JR’s Latest Blog Covers Many Topics

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Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights:

The WWE Draft next week:

“The upcoming WWE Draft and band separation/talent redistribution is drawing near and, as I have predicted, this exercise, of which I am optimistic about, will be likely be heavily second guessed by many hard core pro wrestling fans just because it is seemingly many fan’s favorite pro wrestling experience these days.

“I jest, somewhat, but you get the point. WWE will likely be ‘damned if they do’ and ‘damned if they don’t’ regarding this major development that could potentially be one of the most dynamic developments in WWE in years. I think the brand separation jury will be out until Orlando in April and I’m patient enough to give it that long before I pull my my soap box and ‘judge’ it.”

Randy Orton’s appearance at Battleground:

“I can only assume that Randy Orton will be involved in some level of physicality at Battleground in the Jericho Highlight Reel but that’s merely speculation. Why bring The Viper back to only talk Lesnar and Summer Slam without giving the audience something memorable to take with them?”

His appearance this weekend for Imperial Wrestling Revolution:

“Check out www.imperialwrestlingrevolution.com for all the details on this week ends major pro wrestling doubleheader starting on Saturday night in Shawnee and concluding with the OklaMania event in OKC at the Cos Convention Center. Tickets start at only $20 and you can get tickets at the door the day of the shows are in advance at ticketmaster.com. Check out the OklaCon event that runs form 10 am until 5 pm Sunday that features Sting, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Jerry Lawler, Jim Duggan, Jim Cornette, Mickie James, The Rock ‘n Roll Express and many more including yours truly.”

Much more is contained in Ross’ latest blog, including his thoughts on Moose signing with TNA, Brock Lesnar’s UFC 200 win, WWE tweaking the authority positions, Darren Young winning the battle royal on RAW this past Monday night and much more. You can check out the full entry by clicking here.

Tickets for Jim Ross’ RINGSIDE with Jim Ross and Friends shows in Orlando during WrestleMania 33 weekend go on sale the Monday after SummerSlam at 10am ET at TicketFly.com. Also, don’t forget to order some of JR’s BBQ Sauce, which is great for the kitchen and the grill, at WWEShop.com by clicking here.