Jim Noonan shoots on WWE Departure

Courtesy: www.MondayNightMayhem.com

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Former WWE Head Of Security, Jimmy Noonan, was the special guest on this past week’s live edition (01/21/08) of Monday Night Mayhem (presented by Sweet Sunshine Sauces) – which can be heard in streaming audio every week (hosted by The Big Mosh, Blade, & Mr. DFL and heard LIVE at 8PM ET/7PM CT every Monday night) exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (www.MondayNightMayhem.com, www.OnlineWorldOfWrestling.com, & www.ITunes.com).
Jimmy’s first post-WWE shoot interview, a Mayhem exclusive, can now be heard for FREE in Real Audio.

January 21st Monday Night Mayhem (streaming audio): www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/012108.wax

January 21st Monday Night Mayhem (official MNM podcast): http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/mondaynightmayhem/~3/221092825/012108.mp3

Here are some of the highlights from Jimmy’s appearance on the show, provided by The Mayhem’s co-host, The Big Mosh.


The Big Mosh & Mr. DFL welcomed Jimmy to the program on of all days “Blue Monday” (which Jimmy gave the definition of to the listening audience) — and right of the bat, Jimmy wanted to give a shout-out to all of the WWE fans, Super Trooper fans, NY Giants fans, & his fans around the world. Mosh asked Jimmy if he could diffuse the rumor that he was on the line with The Mayhem Crew, while trying to tend to business in Hampton, VA for the debut of the WWE in HD (RAW in Hampton, VA). Jimmy had no problems shooting down those rumors, as he was relaxing in his home in New York City. enjoying his free time away from the business. Jimmy is now working security for a large radio station in the area overnights, and can admit that “life has changed.”

Jimmy wanted to let the listening audience that he is turning 50 at the end of this month, and he considers himself youthful even at his age. By the grace of God, he has gotten to this point in his life, including the celebration of his 20th year of sobriety. “My life is perfect this way.” With regards to his leaving World Wrestling Entertainment, he that it was an amicable parting of the ways. The second-ranking woman in the company (“not named Stephanie”) came up to him after she found out about the news, and asked Jimmy if he was ok with his decision & if this is what he really wanted. His answer to her was “Sometimes God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. It was time, it was meant to be.” He did not get fired, and was not get let go. Jimmy described his commitment to the company as being “fiercely loyal.” I gave my life for the company, and I would have crawled to the ends of the earth on broken glass for the people I worked for.” To an extent now, he does feel unappreciated by some within the company. He was very glad that he had the opportunity to see the world on “Vince McMahon’s dime,” but with regards to a possible comeback, he truly feels he would never head back, nor would he be asked back.

Jimmy does remember very fondly being hired by the WWE part-time at the then-WWF New York Restaurant, and being brought aboard around WrestleMania XIX. Noonan said that he has moved on in his life, and does not keep in regular contact with most of the guys on the roster (minus Batista, whom he speaks to every now & again) and a few guys in between. He does not even watch the product with much regularity, and has no regrets on moving on.

Just as The Mayhem has seen much in its time on the air, so has Jimmy with his time in the WWE. Jimmy said that he was very fortunate to catch the “WWE Attitude” wave at the tale end of the late ’90’s & into the new millennium — even though he missed “The Monday Night Wars.” He was very privileged to be a part of Batista, John Cena, & Brock Lesnar’s early runs in the company to seeing them witness their success in their respective careers.

Does the incident that Dave Batista (whom Jimmy describes as “his favorite”) ran into a few days back in Canton, OH (a hardcore fan dressing up as a police officer) surprise Jimmy? Of course not! “I’m just glad the guy did not have a gun.” Jimmy went on to say that most of the WWE’s shows are not in New York City or Los Angeles, CA, but are in some of the more smaller locales you can think of, and a good number of these fans are not afraid to tail the guys after the shows, try to cut them off, or try to meet up with them at their favorite dining & eating establishments. “Stuff such as this happens all this time.”

