BostonWrestling.COM Insider #102

Big news coming next week!

The Super Bowl of New England wrestling this fall!


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Home of the Millennium Wrestling Federation – It’s On!
Monday, July 14th, 2008

– July MWF ULTRA TV On-Line
– July MWF Xtra Preview w/ Tito Santana
– Iron Sheik Studio Shoot Interview II DVD On Fire!
– 7 Autographed Sheik Shoot #1 DVD’s Left
– Book The Iron Sheik
– Inside The MWF w/ Dan Mirade

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Wrestling fans, the summer is heating up! This month on ULTRA, it’s the fall out from NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS as Black Machismo captures the MWF TV Title from Tommaso Ciampa, only to be sneak attacked by “Slyck” Wagner Brown, who joins The Uprising! Beau Douglas & KISS 108FM’s Jackson Blue shock New England by winning the MWF Tag Team Titles! There’s a new boss in town for Ox Baker’s Army, as Vito Carluccio guides Islander Makua to the ring against impressive newcomer Scott Reed. Chase Del Monte makes his MWF debut against “Executioner” Brian Milonas. Sean Patrick makes his ULTRA debut against Furio Falcone, and more! On MWF Xtra: The John Cena Sr. Show, the MWF President challenges the MWF “stalker” that left him beaten at MWF headquarters. WWE Hall of Famer Tito Santana joins Mr. Cena for a thirty minute shoot interview. Plus, all the latest MWF news and views, along with President Cena firing Dave Cole with true intensity! Look for them soon on-line! Check out past episodes before they’re gone for good:

Hollywood superstar Brigitte Nielsen makes a special appearance on the May ULTRA. This is Nielsen’s, star of Rocky IV, Beverly Hills Cop II, Red Sonja and others, Millennium Wrestling Federation debut:

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* Order by August 1st and get FREE autographed 8X10! *
You’ll laugh. . .you’ll cry. . .you’ll be astonished at BOSTONWRESTLING.COM’s Iron Sheik Studio Shoot Interview II. The original from 2004 has been often imitated but never duplicated. . .without a doubt, it is the most popular shoot interview in the history of professional wrestling. “I’ll make you humble” became a household phrase on-line, but that’s NOTHING compared to the Sheik’s shocking comments about The Ultimate Warrior and the Warrior’s daughter!

This two hour shoot will become another instant classic. You’ll laugh out loud when the Sheik forgets Brian Blair and even his own grand kids names (never mind trying to pronounce Sylvester Stallone’s name!). More vicious attacks on Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart and Nikolai Volkoff. For the first time, the Sheik publicly talks about his two sons he had out of wedlock in Iran, Hassan and Ali.

After recent turns for the worse in his personal life, the Sheik vows to change for his family. His wife has left him and he was forced to move out of his long time home. To show where the Sheik has been, before the Studio Shoot even begins, for the first time anywhere you’ll witness a shocking interview between Dan Mirade and the Sheik eight days after their infamous car accident in August 2005 where the Sheik went off on such a drug induced tirade it could never be aired on MWF television!

At the conclusion of thirty plus minutes of insanity, see for yourself if this is the evolution or the end of the Sheik in the follow-up to his classic Studio Shoot Interview DVD:

* How does it feel to have a whole new wave of fans as a result of our first Studio Shoot Interview?

* After learning that Rob Feinstein was caught by a Philadelphia news crew attempting to meet up and have sex with what he thought was a 14 year old boy, do you regret doing a DVD with him??

* The Sheik talks about his impressions on being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

* Sheik’s thoughts on being inducted into the WWE HOF with Bob Orton and Orton introducing the Sheik into “medicine.”

* Sheik talks about working for a TV studio in Iran before coming to America.

* Sheik’s thoughts on being inducted with Jimmy Hart.

* How Elvis Presley used to watch him wrestle.

* Thoughts on working in the Memphis territory.

* How Jimmy Hart was his first wrestling manager.

* How Jimmy Hart has changed between his days in Memphis and now.

* How Hulk Hogan lied to him for a second time and his heated words for both Hogan and Hart.

* Thoughts on being inducted with Paul Orndorff.

* Orndorff getting sucker punched by Vader.

* Thoughts on Hogan’s family getting first class treatment at the HOF ceremony, and WWE putting the Sheik, Orndorff and their families together in one limo and not flying out more than one guest each.

* Thoughts on being inducted with Nikolai Volkoff.

* Sheik rehashes the reasons why he has so much heat with Volkoff and how their friendship ended over $2 after he got him rice to eat.

* Thoughts on being inducted with Roddy Piper.

* Sheik tells the story on how he paid off the police and saved Piper from going to jail after they got caught with cocaine and other drugs in NC.

* The Sheik shows how he and Piper used to grind cocaine.

* Sheik talks about saving Harley Race from going to jail in NJ when he was caught drinking in his car.

* The Sheik talks about “seeing the light” after so many wild years.

