OWW Radio features New England Hall of Fame

Host Alan Wojcik is joined weekly by national contributors like Scott Fishman & Jim Varsallone of the Miami Herald, Phil Strum of the Poughkeepsie Journal, Anthony Castellano of Newsday (NY), Kevin K. Scott, Sarah & Ari Daigen of “In This Very Ring” plus members of the Wild Talk Radio roster like Spug, Mase, Sir Rockin & Tim Stein. Plus the big boss of Online World of Wrestling, ClickWrestle, Diva-Dirt.com and Chickfight, the Executive Board Member at Cauliflower Alley Club Jason Deadrich will be stopping by from time to time.
Topics up for discussion include: a complete recap from TNA Impact Wrestling & the Sacrifice PPV, news from Friday Night Smackdown & Monday Night Raw, who got cut from the Tough Enough competition, a preview of Sunday’s Over the Limit PPV plus news from around the wrestling world.

 During the 9pm hour we’ll talk about the New England Wrestling Hall of Fame induction event held on May 21st with the organization’s founder JOSEPH BRUEN. Next we’ll talk with former WCW/WWE superstar SAMU ANOA’I who is being inducted by John Rambo. For event an ticket information log onto the Hall of Fame website, www.nepwhof.weebly.com
 During the 10pm hour we will talk about Absolute Intense Wrestling’s inaugural 24 superstar Todd Pettengill Invitational (yes THAT Todd Pettengill) held Friday May 20th & Saturday May 21st in Lakewood, OH. Joining us will be MARION FONTAINE & SHIIMA XION. Log onto www.AIWrestling.com for the bracketing and ticket purchasing options. Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_CFJ8QtiR0 and see Marion’s “interview” with Mr. Pettengill.
 You can listen LIVE on our website www.owwradio.com as well as the newly redesigned www.wildtalkradio.com. Both sites offer an interactive CHAT room to join other listeners in liking or hating the show. Call into the show LIVE @ 267-297-1397. Remember we do accept any and all opinions! Skype users can call Sir Rockin who is our technical producer.

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