The nature of being a WWE wrestler, security, or truck driver is very “interesting to say the least.” Plenty of stories not suitable for broadcast air that Jimmy was unable to bring up, but one story that Jimmy remembers to this day was a show in Bangor, ME when a fan dressed as The Undertaker hopped the guardrail at a show and was tackled down. Later & after the fact, he found out this fan was mentally-challenged & dressed up as The ‘Taker for his high school play. He does regret that this happened, but this story is proof-positive that ANYTHING can happen in the WWE…even for a security guard.

To this day, Jimmy is still a huge fan of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, whom he classifies as “one the good guys & the best in the business.” He does believe that Ric should go out in style with a year-long “Ric Flair farewell tour” with every major city around the world, so his fans can say their proper good-byes to him. “He should get gifts & everything.” For his post-wrestling endeavors, Jimmy honestly feels that Flair “can light up Hollywood, and could make millions of dollars.”

What does Madison Square Garden mean to Jimmy personally & professionally? “Mixed emotions” was his first comment. With the fact that there is no parking around the venue, it was difficult for him & some of the other security to get the superstars into the building without being mobbed by the fans, who are “all over them.” Based on that alone, he replied, “The World’s Greatest Arena…HA!” However, he does have plenty of great memories from being there, especially at WrestleMania XX & getting to see The Harlem Boys Choir & what happened with Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg w/”Stone Cold” Steve Austin as the special guest referee.

Jimmy also gave his uncensored thoughts/takes on the current World Wrestling Entertainment Wellness Policy/the differences between use & abuse, “the Mount Rushmore of the WWE,” his best Royal Rumble memories (including an interesting story from the ’05 Rumble when Vince McMahon tore the both of his quads & the chaos that ensued backstage), working with “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan in his 2002 WWE run & how Hulk honestly thought that after WrestleMania X-8 that him & Vince would “make it work,” why he can say 100% without a shadow of a doubt “why Brock Lesnar will never wrestle again…period,” the cult following behind “Super Troopers” (including some memorable chants at arenas around the world for him), why he does not see himself as a “quasi-celebrity,” & what’s behind the message to those that may have heckled him or tried to cause a ruckus over the years: Do not mess with me or my show!

Jimmy invites all of his fans to check out the official website of his new project, “MuscleBound USA” (www.MuscleBoundUSA.com) & his official MySpace page (www.MySpace.com/SuperTrooper415) for all of the latest on his new book in the works: “”A Letter To Cecily: The Memoirs Of A Nobody,” a collection of letters to his daughter about his life, & much more.

*The Big Mosh & The Mayhem’s senior show correspondent, Mr. DFL, are ready to rumble! And no…not the “legendary” WCW cult classic! Join “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” for the most-in-depth analysis & coverage of World Wrestling Entertainment’s return to Madison Square Garden — That’s right…Monday Night Mayhem presented its 2008 WWE Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View Preview Special. The Mayhem’s WWE PPV Crew & MNM National Correspondents, (Scott Hudson & Jim Molineaux), teamed up with wrestling guru, Bill Brown (of www.BBrownVideo.com), as we set the table for World Wrestling Entertainment’s kickoff to “The Road To WrestleMania XXIV.”

Fans, remember to e-mail your predictions for tonight’s WWE Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View to The Mayhem to www.MondayNightMayhem@hotmail.com, MySpace them to www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem, or post them on the official MNM Message Board (located at www.MondayNightMayhem.com). The first place winner (who predicts all of the matches accordingly) will receive a Triple H WWE Fathead, a $25.00 credit to B. Brown Video (www.BBrownVideo.com: the official wrestling video & DVD distribution company of The Mayhem & your source for the best in independent footage, the Global Wrestling Federation, the USWA, plus legendary matches from Memphis & Japan) & a case of Sweet Sunshine Sauces, and the second place winner will get a $15.00 credit to B. Brown Video & a case of Sweet Sunshine Sauces…the official finishing sauce of The Mayhem!