* Sheik explains what drugs he was caught with when pulled over with Jim Duggan in the infamous story from 1987

* Thoughts on being inducted with Hulk Hogan

* How Vince McMahon told him he stole the show at the HOF

* Sheik talks about the incident he had at Applebees the afternoon of IRON SHEIK APPRECIATION NIGHT

* Sheik shoots on Dan Mirade for not bringing him cigarettes or medicine when picking him up at the airport that day.

* Sheik talks about the car accident that night that caused him serious injury that night.

* Sheik and Mirade argue over his money and the Applebees situation.

* Sheik talks about screaming about how he loved cocaine and heroin the church parking lot at the event.

* Sheik gets emotional talking about how his wife left him and the changes he wants to make for his grand kids.

* Sheik vows off of hard drugs.

* Sheik goes off on the Ultimate Warrior selling his ass as a prostitute to other men.

* Sheik talks about Howard Stern going to see Sheik wrestle with his grandfather in Miami

* Sheik goes wild talking about Beetlejuice and what he threatens to do to his ass.

* The Sheik shows the fans his injured knee and purple feet.

* The Sheik tries to rally his wrestling fans to email Howard Stern to get him back on the Killers of Comedy Tour, and threatens to get the fans to boycott the events if they don’t bring him back from his suspension.

* Sheik and Mirade talk about a visit to Toronto in November 2006 where the Sheik was hounding the cab driver for various drugs, including hashish.

* Sheik talks about the infamous Christmas / Michael Richards promo he taped the same night, and goes off on a tirade about humbling Richards after an evening of “medicine.”

* Thoughts on his return to Toronto in March 2007 when he was stiffed, robbed and hospitalized after having a panic attack at the airport.

* The Sheik talks about a junky woman that wanted to have sex with him in Canada.

* Sheik talks about his heated altercation with the Ultimate Warrior in May 2007 in NJ.

* For the first time, the Sheik hears about the Warriors comments on his web-site following the incident. Sheik screams for another beer.

* Sheik talks about meeting a young Warrior in Georgia during a bodybuilding competition

* The Sheik shoots on Lou Ferrigno

* After hearing that the Warrior said his six year old daughter hits harder than the Sheik, the Sheik unleashes on the Warrior’s daughter and the Warrior himself.

* Talk turns to the Howard Stern Show falling in love with the original Iron Sheik Studio Shoot Interview DVD (that aired on Stern’s show)

* Sheik talks about getting raped out of 50% of his paydays from Killers of Comedy tour appearances

* The Sheik shares a story about the night he had to share a hotel room with Beetlejuice and whips his beer bottle across the studio

* Sheik talks about Chris Benoit (who lived a few streets away from him in Fayetteville, GA) asking him to visit him a few weeks before the tragedy when they were at Raw together.

* The Sheik breaks down when talking about the murders/suicide.

* The Sheik voices his opinions on the Hogan family scandals

* The Sheik wants to know why Hogan put baby oil on Brooke’s ass.

* What advice would the Sheik give to the Hogan’s?

* The Sheik unleashes on Jay Leno

* Dan Mirade dives deep into the Sheik’s heart, talking about how WWE’s rehab program might be able to help repair his family life. Does the Sheik think it can help him??

* The Sheik talks about how he has two sons in Iran and how he wants to see them again.

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The Iron Sheik signed a limit amount of his original Studio Shoot Interview DVD’s last weekend when he returned to Boston. This was the DVD that shot the Sheik to a new level of popularity and is the most famous shoot interview in wrestling history. There are only sevenm left, to order visit – get yours before they’re gone!

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The Iron Sheik is now available for live wrestling events, autograph and photo sessions, Q&A’s, conventions, bachelor parties, birthday parties, corporate events, advertising campaigns, wrestling seminars – basically, anything you can think of! Email us at with the date and location of your event, along with a description of how you’d like the Sheik involved!

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Dan Mirade is back with the latest news and views from behinds the scenes of the MWF!

This past Friday, featured an article on the Millennium Wrestling Federation’s Call To Action Campaign, the first time the MWF has been featured on World Wrestling Entertainment’s official web-site:

President Cena, Commissioner Von Johnson and the Millennium Wrestling Federation Board of Directors are putting out the “call” once again. The 2008 MWF Call To Action Campaign is starting up, as we look for quality, hungry young athletes with heart and passion for the professional wrestling industry to compete in our rings. For more information on how to join the big dogs, visit:

The Millennium Wrestling Federation just rocked Salem, MA with the Special Olympics and is looking to team up with other non-profit organizations in 2008 to bring live professional wrestling to your town! For more, check out:

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Visit The BOSTONWRESTLING.COM Supersite Today! – the official on-line home of the Millennium Wrestling Federation – the official web-site of John Cena Sr. – the history of wrestling in Boston & New England web-site – the official web-site of WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik – the history of Extreme Championship Wrestling – the official web-site of Dan Mirade