PWG Presents 1.21 Gigawatts on 3/21

Pro Wrestling GuerrillaPro Wrestling Guerrilla Presents 1.21 Gigawatts on 3.21.2008!
By Silverback, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Staff Writer

Half Moon Bay, CA – In the history of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (, there has never been a show as inappropriately named as Scared Straight. The event, whose name is derived from the late 1970’s program to keep youngsters on the proper path in life, failed to bring any of those life lessons to Reseda last Friday night, and saw flagrant bending, and sometimes breaking, of the rules. All of this occurred within plain sight of Commissioner of Wrestling Dino Winwood and Commissioner of Food & Beverage Excalibur, who despite their lawgiving positions, were so outnumbered by rule-breakers that they were helpless to do anything but watch. This forced a return to the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla offices early Saturday morning, where the Commissioners and their staff reviewed the tapes of Scared Straight, and came to a variety of conclusions. The first conclusion: You guys are a bunch of jerks.

By “you guys,” the Commissioners do not mean you, the fans of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, of course. That comment is directed solely toward the wrestlers of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, whose conduct last Friday night was reprehensible, and resulted in senior official Rick Knox filing a request for copies of The Rules & Regulations of Professional Wrestling, Eighth Edition to be distributed to every member of the roster. This type of expenditure isn’t really in the budget, so Commissioners Winwood and Excalibur have come up with a much more practical, and more importantly, entertaining solution.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla presents 1.21 Gigawatts on Friday, March 21, 2008 at 8:00PM at American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, CA, and will feature:

Unsanctioned Street Fight – Non-Title Match
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Champion Human Tornado vs. Necro Butcher

— The second conclusion the Commissioners reached was that just because Human Tornado is the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Champion, this does not give him free reign over the company. At Scared Straight, Tornado and his allies Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston deliberately interfered in two matches in order to alter their outcomes. Tornado, dressed mockingly in a Chris Hero t-shirt, came to ringside during Eddie Kingston’s match with Necro Butcher, and after a series of brutal attacks that had Kingston all but finished Tornado pulled referee Rick Knox out of the ring, which would ultimately lead to Kingston prevailing over Necro. Then, after successfully retaining the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship title, Human Tornado continued to assault Jack Evans, attempting to once again “break his face. This lead to Necro coming to the aid of Jack Evans, and with a single punch Necro Butcher gained some measure of revenge on World Champion Tornado. This punch was reminiscent of the punch that dislocated the jaw of Tornado at ¡Dia de los Dangerous!, but seemingly more powerful, as Tornado was knocked loopy and unable to stand under his own power for nearly thirty minutes after. Luckily for Tornado, Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli were there to evacuate the Champion from immediate danger.

Tornado, more confident than ever since winning the title, seems to have quickly turned Necro Butcher into a full-fledged enemy, rather than just an ally of Chris Hero. This became readily apparent when after the show, while enjoying a drink and petting a baby opossum at the bar of the Legion Post #308 (side note: The contents of these write-ups may sometimes seem weird or fantastical in nature, however Necro Butcher was actually carrying a baby opossum in one hand, and a mixed drink in the other after the show, which may or may not be in violation of Los Angeles County health codes), Necro Butcher asked Commissioner Winwood for a shot at Human Tornado on March 21. Because of Necro’s loss earlier in the evening, he was not a top ranked challenger for the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship title, and therefore would not receive a title shot. But due to the circumstances of the Necro’s loss at Scared Straight, Dino decided he could give Necro a shot at the champion himself!

After consulting with fellow Commissioner Excalibur earlier today, Dino also made note that this match would also be Unsanctioned. That means, essentially, because of the sheer hatred between these two men, and the great risk of personal injury, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla does not officially recognize this as a “match,” rather as a fight between two men that will occur at a certain point during 1.21 Gigawatts on March 21. This move keeps Pro Wrestling Guerrilla’s insurance premiums down, but the level of danger at an all time high! Human Tornado will have Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli ready to back him up if need be, but Necro Butcher will have Chris Hero and the power of the punch, which may be more than enough to topple the World Champion.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Title Match/DDT4 Qualifying Match
The Dynasty (Scott Lost & Joey Ryan, with Jade Chung) vs. Eddie Kingston & “Double C” Claudio Castagnoli

— Prior to their World Tag Team Championship title match with The Briscoe Brothers, Joey Ryan and Scott Lost found out they would be facing Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli at 1.21 Gigawatts for a spot in the upcoming Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournament (DDT4). It was also announced that if The Dynasty retained the World Championship, the titles would be on the line in the Qualifying match-up, which piqued the interest of Claudio and Kingston. Why bother going through the tournament to get a shot at the titles when they could take the titles before the tournament, get disqualified in the first round, and not have to wrestle three times in one weekend to get a shot at the titles? It was this line of thinking that lead to Claudio and Kingston interfering the the World Tag Team title match, costing the Briscoes the victory, and allowing The Dynasty to retain the titles. White Scott Lost and Joey Ryan are thankful to have retained the titles, they’re not happy with the way it happened, and don’t feel like they’ve completely proven themselves since being awarded the vacated titles earlier this year. So what better way to assert their dominance than entering DDT4 and winning the tournament, all while holding the World Tag Team titles? On paper, there appears to be a lot on the line in this match, but for The Dynasty there is so much more on the line than can be put into words.

