FREE archive section with over 3 years of archived interviews.


Dean and Jack briefly talk about the caffeine gimmick in OVW.
Dean talks about forming a tag team with the Chet Jaboloski (sp?), he strongly felt that they should have been called up to WWE or at least the developmental. He tells a story about how Lance Storm pulled him and Chet into a office and told them the name is too hard to pronounce or spell. So, Dean Visk was created, and Chet the Jet was created.
He loved the name and mentions how they had first cheerleader manager in Pepper Parks.
A caller asks if Dean will make the Hall of Fame. Dean doesn’t believe that every wrestlers dream is to get the crowd pumped up and into every show they got to.
Sid Vicious, Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior are mentioned as being money draws, because they were able to get people to show up to the shows.
Dean doesn’t like the current WWE product, He mentions his degree for nursing and psychology for children.
Dean says that he would able to pass a drug test. He says that WWE even told him that part of the reason he was hired was for his look.
Dean believes that you don’t necessarily need to be in great shape. He mentions Vader and One Man Gang.
Dean discusses how WWE got rid of the Cruiserweight division, he praises Jimmy Wang Yang and Jamie Noble. He believes that the division could semi-main event or main event.
Dean loves the HWA and the trainer Lez Thatcher . He didn’t agree with Lez not showcasing his talent.
Dean says that when he was in OVW it was a “magic time”. He really liked the group of guys who were down their. Names included Lashley, Mr. Kennedy, Johnny Jeter, Matt Morgan and Ken Doane to name a few. They all got along and their wasn’t any backstage politics.
Dean agrees once Jim Cornette lost, the people who were brought in by Cornette were shafted for being so. Dean says that everyone needs to put their ego aside and make money.
A caller asks what is in Dean’s cooler. Dean says that Ken Doane is the only person that knows. He does mention that the cooler represents eating healthy foods every two hours.
Dean mentions that he was told to grow his hair out, because he resembled Brock Lesnar to much early on in his career.
Dean puts over HWA main stay as being a underrated performer. Dean says that he has the looks and the gimmick to succeed in the business.
Dean says he started getting into the training portion of a wrestling career when both ECW and WCW were bought by Vince McMahon.
Dean puts over Nigel McGuiness as being the best worker in the industry today. He has not though about going to ROH, because their style isn’t his style.
Dean says that Larry Z. is a professional and will teach you the right things.
Dean says that wrestling was a big part of his family household. He watched the AWA, WCCW, and NWA.
Dean liked the big guys in the ring like Sid, Vader, Hogan and Warrior.
A member from the chat room asks about the Kurt Angle Invitational Dean took part in. He says that Kurt was a great person to work with.
Dean tells a story about how Ted DiBiase cut a promo on how Ultimate Warrior wasn’t anything with Ted DiBiase. Dean said “Warrior still drew money, didn’t he?”, and that Monday morning, he was released. At the time Dean was doing a Warrior type gimmick.
A caller talks about how Ultimate Warrior is coming back to face Orlando Jordan in a match in Germany. Dean says that from the moment Warrior runs to the ring and runs back, Warrior will get a the crowd up on their feet. He says Warrior doesn’t need to be the best worker.
Dean says that he knows he isn’t the best worker in the ring. Dean says that guys like Lashley, Doane and Heyman helped Dean with wrestling and his character.
Dean says that he has a lot of good friends in TNA, but he hasn’t even considered TNA.
Dean doesn’t know if the “door is still opened” with WWE. Tommy Dreamer told him that Dreamer has been fired four separate times. Dean believes that to some degree the door is open.
Dean believes that it was a huge mistake when WWE cut OVW from their developmental promotion.
Dean says that OVW was established, they had TV were people were being turned away.
Dean puts over Al Snow as having a lot of passion for the business and really tries to help the young guys succeed in the business.
Dean says that there is truth to the story that he was scheduled to form a tag team with the Warlord. However weeks later he was let go.
Dean prefers to stay in the states and not have to go to Japan and risk being injured.
Dean says he was depressed when he was let go, it was more of a “what do I do next” type of situation.
Dean says that Ken Doane is going to be the next Ric Flair.
Dean talks about a rib story when he sees his healthy food was out of his cooler and up in the rafters. While his cooler was filled with a bunch of candy, courtesy of Ken Doane.
Dean puts over the Highlanders as being a really good tag team that has “it”. He doesn’t understand how they aren’t still over. He also doesn’t get how Morrison and Miz are a tag team, when they come out to different music.
Dean doesn’t understand how Robbie from the Highlanders is sent home, but guys like Rey Mysterio Jr. doesn’t. Dean thinks it was very disrespectful for TNA to put him on TV.
Dean thanks the fans for supporting him.
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