It’s time to Rumble — It’s time for the 2008 WWE Royal Rumble! What will go down in mere hours at Madison Square Garden in New York City? The main event will see “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton defend his WWE Championship against the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Hardy. After successfully “beating the clock,” Rey Mysterio will challenge “The Rated-R Superstar,” Edge, for the World Heavyweight Championship. The WWE United States Champion, MVP, has challenged “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair to a “Career Threatening Match” — If Flair loses, he must retire following the match. JBL makes his much-awaited return to the ring, and will go one-on-one with Chris Jericho. And who will emerge victorious in the thirty-man over-the-top-rope Royal Rumble match, and earn a World Championship opportunity at WrestleMania XXIV? The superstars who have already qualified are: “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Triple H, “The Animal” Batista, Mick Foley, CM Punk, Mr. Kennedy, “The Samoan Bulldozer” Umaga, Hornswoggle, Finlay, Big Daddy V, The Great Khali, Shelton Benjamin, Kane, Mark Henry, Snitsky, the World Tag Team Champions: Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes, the WWE Tag Team Champions: John Morrison & The Miz, Carlito, Santino Marella, Jamie Noble, Chuck Palumbo, Tommy Dreamer, & several other competitors will enter. The new year kicks off in grand style in “The Big Apple” for World Wrestling Entertainment!

From The Mayhem’s Big Mosh:
Many of you fans know that my long-tenured co-host of many years, Blade, has not been a part of the past two weeks’ editions of The Mayhem.

Blade may have been diagnosed with what is known as Burning Mouth Syndrome, which is a complex, vexing condition in which a burning pain occurs that may involve your tongue, lips or widespread areas of your whole mouth, without any obvious reason.
The disorder has long been associated with a variety of other conditions…psychological problems, nutritional deficiencies & disorders of the mouth, such as oral thrush & dry mouth (xerostomia). Some researchers have suggested dysfunctional or damaged nerves as a possible cause. But the exact cause of burning mouth syndrome is often difficult to pin down, and pain may continue for months or years.

Treatment of burning mouth syndrome is highly individualized and depends on your particular signs and symptoms and on the underlying cause or causes, if they can be identified. Most people with burning mouth syndrome can control their symptoms through tailored treatment plans.

What has caused this has been debated between Blade & his doctors/dentists (everything from taking pain medication for wisdom teeth removal that he had an allergic reaction to/being prescribed anti-inflammatories for that very same dental work that led to this), but this can be a permanent condition that he may have to deal with for the rest of his life — burning, piercing pain that radiates in your mouth throughout the course of the day…getting worse as the day goes along. There are ways to cope with this — via relaxation techniques, pain/anti-depressant medication, & other remedies from medical personnel.

There is a very good chance depending on how things progress (as since he has other major/more pressing issues to tend to), he may be taking a small or extended leave of absence from the show.

I consider all of the listeners in our years of doing The Mayhem past & present as extended family, and with one week before our six-year anniversary, I am glad that I can say that with pride. So, I very much ask that all of you please keep Blade in your thoughts & prayers as the days & weeks go on. He has given a lot of time & effort into making Monday Night Mayhem a huge success for many years, and also values the opinions & thoughts of many of you guys/girls.

As we close in our six-year anniversary on February 4th, we are going to be elevating our senior show correspondent, Darren “Mr. DFL” Szalanski, as an interim co-host to team up with myself until Blade is in the position to come back full-time. DFL has done numerous shows with us in the past, and just like Blade, more or less takes the “fans’s perspective” to the program. He has been aboard our staff for close to three+ years now, and we welcome him aboard in his interim role.

We will also be having some contributions to the program from our other longest-tenured senior show correspondent, Dan “Ho-Ju” Kriegbaum in the coming weeks ahead, as “The Road To WrestleMania” heats up.

The show will continue to go on, as that is what Blade is wanting us to do in the process. We are all suffering with this possible diagnosis collectively, but Blade does not want what we have built to this point in time to suffer in any way, shape, or form. By all means, it will not. It is a very hard time for all of us @ The Mayhem, but if you guys/girls would like to send your well-wishes/thoughts to Blade, you can do so to MondayNightMayhem@hotmail.com & www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem.

We have even be having some sort of benefit for him as well in the coming weeks ahead. Hopefully, this will all simply go away in passing however, and be a very bad negative & extended allergic reaction of some kind.

I will be in touch with you fans leading into the coming days & weeks ahead, and on behalf of the program, we appreciate your continued support, dedication, & faith.

