FCW-WWE Results from Florida on 1/26

Courtesy of Alan J. Wojcik of http://alanwojcik.com

On Saturday January 26th Florida Championship Wrestling returned to the Jewish Community Center. The JCC is located at 9841 Scenic Drive in Port Richey.

(1) Robert Anthony defeated “Campus Legend” Brad Allen.
(2) Billy Kidman & Matt O’Neal defeated “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & Big Rob.
(3) In his FCW debut multi-generational superstar Eddie Colon defeated “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne.(4) “New” FCW Southern Heavyweight champion “Handsome” Heath Miller (w/FCW Champion Ted DiBiase Jr.) defeated Steve Lewington.
(5) In a no DQ Leather Strap Match, “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson defeated Afa Jr.
(6) “Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez won the FCW Royal Rumble and he will receive a shot at the FCW Southern Heavyweight championship at the February 15th event. Perez eliminated G-Rilla with help from Eddie Colon.

On Saturday January 26th Florida Championship Wrestling returned to the Jewish Community Center. The JCC is located at 9841 Scenic Drive in Port Richey.

(1) Robert Anthony defeated “Campus Legend” Brad Allen.

This was a revenge match stemming from a tag match where Allen left Anthony in the ring to be beat down by Jake Hager & Hade Vansen. Anthony came out ready to fight while Allen looked like he just rolled in from the Gasparilla parade. Anthony hit a huricurana that sent Allen to the ring apron and a head scissor that brought him back in the ring. Allen got Anthony in an armlock but Anthony countered out and Allen bailed to the floor to rethink things. He came back in with a Hot Shot but Anthony fought back, that was until a triple jump moonsault in the corner was stopped when Allen shoved Anthony to the floor. As the referee went to count Anthony out, Allen took a turnbuckle pad off and the referee saw it. Allen used this time to slide out to his beer helmet and get a drink, which he spit into Anthony’s face. The action finally came back to the ring where Allen focused his attack on Anthony’s lower back. Anthony fought back but Allen sent him head over heels with a clothesline. Anthony fought out of a back stretch submission but Allan hit him with a Saito suplex before going up top. That flight didn’t go too well as Allen’s legdrop hit canvas instead of Anthony. Anthony got on the attack with his impact bodyshots trying to take down the “Campus Legend.” Allen cut off Anthony’s ten punches in the corner with a strategically placed kick to the groin. Allen went for the win but Anthony got his prized beer helmet. The referee took it away but not before Anthony got a swig and spit it into Allen’s eyes. With Allen blinded, Anthony scored the pinfall win.

(2) Billy Kidman & Matt O’Neal defeated “The Natural” Nic Nemeth & Big Rob.

O’Neal and Big Rob have been in a verbal and physical war over the last few weeks with Kidman coaching O’Neal on the art of wrestling and Nemeth basically doing all the ring work for his team. In the opening moments it was Nemeth and his big mouth running things against Kidman, who let Nemeth talk all he wanted to. But in the wrestling department it was Kidman who had full control of things, sending Nemeth into the ample arms of Big Rob and actually heading to the locker room. But instead of a countout loss, Nemeth tried to sneak back in and attack Kidman but it didn’t work as the fans alerted Kidman. Nemeth wanted to make peace with Kidman but he got clotheslined for his effort. Kidman followed with a flying head scissor. This led Nemeth to tag in Big Rob to face off with Kidman and Big Rob used his power to toss Kidman around. Big Rob offered a test of strength and Kidman obliged with a kick to the ribs but his corner whip was blocked. So was his cross bodyblock which Rob turned into a bodyslam. Nemeth tagged back in and was hiptossed to the mat and O’Neal came in for his team, taking over on Nemeth’s left wrist. Kidman came back in but when he went to the ropes for a move, Big Rob dropped the top rope and Kidman went to the floor below. When Kidman did come back to the ring, Nemeth and Big Rob worked him over for several minutes. But nothing they did put Kidman away and after Nemeth missed a punch Kidman leveled him with a dropkick. Both men crawled to their corners but it was O’Neal who was tagged in first and went to work. But Big Rob came in with a cheap shot from behind, only to be taken out with a football tackle. O’Neal hit Nemeth with one as well and the win came courtesy of a Kidman missile dropkick.

