OWW Radio recap with Wrestlicious reviews and an interview with April Hunter!

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OWW Radio #41 hosted by Nick Anthony & Alan Wojcik is now available to download.

The opening plays and we are live!

This week we join hosts Nick Anthony, Alan Wojcik and correspondant Aaron Kendrick as OWW Radio discusses Womens Wrestling and TNA’s next PPV, Destination X.

Nick goes right into the Candy Kisses (Lizzy Valentine) defending Wrestlicious’ recent negative reviews.
Alan notes Candy Kisses (Lizzy Valentine) said in an interview that Wrestlicious is a television show, not a wrestling program. It is an “action comedy,” “It is not a serious wrestling show,” and that serious fans need to “chill out.”
Nick and Alan agree with each other and said the program was bad, a slap to the face of women’s wrestling.
Alan recalls GLOW being a less serious wrestling program but still focused on wrestling.
Nick brings up Womens Wrestling has a bad reputation as not being up to par, and this program only makes it worse.
Nick says Jimmy Hart has reduced himself to a fool.
Nick asks Wrestlelicious why they didn’t offer the best they had in that first show in an attempt to gain fans?
Nick plugs Jay Vargas being on the show later tonight.
Nick recalls the history of Womens Wrestling popularity going up and down over the years.
Nick feels Wrestlicious will take away what little respect they have.


The OWW Radio crew discusses their favorite womens wrestlers.
Alan wishes Trish didn’t retire when she did.
Nick feels TNA’s Knockout Division is less than what it was with the loss of Kim, Alissa, Roxxi and Kong.
Nick and Alan feel the Knockout Division is being phased out like the X-Division.
Alan says he’s leaning more toward WWE Divas because of Maryse and her evolution as a character.

Best womens wrestler ever:

After some prodding from Nick, Alan chose Trish Stratus.
After some more prodding from Nick, Aaron picked MsChif and Sara Del Ray.
Nick chose the Fabulous Moolah.


Nick recalls the infamous “Original Screwjob” where Wendi Richter’s Womens Championship was stolen from her by the Fabulous Moolah at MSG.
An audio clip of the event is played.


Alan discusses NWA Hall of Famer Francois Miquet (Corsica Joe) passing away on March 14 at the age on 90.
Nick and Alan hype TNA’s Destination X while waiting got April Hunter to call in and choose who they think will win.

April Hunter joins us live in a great interview!

April discusses working with WSU, their Hall of Fame ceremony, and teaming with Traci Brooks again. April praises the show, having been disappointed in the past by womens promotions.
April jokes about sharing the restrooms with the fans.
April discusses possibly working with Wrestlicious after Nick and Alan bring it up. Apris has yet to see the product.
April discusses being trained by Killer Kowalski and taking wrestling seriously. She talked about how Kowalski told her to be versitile in the ring so she will always have a job since options are limited.
April discusses her injuries and returning to the ring after them and why.
April discusses working with Sabu and others for American Rampage Wrestling in Europe.
April discusses whos he looks up to, including Sara Del Rey, Sumie Sakai and Jacqueline.
April discusses TNA hiring everyone but her for their Knockouts Division when TNA were first developing it.
April discusses how many womens wrestlers aren’t going out there and taking their training seriously.
April discusses being a former nWo girl.
April discusses doing all the work for her own website. Says she’s a nerd.
April discusses the Oscars, Summer movie season and her career in movies.
April discusses her website and agrees to model an OWW Radio t-shirt (featuring the art of OWW Radio producer Scott).


Alan and Aaron discuss the ratings dip by TNA and raise by RAW.
Alan and Aaron discuss the WrestleMania Rewind matches on RAW.
Alan continues to run down the Destination X card.
Alan and Aaron discuss if this shows makes you want to buy the PPV or wait for WrestleMania the week later.


Alan talks Stu Hart and Gorgeous George going in the WWE Hall of Fame.
The team discuss the lack of a tag team being unducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year.
The team discuss the price of the WrestleMania PPV.
Nick ambushes Alan about comments he made on an affiliate show Wrestle Talk Radio (very funny stuff here).

Johnny Cafarella, Executive VP of Wrestlicious joins us LIVE to defend his product against and onslaught of wrestling fans in a must listen interview!
Johnny explains there are issues getting in contact with Jay Vargas, so he will conduct the interview for him.
Nick and Alan talk about Wrestlicious with Johnny and ask how he can defend a product that is a “slap in the face of Womens Wrestling?”
Johnny repeatedly defends the product as an action comedy and not a wrestling show.
Johnny agreed that their first match wasn’t the best way to start and would have changed that if he could.
Johnny makes sure to let us know Wrestlicious is NOT A WRESTLING SHOW, it is an action comedy that uses wrestling as a vehicle.
Johnny admits that serious wrestling fans will not like Wrestlicious.
Johnny continually compares Wrestlicious to GLOW, who Johnny also developed.
Johnny feels a non wrestling audience will follow Wrestlicious and that is their core market.
Wrestle Talk Radio host Mase calls in and tells them that they can’t call their product a non wrestling show when there is Wrestle in the title.
Mase confronts Johnny on why they don’t focus on wrestling and offer a product different than TNA or WWE.
An Australian caller tells Johnny to drop the neon pink ring ropes, and Johnny might do so. They both feel they are distracting.
So much more is discussed in this must hear interview!

Special thanks to Wrestlicious co-executive producer Johnny Cafarella for standing his ground in this tense interview.
Learn more about April Hunter: http://www.aprilhunter.com/
Learn more about Wrestlicious: http://www.wrestlicious.com/

OWW Radio Production Team
Nick Anthony
Alan Wojcik
Cory Morrow
Scott NDX
Aaron Kendrick

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iTunes Podcast: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
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