OWW Radio’s “British Invasion” Recap

If you missed Tuesday July 13th edition of the Online World of Wrestling Radio with host Alan Wojcik, here are the highlights:

***Alan paid tribute to NY Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, PA announcer Bob Sheppard and pop culture icon Harvey Pekar. He also sent best wishes to legendary superstars Bobby Eaton and “Superstar” Billy Graham who are battling health issues.

***Kevin Scott of Under the Ring joined the program to recap TNA’s Victory Road PPV, the rumblings about Paul Heyman and the former ECW faction appearances on iMPACT, information about recently released PPV buy numbers and Dixie Carter’s talent meeting.

***Phil Strum of the Poughkeepsie Journal was joined by Spug from Wrestle Talk Radio to discuss Florence Henderson’s Monday Night RAW performance, the MITB PPV matchups, a Bryan Danielson update, Jim Ross being taken from the WWE’s opening show montage and more. Phil and Kevin blog on http://pojoslam.blogspot.com/ which is part of www.poughkeepsiejournal.com

***The evening’s first guest was Former WWE superstar and current NFW Heavyweight champion “the Ironman” Rob Conway.  Mr. Conway took questions from the chat room and was very open about his time in OVW, WWE, the NWA and his motivational speaking engagements. www.nfwentertainment.webs.com and www.ironmanrobconway.com are the places to check out.

***The second guest was WXCW promoter and performer Rachel Collins to talk about this Saturday event in Nashville, her career in England and America, facing men in the ring, differences between European and American training facilities and recently having a baby. Log onto www.myspace.com/wcxwrestling.com and www.ladysports.com for event information.

www.clickwrestle.com/podcasts/owwradio how you access the OWW Radio archive .  ClickWrestle Video On Demand is also home to thousands of matches from around the globe. The show can also be found on iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/oww-radio/id334739148?ign-mpt=uo%3D4. Best part it’s FREE!!

Online World of Wrestling Radio is hosted by Alan Wojcik (http://alanwojcik.com.tripod.com  for credentials) with contributors from across the wrestling world and the most important people, listeners like you joining in the chat room and on the air!! No opinions are too outlandish (just no profanity please.)  The show airs Tuesday nights 9pm until we run out of stuff to talk about (this show went until midnight) on the Wild Talk Radio network. The links to listen live can be found at www.owwradio.com and www.wildtalkradio.com .

There is a NEW Online World of Wrestling Radio Facebook page!! Search for Online World of Wrestling-OWW Radio and LIKE us! Be sure to check out all the other Online World of Wrestling pages too. Got a question for Alan or an opinion on the show or wrestling as a whole, write to radio@onlineworldofwrestling.com

www.onlineworldofwrestling.com is your home for the best news coverage plus the OWW Genesis forum http://forums.onlineworldofwrestling.com/ The Gold Standard in Wrestling Forums and OWW Radio

Online World of Wrestling is produced by Wild Talk Radio, www.wildtalkradio.com which is the home to the following outstanding programs, all times are Eastern:

Sunday 10pm (11 on a PPV night) Wrestle Talk Radio with Tim Stein, Mase, Spug, Will and Omega.

Wednesday 9pm Otaku Talk (Geek speak) with Spug, Mase and Omega

Thursday 10ish Anything Goes with Syndy Synn (www.syndysynn.com) and Sir Rockin

Friday 6pm Running the Ropes with Maverick

Saturday 12amish CB Radio with Sir Rockin & “the Godfather of Extreme) Rob Parks

Coming soon: The History of… with Tim Stein and the return of Fire on Ice (NHL talk)