*We are just one week away from the epic sixth-year anniversary special for “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio”(airing Monday night, February 4th at a special start-time of 7PM ET/6PM CT) — where former WWE/ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Rob Van Dam, and TNA Knockout, ODB will be joining us…along with several special surprises!
The Big Mosh & Mr. DFL return this Monday night, January 28th, beginning @ 8PM ET/7PM CT. In addition to all of the fallout from tonight’s Royal Rumble PPV (w/The Monster Factory’s Jim Molineaux & Ed Atlas), The Big Mosh & DFL will be giving you fans the first interview of The Hart Family, as they begin their “Hart Nation” reality TV venture. Julie, Dallas, Blade, Jade, & Beans will be joining the program for their first collective interview to promote the new series (currently in development). Ever wanted to know what was on the minds of the children of WWE Hall Of Famer & their dad, Bret “Hitman” Hart? Well, now you have that very chance. Log onto the official website of Hart Nation (www.HartNation.com), as well as the official Hart Nation MySpace page (www.MySpace.com/HartNationTV).

In addition, we are just one week away from “The Big Game,” Super Bowl XLII: the undefeated new England Patriots vs. the New York Giants. Join the owner of Sweet Sunshine Sauces, Paul Sarris, for an official preview of next Sunday’s clash in Glendale, AZ…along with some perfect Super Bowl/Sweet Sunshine recipes. And we will be giving away two exciting prizes for The Mayhem’s official Super Bowl XLII contest: an official Tom Brady Fathead & an official Eli Manning Fathead (courtesy: www.fathead.com/?cm_mmc=PR-_-display-_-MondayNight-_-shield): Fathead, the fast-growing sports & entertainment brand best-known for its life-size wall graphics, is proud to continue its partnership with the Monday Night Mayhem radio show into 2008! Fathead offers the best of all sports including a full line of WWE, NFL, NHL, NASCAR race cars/drivers, and 45+ collegiate football helmets & logos. Other Fathead offerings include MLB, NBA, MLS, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models, Spider-Man: The Movie, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Hannah Montana, Military insignias/aircrafts, The Thing, The Hulk, Wolverine, Superman, & Batman. Fatheads can also be purchased by calling (877)-FATHEAD…where over 400 of the best sports & entertainment images can be found.

We will be opening up The Mayhem Line (presented by The Monster Factory: 716.989.6630), for your calls/questions for Jim/Ed, The Hart Family, & Paul, as well as your Super Bowl XLII predictions. Also, feel free to e-mail comments for The Hart Family to MondayNightMayhem@hotmail.com, post them on The Mayhem MySpace (located at www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem), or the MNM Uberfun Message Board (located at www.MondayNightMayhem.com).

*As we welcome the new 2008 Mayhem season, we strongly all of our fans around the world to support all of our fine advertisers/sponsors:

Sweet Sunshine Hot Sauces (official website: www.SweetSunshine.com): “The official finishing sauce of The Mayhem.” Remember the MNM Beginning-Year Special fans: $3.00 bottles of Sweet Sunshine. It does not get any better than that!
The Monster Factory (official website: www.MonsterFactory.com): Is there someone special in your life that wants to become the next Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Kurt Angle, or “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels. Well, you now have the chance to enroll in the official wrestling school of The Mayhem & one of the most respected academies in the world. And are you looking for that perfect post-holiday gift? How about tickets to the weekly Old Time Wrestling shows, located every Saturday at The Monster Factory. Affordable family fun for all ages & for a great price!
Front Row Ticketing (official website: www.FrontRowTicketing.com): Searching for the easiest place to score tickets to see your favorite sporting event, concert, or theater performances? Well, you now have to look no further. Your one-stop shop is now www.FrontRowTicketing.com — a full-service, independent ticket brokerage providing tickets to sold- out & premium entertainment events across the country…including World Wrestling Entertainment & Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Pay-Per-Views (including No Way Out in Las Vegas, NV, Against All Odds in Greenville, SC, & Destination X in Norfolk, VA), the National Football League (your place for Super Bowl XLII tickets), the NBA, the National Hockey League, The Police, Bruce Springsteen, & yes…even Hannah Montana — all available on one website. There are tickets for all budgets…from the people who just want to “get in” to the people who want to sit front & center. Plus, you can find the perfect gift for any occasion right at your fingertips. And unlike other ticket companies or websites, Front Row Ticketing is never sold out. Our website does not crash, and you don’t have to sit in front of your computer, or call at a specified time. You can order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at your own convenience. Front Row Ticketing.com accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, & American Express — with no service fees or processing charges being applied to your order. And the best part: your tickets are delivered to your doorstep, via Federal Express, with time to spare before your event! Tell your family, friends, & neighbors. Your new #1 source for efficiency, security, piece of mind, & the best possible tickets for the hottest events around is www.FrontRowTicketing.com.
Sharp Labs Inc. (official website: www.MuscleEnhancers.com): Sharp Labs Inc. is the leader in muscle growth & muscle toning research/development. Stay away from dangerous steroids and opt for a more natural approach to becoming a beast within. Sharp Labs’ muscle enhancers are used widely for teenage body building, adult bodybuilding, & hundreds of other body building workouts. Free body building chat on bodybuilding techniques, weight lifting for success, muscle toning, & fast muscle growth. The #1 source for alternative enhancers, alternative muscle growth, & alternative nutrition. Proven growth enhancers for muscle mass growth is their specialty.

