NWS 2/5 Results From Union, NJ

Once, Twice, Three Times in a row, National Wrestling Superstars has turned crowds away from their events, the latest was last night’s show at the Union Knights of Columbus Hall where people choose to stand rather than leave to catch the hottest indy wrestling anywhere, National Wrestling Superstars

Match #1
Nick Talent made his NWS debut taking on the high flying Luchador Manual “Manny” Moore. These two battled in and out of the ring before Talent, with the help of a handful of tights, pulled off a victory.
Before the start of Match #2, Danny Demanto and Kevin Matthews made their way to the ring with a folder and ordered Commissioner Gino Moore to come to the ring. Danny showed the Commissioner that he had completed his paperwork and he was now an official referee in the State of New Jersey. He also reminded NWS officials that they told him once he had his license, he could referee at least once a month at an NWS event and tonight was his night because not only was he going to wrestle and defeat Hacksaw Jim Duggan but was going to referee the tag match between the Nigerian Nightmares and their hapless opponents.
Match #2
NWS Cruiserweight champion Joe Janela took on former champion J.D. Smooth. These two battled for 10 minutes before the time limite expired and Janela retained his title. Janela, incensed that he didn’t come away with the victory asked fans if they wanted 5 more minutes but Smooth told the fans that they don’t pay him enough for 5 more minutes and left
Match #3
Big Man Tag Team Match with Justin Blackwell and Mister Nick Gregory taking on Corey Havoc (filling in for a missing Bryan Harley) and Major Disaster. This battle was all over the building and it looked like the team of Disaster and Havoc would score the win, but somehow, Blackwell and Gregory scored the win to upset their opponents. The pair celebrated in the ring with a country ho-down dance.
Match #4
The Nighterian Nightmares took on Steve “Little Gipper” Gipke and Too Hot Steve Scott with their manager Anthony Scorase (who was scheduled to appear but suffered a concussion earlier in the week). With special referee Danny Demanto, the Nightmare’s opponents were at their mercy and Gipke, who was making his pro debut took a beating from both big men, the manager and even the referee before the match was over after nearly 10 minutes. But the beatings didn’t stop at Demanto made it 3 on 2 after the match before Scoreate ran to the back and brought out WWE Universe star Hacksaw Jim Duggan out for the save, who cleared the ring.
Match #5
After intermission, fans saw a battle between two of the top tag teams on the east coast with Team Commando taking on the Jock Mafia. These teams had fans on the edges of their seats and reminded fans what tag team wrestling was all about with high flying moves, team-work and a little cheating behind the referee’s back. After nearly 12 minutes, Oceans pinned D’Andrea of the Jock Mafia but fans pointed out to referee Jimmy Storm that he used a weapon. Storm searched Oceans and the weapon popped out of his arm pad and Storm revered the decision giving the win to the Jock Mafia
Match #6
The main event saw Hacksaw Jim Duggan with his manager from the Knights Robert Salvatore take on Danny Demanto. Demanto, who didn’t like the odds with the manager on the outside, brought out his own manager, from the Nigerian Nightmares Princess Sheeta who intimidated fans with her antics at ringside. Danny, who has come into his own of late gave Duggan more of a battle than he expected and at 3 points in the match, look like he was going to pin the legendary Duggan, but at the end, Hacksaw scored the win and the pin, sending the fans home happy
Next NWS Event is Saturday, February 6 at St. Matthews School Gym in Edison, NJ. For tickets and information call 732-888-1704