The Armpit Wrestling Quiz for the Week of January 23, 2017

Welcome to The Armpit wrestling quiz for the week of January 23, 2017. 

Last week was the inauguration of President Donald Trump in the United States, just four years after he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.  As we transition to the new President, this week we’ll take a look at “Transitions of Power in Pro Wrestling.”

Congratulations to last week’s winner: Benjamin Eichstaedt


Last week’s answers:


1) The British Bulldogs, before they went to the WWF, were most famous for working in Stampede Wrestling and New Japan.


2) Yes, Davey Boy and Dynamite were first cousins in real life.  But they were not close growing up.


3) Dynamite put cruiserweight wrestling on the map in the early ‘80s with his matches with Tiger Mask (Satoru Sayama).  In the old days you had to trade or buy VHS tapes to see those.  Now you can just go to YouTube or Dailymotion and see them instantly.


4) Davey Boy married Diana Hart, the sister of Bret and the daughter of Stu.  She was, and still is, a very attractive woman and played a significant part in Davey’s feuds with her brother Bret and also Shawn Michaels.


5) Vince hired the Bulldogs in the first place as a favor to Stu Hart when he took over Stampede’s time slots in Canada.  It was more of a condition Stu set when he made the deal, and Vince honored it and they ended up huge stars.


6) The name of the Bulldogs’ manager was a real bulldog, named Mathilda.  She loved to chase around Bobby Heenan, it was hilarious.


7) The Bulldogs left the WWF in 1988 after a real backstage feud with the Rougeau Brothers got out of hand.  It all started with a rib by Curt Hennig to stir the pot, and ended with Jacques getting knocked down by Dynamite in front of all the boys.  Jacques and Raymond plotted their revenge for days, with Jacques eventually suckerpunching Dynamite with a roll of quarters and knocking his teeth out.  There was legit fear for Jacques’ life that Dynamite would get revenge, but Vince stepped in and the Bulldogs quit after Survivor Series.


8) Davey Boy won the IC title from Bret Hart at SummerSlam ’92 at Wembley Stadium in one of the WWF’s most famous matches ever.


9) At Beach Blast ’93, Davey Boy teamed up with Sting to take on Vader and Sid Vicious.  That was when Vader started doing the moonsault, which was crazy considering his size.


10) After the Montreal screwjob, several eye witness reports said Davey Boy had to break up the Bret Hart/Vince McMahon altercation backstage.  In the process, he re-injured his knee.  At least that’s what his lawyer told WWF at the time.


This week’s questions:


  1. Vince McMahon Jr worked for his father, Vince Sr, for years. He took over the WWF in 1982, with the eventual idea of going national and destroying the dozens of territories in the US at the time. Vince Sr was in his late 60s when he sold his stock to Vince Jr, and in 1984 he died from what?


  1. a) Heart failure
  2. b) Car accident
  3. c) Cancer
  4. d) Stroke


  1. The wrestling world was never the same when Ted Turner purchased the NWA just before Starrcade ’88. What former Pizza Hut executive was put in charge to run the company, much to the dismay of wrestling fans and the wrestlers themselves?


  1. a) Jim Herd
  2. b) Jerry Jarrett
  3. c) Bill Watts
  4. d) Verne Gagne
  5. e) Fritz Von Erich


  1. Dusty Rhodes returned to WCW after his WWF run, getting his old booking job back in 1991. WCW was a failure in 1990 and 1991, leading to panic when a total outside newbie named Kip Frye was brought in to run the company in January of 1992. He only lasted a matter of weeks before Bill Watts was brought in to replace him.  What was one of Kip Frye’s big moves during his short stint with the company?


  1. a) He banned all moves from the top rope.
  2. b) He negotiated for Ric Flair to return to the company.
  3. c) He started the WCW Power Plant.
  4. d) He signed Jesse Ventura to a big-money contract to be WCW’s color commentator.


  1. After Bill Watts failed to turn WCW’s fortunes around, he was replaced in 1993. WCW always had a revolving door of executives running the company, but only one succeeded. After Watts, what brash, young WCW employee was shockingly put in charge of the company?


  1. a) Tony Schiavone
  2. b) Eric Bischoff
  3. c) Paul Heyman
  4. d) Jim Cornette
  5. e) Vince Russo


  1. 1999 was a record year for the WWF, but a disastrous year for WCW. TBS was forced to put someone new in charge yet again, and his name was Bill Busch. What was the major move Busch made in late 1999, which in hindsight he’d later regret?


  1. a) He cut Nitro from three hours to one hour.
  2. b) He fired Ric Flair.
  3. c) He fired Hulk Hogan.
  4. d) He brought in Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara to be WCW’s head writers.



There are three ways to send us your answers to the quiz:

1) Email them to

2) Find me on Facebook under the name “Pit WP” and send your answers to me there.

3) Find me on Twitter at ArmpitWP and send me a direct message with your answers.

4) Use the Contact form at

We will randomly generate a number to determine the winner.  For example, if the number is 25 and you’re the 25th person to contact us with correct answers, you win.  Winners receive a free copy of our brand new e-book, “The Armpit Wrestling Quiz Archives: Volume 1.”  It features 128 quizzes we’ve written over the years and clocks in at 420 pages and a whopping 1,079 questions on pro wrestling history dating back to the 1980s.  We’ll also announce your name here next week as the winner.

Answers will be posted next week.  Have fun and good luck.

The Armpit
Home of the backstage fights