(3) In his FCW debut multi-generational superstar Eddie Colon defeated “Bad Seed” Shawn Osborne.

If Colon was nervous he didn’t show it as he went right after Osborne. Always the cocky one, Osborne took some liberties in his attack, sliding in a cheap shot slap on a corner break. Colon fired one right back and took Osborne down with a drop toe hold followed by hip tosses, working over the left arm. Osborne fought back but Colon kept him on the mat attacking the left arm and shoulder. Colon left the arm attack and hit Osborne with two dropkicks and a clothesline that sent Osborne to the floor. Colon didn’t want to wait for Osborne, so he hit a tope to the floor. Osborne came back in the ring but bailed to the floor and the foot race was on and won by Osborne who dropped an elbow on Colon’s back when he tried to come back in. Osborne tossed the rules out the door and went after Colon with a chinlock, using the ropes for leverage. The referee finally caught it and made Osborne break, so he opted for a sleeper in the middle of the ring. But Colon used some leverage and sent Osborne face first into the buckles. Colon got a second wind and attacked Osborne but got too close and Osborne used leverage to drive Colon into the buckles. Osborne went up top for a back superplex but Colon countered it and hit Osborne with a springboard bodyblock to get the upset victory.

The time came one again for “Handsome” Heath Miller’s Happy Hour. He was accompanied to the ring by FCW Southern Heavyweight champion Ted DiBiase Jr. The special guest this evening was WWE Superstar Val Venis, who came out with the Bella Twins. DiBiase and Miller were in awe of Venis who told the fans he was recovered from elbow surgery and he stopped by FCW to see the future superstars in action. Miller said he was just like Venis, having ladies dripping all over him. Miller even said he was just as good a wrestler as Venis. Bu Venis didn’t like it when Miller said he had gold around his waist and the Big Valboski didn’t. Miller and DiBiase tried to calm down Venis by talking about his acting career. The Twins gave Venis some pointers about what to reply with and apparently it had to with Miller’s alleged bedroom prowess. But before they could talk they were interrupted by Nattie Neidhart and Victoria Crawford who claimed the Bella Twins were tramps and slept their way to the top. The Bella’s responded with violence and a fight ensued with the referees being called out to break it up. During the fracas Miller appeared to suffer a low blow. That didn’t stop Steve Lewington from coming out for his title shot.

(4) “New” FCW Southern Heavyweight champion “Handsome” Heath Miller (w/FCW Champion Ted DiBiase Jr.) defeated Steve Lewington.

This rematch came as a result of Lewington’s victory over Miller at the 1/19/08 event, despite DiBiase’s interference. Miller immediately slid to the floor to try and get the pain worked out of his leg. Lewington paced in the ring as DiBiase flung insults at him. Miller finally entered the ring and took his sweet time in locking up with Lewington, stalling for what seemed like an hour. When they did lock up Miller tried to stop the obvious power advantage from taking over. It did and Lewington went to work on Miller’s arm but Miller bailed to the floor again to confer with DiBiase. Miller came back in and squared off with Lewington but was scooped up and slammed to the mat. But when Lewington went for an elbow, DiBiase tripped him up. It didn’t work well as Lewington saw Miller coming and tossed him to the floor. Miller came back in once more but Lewington hit a back heel trip and locked in what looked like the Million Dollar Dream. Miller refused to submit, so Lewington scooped him up for a modified rib breaker. Miller fought off a roll up pin and sent Lewington to the ropes where DiBiase was waiting with a right hand punch to the face. As Miller argued with the referee, DiBiase hit Lewington in the back with his crutches. Lewington made his way back into the ring but Miller took him down to the mat in a chinlock. Lewington escaped but DiBiase was waiting with a choke as Miller got in the referee’s way. Miller kept the attack on the neck going with a knee drop for two. Miller went to end the match with a camel clutch but Lewington powered to his feet and drove Miller into a corner. It was all Lewington needed to get back on the attack, sending Miller running for his life. Lewington hit Miller with three dropkicks and a second rope elbow to the ribs getting two. Miller fought back with a top rope move but Lewington caught him and he hit a power move but the pin was too close to the ropes, allowing DiBiase the chance to drape Miller’s foot on the ropes. Lewington left Miller in the ring and chased DiBiase to the exit signs. But when he re-entered the ring his sunset flip was countered and Miller won with both hands holding the ropes for leverage.