Singles Match
Chris Hero vs. El Generico

— Reclaiming the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship may have been the smartest thing Human Tornado has ever done. You see, it was after the first time he lost the title that his career took a turn for the worst, and that’s when he started abusing his former manager Candice LeRae. It was that abuse that lead Chris Hero to become involved in Human Tornado’s life, which then lead to a series of brutal matches between the two men. For the last month, Chris Hero has been out of the country, which allowed Human Tornado a month of not having to go toe-to-toe with Hero, and it appears that month may turn out to be much longer. Since Hero has been gone, Tornado of course won the vacant World Championship at ¡Dia de los Dangerous!, and because of his Champion status, Chris Hero cannot simply be given a match with Tornado. Instead, he will be forced to climb the ranks of the World Championship Challengers, and that climb starts with former champion El Generico.

El Generico has also been absent from Pro Wrestling Guerrilla for the past month, competing internationally as well, and is ready for a shot at the World Champion too, albeit for completely different reasons. El Generico is the only man to simultaneously hold the World Championship, and World Tag Team Championship, and his bank account swelled so much during that time that he was able to fulfill his dream and open an Orphanage in Mexico. Without those visits to the pay window that Generico had been accustomed to, it became harder and harder to pay his personal expenses, and the expenses of the Orphanage. Now it is to the point where El Generico is living like a pauper, while the orphans are living like kings! Damn hell ass kings!

Chris Hero needs this victory to resume his quest to vanquish Human Tornado, while El Generico needs this victory to get back on the road to profitability. With the stakes this high for both men, you can be sure this bout will be emotionally charged, but only one man will prevail. Find out whom on March 21 at 1.21 Gigawatts!

Singles Match
Candice LeRae vs. LuFisto

— After her success in the first ever Women’s match in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Candice LeRae hopes to improve her record to 2-0 at 1.21 Gigawatts. However, she will have her hands full with the cantankerous Canadian LuFisto. Known around the world as for her hard-hitting style, LuFisto is also fully capable technical wrestler, as wells as an outspoken advocate of Women’s Rights. LuFisto feels like Candice LeRae played the victim for far too long in her relationship with Human Tornado, and by not fighting back and allowing Chris Hero to save her, Candice made women all over the world look as if they were unable to fend for themselves. With this in mind, LuFisto comes to Pro Wrestling Guerrilla with an agenda, not only to defeat Southern California’s own Candice LeRae, but to make it clear that Women are just as strong as men, or in LuFisto’s case, stronger.

DDT4 Round Robin Qualifier Elimination Match
Hook Bomberry & TJ Perkins vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Los Luchas (Phoenix Star & Zokre) vs. Ronin & Scorpio Sky

— The third conclusion that Commissioners Dino Winwood and Excalibur came to after Scared Straight was that Hook Bomberry has been able to bring out the best, which also happens to be the worst, in TJ Perkins. Throughout the DDT4 Round Robin Qualifier Series, fans have witnessed the transformation of Perkins, from a man obsessed with following the rules, to a man who would do just about anything to win, and that can be traced back entirely to the start of his partnership with Hook Bomberry. At Scared Straight Perkins’ metamorphosis was complete, when he not only used a distracted referee to his advantage to put his team in the lead with with 4 points, but along with Bomberry, Perkins stormed the ring during the match between The Young Bucks and Los Luchas, causing a No Contest. This result gave The Young Bucks and Los Luchas 1 point each for a total of 3 points for each team, meaning Perkins and Bomberry had secured the spot in DDT4. However, due way this unfair way that this tournament concluded, Dino and Excalibur decided that there would be one final match to decide who would move forward to DDT4 in may, and that match is a four team elimination match scheduled for 1.21 Gigawatts!

Scorpio Sky and Ronin have come into their own as a team, and not only do they want a spot in DDT4, but they would also like revenge on TJ Perkins. The Young Bucks and Los Luchas see DDT4 as their opportunity to prove that they are one of the premier tag teams not only in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, but world-wide, and they will not let TJ Perkins’ newfound mean streak stop them. Meanwhile, TJ Perkins and Hook Bomberry were doing well as a team before, but now that both men are on the same page, they will be a force to be reckoned with. Who will advance to DDT4? Find out on March 21 at 1.21 Gigawatts!

Plus one more match, and Commissioner of Wrestling Dino Winwood and Commissioner of Food & Beverage Excalibur will be on hand to oversee all the action!

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla’s 1.21 Gigawatts takes place at American Legion Post #308 in Reseda, CA on Friday, March 21, 2008 at 8:00PM. American Legion Post #308 is located at 7338 Canby Ave., Reseda, CA 91335. General Admission tickets are $20 and will be available at the door. For more information, please visit Card subject to change.

Friday March 21, 2008
American Legion Post #308 (7338 Canby Ave., Reseda, CA 91335)
1.21 Gigawatts
1. Unsanctioned Street Fight – Non-Title Match: Human Tornado vs. Necro Butcher
2. Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Title – DDT4 Qualifying Match: The Dynasty (Scott Lost & Joey Ryan) vs. Eddie Kingston & Claudio Castagnoli
3. Chris Hero vs. El Generico
4. Candice LeRae vs. LuFisto
5. DDT4 Round Robin Qualifier Elimination Match: Hook Bomberry & TJ Perkins vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Los Luchas (Phoenix Star & Zokre) vs. Ronin & Scorpio Sky