NYWC presents “Tour de Circus” on 12/15

Mikey WhipwreckNew York Wrestling Connection
Saturday December 15th, 2007
Deer Park Community Center
41 Homer Avenue
Deer Park, New York

Doors Open: 6:00PM Bell Time:7:00PM
Tickets are priced as follows and are available on NYWCwrestling.com or at the door on the night of the event:
Advance Tickets: $12
General Admission (at the door): $15
For additional information, please call (631) 667-NYWC(6992)


The Following qualifying matches have been announced for the 2008 Psycho Circus:

NYWC Interstate Championship
Mikey Whipwreck vs Papadon(c)


NYWC Hi-Society Championship
Bruno Marciano vs “Yours Truly” Alex Reynolds(c)


NYWC Tag Team Championship
“Foreign Legion” Prince Nana and Mega vs Maverick and Plazma(c)


Fans Bring the Weapons Match
The Angus Brothers vs Dead Presidents


The winners of the matches listed above will advance to the 2008 Psycho Circus to be held in February.


More matches to be added shortly. Please check our new website at www.nywcwrestling.com for further matches and info and the new feature “Talk Dirty to Me” hosted by Dirty Moore of the Dirty Rednex.


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