TNA IMPACT 01 03 2008

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The following is news from Thursday’s “iMPACT!” broadcast on SpikeTV as TNA Wrestling counts down the hours until this Sunday’s “Final Resolution” Pay-Per-View event:

– TNA cameras were at AJ Styles’ home in Georgia to find out if he would side with either Kurt Angle or Christian Cage this Sunday night. In the end, AJ changed his mind several times – then told the world he would make his final decision when the time is right this Sunday during the Pay-Per-View. Meanwhile, Tomko announced he was his own man in TNA and he wouldn’t side with either Cage or Angle.

– Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash will be tag team partners this Sunday night as they will challenge AJ Styles and Tomko for the TNA World Tag Team Championship. Other bouts announced include Booker T and Sharmell taking on Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks, Kaz vs. Black Reign and The Latin American Xchange vs. Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave with Christy Hemme.

– The Motor City Machineguns won the Tag Team gauntlet, but they paid for it afterwards as Team 3D and Johnny Devine attempted to injure them before they can make it to Sunday’s Ultimate X bout.

– ODB won the Women’s Knockout gauntlet match, beating Roxxi Laveaux.

– Petey Williams won the X Division gauntlet by beating Senshi with the Canadian Destroyer.

– In the Heavyweight gauntlet, Christian Cage got the win over Samoa Joe. The bout also saw Angle and Cage brawl throughout and Nash and Joe putting their differences aside and shaking hands.