Courtesy: www.MondayNightMayhem.com & www.WrestlingRadioAwards.com
Monday Night Mayhem would like to thank all of our fans around the world for voting for “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” in the 2008 Wrestling Radio Awards. Monday Night Mayhem was the proud recipient of the 2008 WRA for Media Interview Of The Year with “the voice of WWE’s Monday Night RAW,” Jim Ross. In addition, The Mayhem was voted the “Best Booked Show” of 2007 — the second time that we have achieved this honor amongst all broadcast & broadband wrestling radio programming.
Monday Night Mayhem is honored to add these to our other prestigious WRA Awards: 2007’s Media Interview Of The Year (Eric Bischoff w/special guest co-host, Scott Hudson) & 2006’s Female Interview Of The Year (Jackie Gayda).

“Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” also wishes to extend congratulations to all of the other winners. As we close in our sixth anniversary (next Monday night, February 4th @ 7PM ET/6PM CT), Monday Night Mayhem wishes to thank our loyal fans around the world who have helped us get to where we are at now and for your continued dedication, loyalty, & support.

*All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” from the beginning of 2008 & all of 2007 (including: Chris Jericho, former WWE Women’s Champion Candice Michelle, Nick “U-Gene” Dinsmore, Danny Doring, (in their first post-WWE interviews), “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage, WWE Hall Of Famer/former WWE Champion The Iron Sheik, Howard Stern’s very own Gary The Retard, VH-1 “Best Week Ever’s” Greg Fitzsimmons, Vader, Konnan, The Four Horsemen’s Tully Blanchard & J.J. Dillon, “The Doctor Of Style” Slick, “The Notorious 187” Homicide, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, Kaz, “Showtime” Eric Young, Low-Ki/Senshi, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, a World Class Championship Wrestling roundtable w/Bill Mercer & Gart Hart, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, David “Gangrel” Heath, former WWE Head of Security Jimmy Noonan, the legendary voice of the Mid-Atlantic territory, Bob Caudle, the official Monday Night Mayhem WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn, the official Monday Night Mayhem Dream Reunion II On-Location Special from Kokomo, IN — featuring: former WWE Diva search contestant Jessica Hatch, Al Snow, Marty Jannetty, Chavo “Classic” Guerrero Sr., “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Rosey, The Midnight Express (“Loverboy” Dennis Condrey & “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton), “The Genius” Lanny Poffo, & The Orient Express’ Pat Tanaka, & our “Best Of 2007” show (featuring the top three interviews of 2k7 heard on The Mayhem)…all now available on www.MondayNightMayhem.com, www.OnlineWorldOfWrestling.com, & www.ITunes.com.

As we close in our sixth anniversary, Monday Night Mayhem wishes to thank our loyal fans around the world who have helped us get to where we are at now and for your continued dedication, loyalty, & support.

From The Big Mosh, Blade, & Mr. DFL, have a safe, blessed, & healthy new year in 2008.