But after the match ended, Val Venis took the house mic. He said the good news was Miller and DiBiase had the FCW Southern Heavyweight championship. The bad news was FCW Commissioner Steve Keirn granted Venis a shot at the championship this Tuesday night at Bourbon Street Night Club.

(5) In a no DQ Leather Strap Match, “Stampede Kid” TJ Wilson defeated Afa Jr.

The winner had to drag his opponent around and touch all four top turnbuckle pads. But when the match was supposed to begin, Afa was nowhere to be found. As Wilson looked towards the entryway, Afa came from underneath the ring and attacked Wilson. He took the leather strap away from the referee, wrapped it around Wilson’s neck and bealed him out of the corner. Next Afa draped Wilson near the ropes and tried to hang him with it. Afa came back in the ring and whipped the prone Wilson with the strap and took him down with a clothesline. Finally Afa put the strap around his wrist and locked it around Wilson as well to begin the match with Wilson worn down from the assault. Afa went right to the corners to try and get victory but Wilson stopped him before he could get two touched. Wilson fought back, reversing a corner whip and it nearly snapped Afa’s shoulder. Wilson had enough and began to whip Afa’s back several times with a spectators’ belt. But Afa raked Wilson’s eyes and sent him to the mat but Wilson cut off the buckle touching with a Thesz press. Wilson used his taped up fist to punch Afa in the head, trying to draw blood. With Afa dazed, Wilson got three buckles touched but the fourth one was stopped when Afa hit a Samoan Drop. Afa got three buckles touched as he dragged Wilson around but his fourth touch was cut off by the strap hitting him in the groin thanks to Wilson. Wilson went after the four buckles as Afa fought for balance and stopped the fourth touch with a spinebuster. Afa got to his feet first and wrapped the strap around Wilson’s neck, dragging him to three corner touches but Afa didn’t realize Wilson was also touching buckles. Wilson fought out of a Samoan Drop and touched the fourth buckle ending the match. But it didn’t end the violence as Afa attacked Wilson with the strap and then went to use the ring bell but several FCW superstars hit the ring, sending Afa to seek higher ground.

(6) “Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez won the FCW Royal Rumble and he will receive a shot at the FCW Southern Heavyweight championship at the February 15th event. Perez eliminated G-Rilla with help from Eddie Colon.

The order of entry was: (1) “Puerto Rican Nightmare” Eric Perez (2) “Carnival Freak” Sinn Bowdee (eliminated by Kevin Kiley) (3) Bryan Kelly (eliminated by Johnny Curtis) (4) Rycklon (eliminated by Titan) (5) Tommy Taylor (eliminated by Rycklon) (6) “Rough House” Ralph Mosca (eliminated by G-Rilla) (7) Johnny Curtis (eliminated by Rycklon) (8) Chris Gray (eliminated by Bryan Kelly) (9) Mighty Mikey (eliminated by Titan) (10) 7 Ft Giant Titan (eliminated by G-Rilla) (11) “Mastodon of Mayhem” G-Rilla (eliminated by Perez) (12) Sheamus (eliminated by Jake Hager) (13) Sledgehammer (eliminated by Mosca) (14) “South City Thriller” Hade Vansen (eliminated by Sheamus) (15) Kevin Kiley (eliminated by Jake Hager) (16) Jake Hager (eliminated by Rycklon) (17) Brandon Groom (eliminated by Hade Vansen) (18) Mr. Yamamoto (eliminated by Titan) (19) David Mercury (eliminated by Jake Hager).

See you Tuesday night at Bourbon Street Night Club, 4331 US 19N in New Port Richey, bell time 8:30pm. Already signed WWE Superstar Val Venis against “Handsome” Heather Miller for the FCW Southern Heavyweight championship.

Coming to the 2008 Florida State Fair, well you better on Friday February 15th to see FCW live at 6 & 8PM in the Entertainment .Hall. Be there early because before and after the events you can meet the wrestlers for photos and autographs. WWE Hall of Fame member “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes plus WWE tag team champions John Morrison & The Miz are going to be in attendance, more names will be announced later.

FCW will return to the Jewish Community Center on Saturday February 23rd with an 8pm belltime.

Be looking for information on our TV tapings to begin on Thursday February 28th in Tampa.

For more information on the FCW Superstars log onto www.fcwwrestling.com