Download OWW Radio pre-WrestleMania show

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OWW Radio #42 with hosts Alan Wojcik & Aaron Kendrick is now available to download.
Join Alan Wojcik and Aaron Kendrick as they run down the WrestleMania 26 card, the WWE Hall of Fame and discuss Dragon Gate USA’s big weekend with announcer Lenny Leonard!
Thanks go out to Wrestlicious for the free promotions. You are the best!
Alan discusses the ratings drop from RAW and RAW’s claim that it was caused by ABC’s Dancing with the Stars.
Alan runs down the previous weekend’s TNA PPV Destination X.
Alan questions TNA’s booking of the main event.
Alan questions if Hogan is wrestling at Lockdown or not.

We returned from break and discuss Ring of Honor hosting shows in the same city as WrestleMania for the last 5 years.
Alan brings up that Dragon Gate is not running in the same city and is attempting to snipe ROH fans.
Alan begins to run down this weekend’s DGUSA cards when Lenny Leonard joins us live.
Lenny explains the difference between DG and DGUSA titles.
Lenny and Alan discuss the card and title matches.
Lenny talks about Tommy Dreamer appearing for Dragon Gate USA for one night only, as well as other special attraction wrestlers appearing, such as LA Park.
Lenny and Alan praise John Moxley.
Lenny and Alan discuss calling the shows and difficulty with announcing names and moves.
Lenny, Alan and Aaron discuss the WWE preventing their wrestlers from seeing ROH and DGUSA shows during WrestleMania weekend and will it affect DGUSA or ROH’s crowd turnout.
Lenny and Alan discuss going to WrestleMania’s of the past.
Lenny mentions he has not watched ROH since his last show he called for them.
Lenny and Alan discuss current ticket sales and the upcoming events.
Lenny and Alan then discuss local sports and who Lenny would induct into the WWE Hall of Fame to close out the interview. (Go Yankees!)
Alan pays tribute to the late Mike “Baron Mikel” Scicluna.
Alan and Aaron discuss 2010’s WWE Hall of Fame inductees.
Alan and Aaron discuss who they think should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, including Randy Savage, Bruno Sammartino, Miss Elizabeth, etc.
Aaron briefly talks about Match of the Week.
Alan and Aaron compared the careers of wrestler’s development from last year’s WrestleMania to this year’s show.
OWW Radio returned with Alan, Aaron and producers Cory and Scott as they discuss the WWE Hall Of Fame, WrestleMania 26 and their predictions for the PPV.
Download OWW Radio Episode 42 and listen to our predictions for WrestleMania 26!
OWW Radio Production Team
Nick Anthony
Alan Wojcik
Cory Morrow
Scott NDX
Aaron Kendrick
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