Atomic Championship Wrestling on 2/23

Atomic Championship Wrestling returns to Smokestown, PA on February 23 at 860 Smokestown Road, Denver, PA with a 7:00 pm belltime (doors open at 6:30 pm).

Tickets are front row $20/General Admission $15; and are available at The Denver Supply, Main Street, Denver, PA or Mohler Fitness, Route 272, Ephrata, PA.

Main Event
Glen Osbourne and replacement Devon Moore The Dark Patriot is suspendwed) vs. Kage and The Patriot

WelterWeight Title Match
Trixter vs. Alan Cross with Ashley Nicely

Rockin Rebel and Kitt vs. Louis G Rich and Niles Young (with Noel Harlow)

ACW National Title
Twisted Tate vs. Joey Manson

ACW Tag Team Title/2 out of 3 falls
Shatter and Rick Havoc vs. Frank the Tank and Pretty Fly

Eric Cooper vs. IB Green
If IB Green loses he gets whipped with a leather belt and is gone from ACW for 90 Days

Mikey X and Boy Boy vs. Code Red and Big Poppa Chill

Bill Bain vs. Massive Mike

GI Bear vs Evan Nemo in a Rematch
Plus a Battle Royal
Also Appearing- Dan Marx, The ECW Hat Guy, Ref Zack and Ref Tonya Stevens, Heavy D, Ashley Nicely, Adrian Bliss and many more. The winner recieves a Title Shot of his choice