PCW “Full Throttle” Results from 2/2


Jiggle-O James Johnson & Diamond Dave beat Nobe Bryant & Jerome Daniels when Johnson pinned Daniels.

Kody Kox introduced Mike Foxx, who started ranting about Wally Darkmon. The lights went out, Darkmon appeared, and he and Foxx started brawling. Darkmon also shoved Kox down in the heat of battle.

Tim Storm said he’d cut the hair of anyone who got in the ring while he was there, and, to prove it, he attacked Referee Travis Trueborne and started shaving his head. Franco D’Angelo ran out with scissors and challenged Storm to have the Hair vs. Hair Match next week.

Robert Evans beat Brandon Collins and announced that, next week, Evans will face Aaron Eagle, with the winner getting a shot at the PCW World Cruiserweight belt held by Canyon.

The Busseys plugged the new “Walter For President” t-shirt, bringing the bulldog into the ring, and conducted a contract signing between Apocalypse and PCW World Heavyweight Champion Action Jackson for their Flaming Tables title match on February 23. The brothers added the stipulation that, if either man touched the other before February 23, Apocalypse would forfeit his title shot, or Jackson would forfeit his title. Apoc signed, but, before Jackson signed, he got one last shot in on Apoc before signing. They also announced that Apoc would face D’Angelo later in the night, with Storm in Apoc’s corner.

Athena beat Claudia with the STO in a rare Ladies’ Match.

Apocalypse beat Franco D’Angelo with the End Of Days (Death Valley Driver). Storm came in and was going to cut Franco’s hair when Jackson came out and fought Storm out of the ring. Apoc dared A.J. to hit him, but D’Angelo hit the Decapitator (Diamond Cutter) on Apoc.

Mike Foxx and Wally Darkmon fought to a wild double-countout. All manner of personnel came out to separate them, and Kody Kox and I even got in the ring to try to settle things down. Kody threw a water bottle at Wally, I grabbed Kody, and then I saw Foxx running towards me, and that was the last thing I remember before everything went black. I’m told he gave me the M.F.’er (RKO), which explains the headaches and stiff neck.

I’m keeping the aspirin handy for the Super Bowl tonight. Good night.

Submitted by ROB MOORE, The Voice of PCW

The voice of PCW … http://www.pcwwrestling.com
My MySpace site … http://www.myspace.com/robmooretexas
Percival A. Friend’s site … http://www.geocities.com/percivalafriend