The Fish n’ Chips Boxing Club


For me, there’s no greater thrill than that of coaching boxing. As “Bulldog” Don Kent might’ve said, “I like the roughness, the toughness. I like the body contact.” When the combinations come together, and the blood and sweat starts to fly, that’s when you’ll find Fish n’ Chips at his peak of piss and vinegar.

When I first began my involvement in professional wrestling as a manager, I studied boxing both as a way to stay in shape, and as a manner of self defense while positioned at ringside. When a number of my pro wrestling compatriots began drifting towards mixed martial arts, they turned to me to assist them with their stand up game, knowing that I was well acquainted in the matter of fisticuffs. This led to my involvement in both boxing and mma as an instructor of pugilism for a number of years, until life, as it so often does, steered me towards diverging roads.

However, due to a chance meeting just prior to this year’s 51st Annual Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion, I am pleased to announce my full return to the sport of boxing, and the re-establishment of the Fish n’ Chips Boxing Club.

I had stopped by one of my favorite pubs after attending a local independent wrestling show. As I climbed into a taxi to head home, I heard someone behind me yell, “Coach! Hey coach!” I thought nothing of it until the voice became louder and closer. “Hey coach,” the voice repeated, “you still teaching boxing?” I turned to find a young man that I had met just a couple of weeks prior, with whom I had discussed my previous participation in prize fighting. I informed him that while I did not have any students at the time, I’m always on the lookout for people eager to learn the sweet science of bruising and the business of breaking bones.

We exchanged contact information, and expressed that I looked forward to working with him after I returned from Las Vegas and the Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion.

For the entirety of this year’s reunion, the excitement of the prospect of returning to coaching boxing remained at the forefront of my mind, and the focus of my energy. I began to formulate lesson plans, and to recall old training drills. I also witnessed with renewed interest how much drive and passion my fellow Cauliflower Alley Club members dedicate towards the art and sport of professional wrestling. I realized that I too poured myself as wholeheartedly into the sport of boxing. So much of this year’s reunion, for me, was focused on the subjects of training, dedication, and success that when I returned to Seattle, not only did I want to coach, coaching boxing was what I knew I had to do.

Since my arrival back in the Emerald City, my time has been consumed with nothing but lacing up the gloves and throwing leather. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

When I think of my passion for boxing, and the same enthusiasm shared by my professional wrestling brothers and sisters, and our commitment to the squared circle, I am reminded of the 1997 book by Bluford Adams entitled, “E Pluribus Barnum: The Great Showman and the Making of U.S. Popular Culture.” The title plays cleverly on the motto, “E Pluribus Unum,” “From The Many Comes One.” Adams suggests, through descriptions of Barnum’s diverse promotional interests that the showman endeavored to be a singular source for the amusements of the public. From the one comes the many. Fitting then that those of us who are members of the Cauliflower Alley Club, and who participate in the squared circle (be it boxing, professional wrestling, or mma), may trace our lineage back to the days of Barnum and the AT, or Athletic Show. From one Ring of Friendship reside the masses.

If you live in, or are planning to be in the greater Seattle area, and are interested in boxing, would like to improve your stand up game for mma, or would like to add another dimension to your professional wrestling move set, please contact me at:

— Seth D. Witz a.k.a Fish n’ Chips Wilson